Emo Scene Community

1000's of emo guys & girls!

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'Should I use my heart or my head? I wish that I could just turn back the time and start over again.' Low, by Sleeping With Sirens

Help Guide

This page details the functionality of www.soEmo.co.uk and should answer the majority of your questions regarding the site.

If you cannot find an answer here please email info@soemo.co.uk


You cannot change your username once you have registered. If this is an issue please email info@soemo.co.uk

Required details to register are:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Email Address
  • First Name
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Country
  • Town/State/Region

Last name & postcode are optional. Only the first part of your UK postcode is required and solely used for finding local users in the Browse/Search Users section. Your postcode is never shown. If you do not have a UK postcode please ignore this.

You will be notified of any missing or invalid required details before preceding with registration.

A valid email account you have access to is required to complete the process and use your account.

Please click the validation link in the email sent upon registration. If you cannot click this link copy and paste the full Web address.
If will be in the form: https://www.soemo.co.uk/registration_activate.php?token=e012b5abe66e698809281e11039ebe0e

If you do not validate your account and complete your registration within 3 months you will have to re-register as your details will be removed.

www.soEmo.co.uk has quite a large proportion of UK members as it's developed in the UK, but you certainly DO NOT have to be from the UK to join!

We welcome anyone with an interest in the alternative scene. You do not have to be 'emo'.

Logging In

Login using your email (not username) & password.

If you have forgotten your password click "Forgot Password?" and enter your email address.

Your will receive an email with a link to reset your password.

My Account


New notifications since your last login (and new notifications whilst logged in) are shown here in separate sections:
profile comments, pic comments, private messages, journal comments, friends journal updates, friend requests & subscribed forum topic updates.

Notifications are incremented and shown in the user navigation bar on the top of every page. E.g My Account (22)

For details see: www.soemo.co.uk/forums/topic.php?id=2801687

Please logout once you have finished using the site and your notifications will be reset properly.

View Profile

Pretty self explanatory this one :D

Remember, the World Wide Web is available to everyone, and your profile is public, so everyone can see everything you post about yourself and your friends excluding certain areas such as journals that have privacy settings.

Information you post will reflect the kind of person you are, and it will influence what others think of you. What is your content saying about you?

Edit Profile

You can edit your basic information here: Name, geneder, orientation, relationship status, date of birth, country, town/state/region, social media links (Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc)

You can also add extended content (with certain styling allowed in the text editors) for About Me, Favourite Music, Favourite Films / TV / Books, Education / Occupation, Who I'd Like To Meet

Summernote is used for the text editors.


Emo Pictures

View, Add & Delete your pictures...

Acceptable image formats include: JPG/JPEG, GIF & PNG.

The upload file size limit is set at 4 MB.

You can upload up to 20 images at a time (this may be increased in the future).

You are allowed a maximum of 500 pictures (this may be increased in the future).

Pictures are resized on upload and "www.soEmo.co.uk" is added in the bottom right of your picture to aid promotion of the site. See image above.

If your pictures are tiny (< 120 pixels wide) the www.soEmo.co.uk tag will not be added, but try and avoid posting tiny pictures people can hardly see!

Please remember to set a profile pic, which can be done by clicking the "Set as Profile Pic" link under the pictures.

You can also view, add, edit and delete pic comments by clicking on the picture (a popup will open).

Image too large? Needs editing? No software? No worries. Do it all online for free & no registration required at: PIXLR

Any problems email info@soemo.co.uk including your pic & any error messages.

Pics & Vids Rules

Photos and videos may not contain nudity, violent or offensive material, or copyrighted content. If you violate these terms, the media will be removed and in some cases your account may be deleted.

It's also advised that photos and videos shouldn't be sexually provocative so as not to attract unwanted attention from adults who may wish to exploit children and young people.

If you are posting photos containing others (e.g. friends, relatives) you should seek their permission first.


View/delete all your friends in this section.

