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I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you Cause I'll forget but I'll never forgive you Don't you know, don't you know True friends stab you in the front? True Friends, by Bring Me The Horizon

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - EmoJesusBrideKid

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Vanessa Brown
27 / Female / Bridgeton New Jersey USA, United States
Straight / Married
Member since: May 11, 2020
Last online: Feb 15, 2025

About Me

Sup & God Bless

It's easier if you call me Nessa and hello to everyone here. 

I have been a born-again saved Christian since March 2023 and I am here to spread the truth about Jesus Christ and hopefully reach those who are alternative.

I dig piercings it's one of the cutest things I like and suits me as an emo myself, one of the most emo-ish aesthetics that suits an emotional person. 

I am pretty alternative and I tend to switch back and forth with styles.

I am a very big emo because I am deeply emotional with emotional issues but I have a passion for Jesus Christ and want to share my testimony about Him with you. 

I like talking to people the best I can because I've always been shy also awkward and weird my whole life and I have a lot of problems, especially with my emotions more of like disorder.

There ain't a whole lot I like to do besides mainly what I do now is study the Bible, watch YouTube, listen to music, watch TV, make kandi jewelry, learn stuff, and do other things for entertainment.

I spend time with my husband, go to church, and go for walks.

My hobbies and talents are drawing, photography, writing, and coloring.

There are some activities I like to do that I don't do that much or have stopped doing because of my feelings changing with it or just time-related.

I love to laugh especially and just have deep talks with people if I can especially about Jesus now but just general discussions for encouragement with others I love to do this to show I love you. 

I am usually pretty quiet until something gets me to be more vocal and I express myself through writing the best to show my emotions and thoughts more in-depth.

I like just about anything Godly because I love Jesus and other typical things such as food or clothes and I just am a simple plain person as a child of God and unless something requires a lot of detail and hard work to do, I tend to just be laid back with things but I like to make a lot of effort and have that integrity and skill the best I can with things. 

I am slow with certain things in how I learn and process and how I communicate due to emotional complications sometimes.

I am over-emotional with a small mix of anxiety and depression but not much anymore I am extremely sensitive and always have been but I am stronger now in Christ and I like to be creative and silly. 

I have good jokes too and sometimes bad ones...


Can find me at also:

My Tumblr

My SpaceHey

My HeyFreaks

My Facebook

My DeviantArt

Favourite Music


Pop, Rock, Country, SynthRap

Techno, EDM, &  8 Bit

Favourite Films / TV / Books




Christian, Family, Drama, ScifiRomance, Crime, Mystery, Romantic Comedy, Action, Thriller, Adventure

Education / Occupation

I graduated high school in 2017 and after some time I eventually got my very first job at
Adidas Group as a VAS manufacturing associate.
Where I currently live I've worked at Taylor Farms, and Forman Mills retail as a fitting room associate, and currently I am a springer/packer at Quality Ingenuity Services manufacturing.
I didn't start working until after I got out of school so I haven't had much work experience until then with only 4 jobs of work experience.

Who I'd Like To Meet

(WHO I WILL MEET IS Jesus Christ)

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Jan 03 2025, 12:17 AM

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Dec 15 2022, 08:16 PM

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Dec 15 2022, 08:12 PM

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Dec 15 2022, 08:09 PM

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Dec 15 2022, 08:05 PM

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Dec 15 2022, 08:02 PM

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Dec 15 2022, 07:55 PM

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Dec 15 2022, 07:52 PM

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Dec 15 2022, 07:31 PM

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Dec 15 2022, 07:28 PM

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Feb 15 2025, 05:55 PM

Contextual Biblical Reading Journal:

(Psalm 22:5)

"They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed."

The emphasis of God's love and faithfulness and how He responds to all who truly trust in Him because God is always active in responding in love He will not pass you by in whatever you need because He'll always hear you to save you, showing His omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience in being the Living God.

God can let no one down and you can never be ashamed of God when He has proven to be trustworthy because He's your Creator Father.

He's the only One who can free you and not yourself because He keeps you out of bondage in the Spirit whereas you keep yourself in the bondage of flesh and if you keep going back to what He saves you from of sin then you don't truly heed His saving you gotta love and obey Him to stay in the salvation He gives you.

