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Its like an avalanche, I feel myself go under cause the weight of its like hands around my neck. I never stood a chance, my heart is frozen over and I feel like I am treading on thin ice, and im going under. Avalance, by Bring Me The Horizon

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Posts: 2742
Help with cutting Jun 06 2008, 09:31 AM
Hey i know this might be a topic close and personal with alot of people but i need help. i used to cut a while ago and i hurt alot of people when i told them and i dont want to do it again. Now i havnt cut for quite a while. But while im not cutting im just getting really stressed and because i dont want to cut it just bbuilds up. Does anyone know any good substitutes for cutting. because ive been on websites and they just come up with draw on your arm or talk to someone about it, and althothey help it just seems to put it off till the next time i get stressed and it feels worse. im just stuck at the moment because the only way i can releave it fully feels like to cut or take a chunk of flesh out of me :S i hope it can help others aswell Okay well I havnt cut for a while, I did a while ago and hurt loads of people but I havnt done it since. I dont think i need any more help but ill leave the topic open for other people.


Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Jun 06 2008, 01:47 PM
I'm sure people more in the know will help. May sound silly but go for a walk or run if you can. I was going to say hit something, but I have broken a number of things I regret after when I have been stressed. For example my laptop keyboard!
Posts: 2742
Jun 06 2008, 02:02 PM
yea i might try that actuarly :) thanks haha yea i punch things and break things to :S i hit the tower of my computer and punched three pannels into the inside :S ive thrown something at my old screen and broke the screen. but ill try running thanks :)
Posts: 2574
Jun 06 2008, 02:13 PM
something Nathan told me about. Write "love" on your wrist. It might sound silly, but it helped me
Posts: 2574
Jun 06 2008, 02:14 PM
not just when you feel like cutting, mind. write it everyday. it might or might not help you, idk x
Emo Pictures - Tantra_B
Posts: 3019
Jun 07 2008, 12:43 PM
You never know, til you try. :]
Jun 07 2008, 02:30 PM
Usually when i get angry i have a nice Cry.. But usually that leads to cutting So i just mostly write a poem or hang out with my diary :P It helps to do things you can focus on and just forget whats around you
Jun 07 2008, 02:38 PM
HeHe. Once I Was so Angry and Pissed A Little Depressed I was trying to call my friend because i thought maybe she would cheer me up but she wouldnt pick up her phone.. so i called everyone i thought would care and Get this.... NO ONE ANSWERED MY CALLS! I was so Angry i took my phone and threw it across the room putting a dent in my wall :S I Regreted that .. Lol x
Posts: 2742
Jun 07 2008, 03:13 PM
well i got stressed and angry today so i went for a long walk :) and i did actuarly help quite abit, so hopefully it will next time. appart from the fact my mum thought i was going out to smoke and do drugs :S when im in college ill write on my wrist :) well i cry abit sometimes but yea makes me more upset. and i suck at writing lol so poetry is out along with a diary :( but thx anyway i would do it if i could. it is funny how when u seem to need people the most, there is never anyone around. :S
Posts: 100
Jun 07 2008, 06:48 PM
Writing love on my arms always helped me. (: It's why I'm having it tattooed there.. Although that's also partially as a tribute to my idol Jamie Tworkowski who started 'To Write Love On Her Arms'. Anyone suffering with severe depression should definitely check it out. www.twloha.com/index.php Read the story while you're on there. It saved my life. x
Jun 08 2008, 11:46 AM
im sick, of self harm being seen as a cool emo thing, its like people want to cause problems for themselves. and yeah that isnt always the case and people are drawn to 'emo' for different reasons,but usually when people 'cut' its just forms of attention seeking,most likely 9/10 people i know who cut(atleast) are just trying to be part of this particular stereotype,while quoting phrases like'OMGSZ LABELS AR 4 SOUP CANS!!!!' and 'I HATE PEOPLE WHO ARE SOMETHING THEY ARENT!!!' hypocrites the lot of you :) different people get different things out of cutting and self harm.in my opinion,its your body,do what you like with it,just remember that cutting leaves scars.scars you will still have in 10 twenty years.friends you dont even know now will ask why you have big gashes down your arms! your kids! how awkward right.it will effect your future,its alot to risk for a stupid little teeny trend. this is aimed towards one kind of 'cutter' only. the type that dont actually need help,just a life.
Emo Pictures - Tantra_B
Posts: 3019
Jun 08 2008, 03:17 PM
