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Just an average girl She always wore a smile She was cheerful and happy for a short while Now she's older, things are getting colder Life's not what she though, she wishes someone had told her her last word, by courtney parker

Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - Naito
Posts: 20
When your parents wont accept and your to young to fight back Nov 06 2014, 06:34 PM
I tried to get the look i even went as far as to stay a summer at my friends and grow it out they cut it in my sleep then recently they went in my room and found my songs that i write and they got pissed and "told" me i wasn't emo i only liked the music and that i was only a "rocker" any suggestions i don't feel comfortable as a person with them oppressing me


Posts: 198
Nov 07 2014, 04:07 AM
No one has the right to cut your hair while you're sleeping - not even your parents! It's your body, your choice what to do with it. I don't know which country is yours, but in mine you could contact the youth welfare office for that. First thing I would do: talk to them. But really calm and reasonable so that everyone can utter pros and cons. No conversation with too many emotions where no one even wants to listen to the other. Discuss the case rationally! Therefore, think of arguments to defend your position. If this is not possible, at least lock your door at night and lock all your stuff away so that they cannot take it from you or destroy it. Do you have emo friends? So they have parents who accept their children's attitude? Let those parents talk to yours and explain them why they let their children live like they want to. These are my suggestions at this point.
Posts: 18
Sep 07 2015, 02:54 PM
Woah ! This is horrible !
Emo Pictures - hiding_in_the_dark
Posts: 313
Sep 11 2015, 01:28 AM
My mom make sure to tell me everyday that i'm the reason life is horrible even when things are her fault. My mom cuts my hair so when I tell her what I want she always cuts it wrong "by accident" then shoves the whole "now everyone can see your eyes" bull crap in my face. As i've heard many times, wait till you're 18 then you can do what you want

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