Also accept/delete friend requests at the top of the page.

Send your own friend requests by clicking "Add Friend" at the top of their profile. They will be sent a notification about your friend request.


View, delete & reply to your comments. All these options are also available when viewing your profile. You can also edit comments left to others.


Messages are grouped into conversations. Click on "View Messages" for each user you have had messages from to view/delete your conversations.

Send messages to new users by clicking "Message" at the top of their profile.

Forum Posts

View, edit and delete your forum topics and posts. These options are also available directly in the forum.


View, add, edit and delete journal entries. The visibility can be restricted on your journal entries:

  • Public - everyone can view the journal entry even non-members
  • Friends only - only friends you have added can view the journal entry
  • Private - nobody besides you can view the journal entry

If a user is logged in and has access they can comment on your journal. You can delete these comments if required. The user commenting can edit and delete their comments. Also it's possible to comment on your own journal.

Blocked Users

View all your blocked users and unblock them if required. You can block/unblock users using the button at the top of their profile.

Blocking a users means they cannot send you a private message, comment your profile, pics or vids.


In this section you are change your email address and password.

Please note if you change your password for security reasons you also have to enter your current password and you will need to login again after

You can also manage your email notifications when you have a new message, comment, friend request...

Finally you can delete your account at the bottom of this section. Please note your account is generally non-recoverable once deleted and a page indicating your account has been deleted is shown in place of your profile.

Please email info@soemo.co.uk if you have any issues as your account might be recoverable via a backup under extreme circumstances.

If you want to delete your account, but do not know your login details please get in contact. You may be asked to provide a "proof" picture if you can't remember any of the details asked.

A user navigation bar is positioned at the top of most pages so you have easy access to all the above account sections/options.

Browse/Search Users

Browse members based on their gender, age & location, relationship status.

Option to only show users with a profile pic.

Sort results by users last login or by newest members (default)

Can also enter a UK postcode & specify a distance to find users within a certain radius. Their distance from your postcode is shown in the search results.

Emo Pictures

How are the emo scene girls and guys pictures are selected? Please read here: www.soemo.co.uk/forums/topic.php?id=2801524

You can click on the username underneath the picture to go to the users profile or if you click on the picture a popup is shown where you can view a larger image and comments.

Site Models

To become an emo scene site model for www.soEmo.co.uk please read the details on: www.soemo.co.uk/emo-scene-models.php

Emo Forums

This is a custom made forum (not using PHPBB, VBulletin, etc) but should be familiar and easy to use.

Guests can view and search the forums while registered users can also add topics and posts. These can also be edited however please do not alter the general theme of the topic if there are already relevant replies.

Posts can be deleted, but topics cannot. Please see www.soemo.co.uk/forums/topic.php?id=2800847

Signatures are not implemented at present. Please see www.soemo.co.uk/forums/topic.php?id=2800925

You can see other members posts by clicking their post count under their profile picture.

Please make use of the Forum Search and avoid posting duplicate topics.

Emo Chat

This is a basic chat facility with a public chat room as well as private and group chat.

For registered members only.

Users currently chatting are listed in the right column. Click the username for a link to their full profile.

Sound notifications are enabled. To disable these click the speaker button above the smilies.

The chat rooms are moderated. If you would like to apply to become a moderator please email info@soemo.co.uk stating why you'd be a good moderator. You need to have been a member for at least 3 months and be 16+ to apply.

Discuss the chat feature here: www.soemo.co.uk/forums/topic.php?id=2801815

What Is Emo

5 sections are covered including an introduction to the emo scene, emo music, emo fashion, emo lifestyle and scene kids.

The content has been written by soEmo.co.uk and any references are stated at the bottom.

Everyone is able to comment on these articles.

Emo Bands & Lyrics

Anyone can add emo lyrics and emo bands.

Please try to include a Web address for bands you add so others people can easily check them out.

Lyrics are limited to 255 characters so just include your favourite snippets and not the full song.