What you're saying is true in some cases Becca but have you considered the fact that you posted something like that when it's obvious Matt (shepardosdemon) is looking for some advice not criticism? Don't judge a book by it's cover sweetheart.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Jun 08 2008, 04:07 PM
Glad to hear the walk helped Matt and a random walk when you live at home will probably confuse your parents I guess :D
Emo Pictures - Tantra_B
Posts: 3019
Jun 08 2008, 04:12 PM
Reminds me of what this guy's parents thought of me once... but I will not go into it and throw the forum off topic :P I'm good, see :)
Jun 09 2008, 08:56 AM
AAKKKKK AM EATINNN CHUU but tbh,you cant really tell anything of the internets! you never really know what people are thinking when you dont know them in real life,and maybe critism is a good thing in some cases! like non-critism(sympathy) just makes it more likely for people to do it again :\ tough love and taht :D akkkk patronizing tone
Jun 09 2008, 09:26 AM
Well i think some people can find it addictive. Maybe they're mostly angry and blame themselves because of something, and you cant say that most people do it for a teen trend because i think it seriously isnt, most likely people that feel they "want to be emo" do it and brag about it but otherwise i think cutting is a pretty serious thing and most people need help for it. Ie: You in your room crying your eyes out.. because of something stupid eg. (ou feel that your useless and you can never do anything right..)you would maybe blame yourself. You have no one to talk to and let it all out because you feel no one will understand the pain your going through.. Leading you to taking it out on yourself.. I Know that seems a little Stupid (maybe alot) But I Think its not a "trend" since it looks ugly anyway.. Lol This is my point :) Even if its "wrong" Be nice x
Posts: 2742
Jun 09 2008, 03:32 PM
haha yea the walk was very suspisious and my mum thought i was doing drugs because her brother used to always say he was going for a walk but do drugs :S but im not so its ok. Omg becca u think i wana fit into the emo "trend" because i was cutting. well like tantra said its not like im saying hey look at me im only cutting coz its cool, im saying i want out i dont want to cut its not cool but it was a way of dealing with my problems, but it cant go on. Anyway y are u taking it out on me because you think your friends are hypacrites ( how ever you spell it) and if i was looking for attension y would i look to the internet because people here can help but i cant get them to pay attension to me and there not here in reall life. if i wanted attension i would of told my friends so they can be there in really life. i think ill go for a walk now, cool down abit :P Darka i think you have a good point because honestly im addicted to it which is another reason why i need to stop and find other options, now i havnt done it alot but even if i got no problem or im feeling fine the urge is still there, even tho i will resist it. e.g. now i want to pick up a knife and do it just because i like the feeling, but its not trying to be cool other wise i would tell people that im cool im emo, yes im proud of being emo and i wont hide it but i dont talk to people bout it openly. and u could say well im talking now, so i am getting attension but at the end of the day what would it achive lol no one can truly stop me here but i would like there help in stopping. finaly this thread isnt only about me i think it could help alot of people iif they have the same or similar problems :S thank you everyone x
Jun 10 2008, 08:26 AM
No Problem :) X x X
Emo Pictures - Tantra_B
Posts: 3019
Jun 11 2008, 08:57 AM
"well like tantra said its not like im saying hey look at me im only cutting coz its cool, im saying i want out i dont want to cut its not cool but it was a way of dealing with my problems, but it cant go on." Not to gang up on you Becca but Baby Matt is speaking sense, is there anything here that suggests that he's proud and think it's 'cool' to cut? I, myself know a VERY bad attention seeker girl who does it because she thinks that it's the trends but I don't go around judging everyone at the first sign. If Baby Matt said something like, "yes I cut, I'm emo" then I would say he's just doing it to get attention. But I think he's genuine. So yeah, hopefully you'll take all this into account. Not just my comments but everyone else's as well, and hopefully you'll re-evaluate your views :)
Emo Pictures - Tantra_B
Posts: 3019
Jun 11 2008, 09:00 AM
Oh and Baby Matt (hope you don't mind me calling you that :P) I'm glad you're doing more positively. I think I could do with a walk, it's just the fact of passing Chavs that I don't like. The whole 'take a walk to calm down' etc will backfire if I get shit from them but ah well.
Jun 11 2008, 09:15 AM
I Hate Chavz... Their annoying and harass because they have nothing better to do .. they basically crowd the streets... Standing there, Starring at everyone coming by. E.g The My Local Bus Station... Its Like "The Mother Ship" They're all there ..waiting... watching, FOR WAT ?!?

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