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ya i got alot to say to you ya i got alot to say i notest your eyes are always glued to me keeping them here and it makes no sense at all they taped over your mouth scribled out yhe truth with there lies you little spies crush crush crush, by Paramore

Emo Song Lyrics - Dodie Clark (Add More Emo Lyrics)

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  • "There are some who don't even need to try, born with a warm heart, a twinkle in their eye. Glitter in their words, perfume in their breath, souls of sunshine and lilac pastel skies. You will find no such shimmering in here."
    Social Dance, by Dodie Clark
  • "Are you walking on eggshells? Has push come to shove? Are you full of belonging, but not full of love?"
    Pas De Deux, by Dodie Clark

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