The bands can be rated 1-10 with 10 being the highest rating.

The top emo bands and random emo lyrics are shown in the left column of the site template (or below the main content on mobile devices).

Bands or lyrics soEmo.co.uk considers to be totally unrelated to the emo scene will be removed.

Other Notable Items

Site Search

Search the whole site using the box in the left column. This is powered by Google.

Featured Members

These are shown on the homepage and at the bottom of most other pages. They are personally chosen by soEmo.co.uk admin.

Who is Online?

An icon is displayed under the users pic wherever it appears so it's easy to see who is currently online.

Number of Users?

We currently have 44143 registered users.

Online Safety & Reporting

Here are a few guidelines to help keep you safe whilst using the soEmo.co.uk community.

  • The website is publicly accessible from all over the world so please do not post anything you wouldn't want everyone else to know, such as your phone number, address or any other personally identifiable material.
  • People aren't always who they say they are. If you must meet up with someone in real life who you have met over the Internet then do it in a public place, during daylight and take a friend or trusted adult along with you. Make sure someone you trust knows where you're going and if possible what time you will be expected back.
  • You can always block or report users you feel are breaking the Terms & Conditions. by clicking the relevant link on their profile under their profile pic.
    When a user is reported, our team carefully investigates their account for suspicious activity. All reports are strictly confidential.
  • Do not give out your password to anyone. Administrators will not ask you for your password. If anyone does ask for your password please report them to the soEmo.co.uk right away.
  • External Help
    • If someone else's behaviour online makes you feel that you or someone else is in immediate danger, you should act urgently and contact the police.
    • There are now also a number of official places to report potential illegal behaviour online, particularly if someone approaches you in a sexual way:
    • If someone makes you feel uncomfortable or if you are unsure about anything, talk to an adult you trust, such as a relative or teacher. If you would prefer to talk to someone in confidence you can contact one of the following:
      • Childline (Call: 0800 1111 - UK only, Online: www.childline.org.uk)
        ChildLine is a free helpline for children and young people. You can contact ChildLine about anything. No problem is too big or too small. Whatever your worry, it's better out than in.
        ChildLine is a private and confidential service. Confidential means not telling anyone else what you've said. This means that whatever you say stays between you and ChildLine besides in immediate and serious cases.
        The number won't appear on your phone bill.
      • International Association for Suicide Prevention
      • S.A.F.E. Alternatives for Stopping Self Abuse - 1-800-DONT-CUT (366-8288) (United States)
      • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-TALK (8255) (United States)
      • BullyingUK if someone is bullying you
      • Samaritans if you are feeling desperate or sad
      • B-eat for eating disorder advice
      • Report-it to report incidents of homophobic, race, religion and disability hate
      • BetterHelp - articles & advice about mental health

Can I View the Site on my Mobile Phone?

Yes as of 2021 the site is finally responsive and will display fine on mobile devices.

Site Running Slow or Timing Out?

soEmo.co.uk was originally hosted by Lunarpages in 2008, moved on to a dedicated server with GoDaddy in Feb 2011 and since July 2015 has been hosted with OVH.
If you have any issues with the site loading please comment in the following topic: www.soemo.co.uk/forums/topic.php?id=2800094

Times on soEmo.co.uk

All times excluding on chat are your local times. The server time is GMT - 8 Hours

Can I Help Out?

Sure please email info@soemo.co.uk

Help required: promotion (including creating banners, posting links, Facebook, etc), forum moderators, chat moderators, general moderators...

soEmo.co.uk Elsewhere

We are also on Myspace, Twitter, Facebook & YouTube

Please join and spread the word :]

soEmo.co.uk can also be accessed via: www.emoscene.co.uk, www.emopeople.co.uk & www.scenekids.co.uk

Sadly we don't have www.soemo.com (yet!)


Check out the Sitemap

Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy

Last revision 19.03.2021

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