Use prayer to Him to communicate with Him in whatever you need to talk to Him about, He's listening and answering that very moment even if the answer comes later and not then.

You gotta have patience with Him as He tends to your heart because this is how you endure things to build your faith in Him when waiting on the Lord to save you because He's got a lot of goodness to give you.

Feb 11 2025, 09:04 AM

Contextual Bible Reading Journal

(Psalm 1:4)

"Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away."

The difference between wicked lives that are damned and blessed lives that are saved.

The wicked are like chaff because their outside appearance is a facade of sin, they're not true to the lives they should be living in God doing wicked things being like an inedible outer covering of grains such as wheat, which they appear to be prospering without God.

Still, they're chaff that's gonna get blown away by the wind in the end everything will crumble for them for not coming to Jesus they aren't worthless.

Still, they act like it, this is the separating between righteous and unrighteous and symbolizes how God treats His Godly and the ungodly that's not His.

Ungodly's life will be unstable and unproductive in the spiritual but the blessed have fruitfulness and stability to be productive in the spiritual.

The blessed are like a tree because they're rooted in the Lord Creator's word to prosper in His truth for their lives according to God's purpose for them whereas the wicked disregard God's will for their lives by doing what they want stepping on their image in Him, the wicked follow the wicked counsel and resist God's word but for the blessed, their blessings in prosperity come like rivers of water in the due seasons with God's timing when they're in patience, faith, and trust in Him.

Feb 09 2025, 08:12 PM

Contextual Bible Reading Journal:

(Psalm 1:3)

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."

The image of a tree resembling God to show His blessings is life that comes in respecting His word and obeying it, metaphoric in delighting in His word and avoiding the ungodly's word.

This shows the fruit of the Holy Spirit of God when representing God truly as His child and His servant that comes from living for the Creator Lord God.

God is the water that keeps pouring to nourish your soul and spirit in Him because He is the constant living source to get all you need from Him because He has everything you need as His child and He is your Father.

Leaves of the tree resemble the strength you have when you take into regard and consideration God's word, you make it through hard circumstances with the temptation to sin by listening to Him and faithfully trusting in Him.

We get prosperity in enjoying wholeness, peace, and success that comes from loving God in relationship with Him when loving His word. 

Feb 09 2025, 07:49 PM

Contextual Biblical Reading Journal:

Psalm 1:1-2

"Blessed is the one... whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night."

This is the living way of how the Lord God is in how He created things and being thankful for that because it is the original order by His law that is how things were made to be avoiding the disorder that the wicked deny their Lord God Creator celebrate that's not of God's word and is against it.

This world isn't in its original state now, it's corrupted and sin-normalized, people don't know that because they don't know their God who made this world and them nor know their sins against Him due to ignorance but in the conscious and heart of all mankind man and woman God has placed His law in all of us. 

The blessing you get from this is that of how you meditate on God day and night daily that you will be secure at all times to choose the right way and stand firm outside of evil relationships that prevent you from following God's plans and purposes for your life that cause tension and stress, they're going to perish in hell with their father the devil while you prosper to Heaven because of God's righteousness that He makes you, you will be like your Holy Father.

God's word puts the sword between you and those people and things so you can be properly rooted in Jesus Christ for there will be distractions to get you to go against God from the devil and God may test you with your faith in trials in potential gullibility versus what God's word says, that's why God's word is the literal armor. 

Feb 03 2025, 09:37 AM

Contextual Biblical Reading Journal:

(Psalm 1:1)

"Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers."

It is a blessing when choosing to walk in the righteous path God sets for us that's the truth because it's His truth that's the truth to truly have happiness for our life according to His plans when we follow Him as we should as Our Creator God, by this you will avoid wicked influencing by those that are unrepentant wicked sinners that are mockers of the Lord and His word because they are godless in their values and beliefs because they deny God. 

It is important to meditate on God's word to know how to navigate to what's right and what's wrong because having and knowing God's word brings that life because He is the life you need, He made your life for you to live it right in Him and that is why He defines what's moral and immoral of life so that you get the fulfilling of your life's purpose by how you choose things in your life based on Godly conduct including God in all decisions staying in the way that's narrow to make the right ones in your calling from Him having eternal life through Him. 

Feb 03 2025, 09:16 AM

Contextual Bible Reading Journal:
(Psalm 29:2)

"Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness."

Calling you to worship God in awe and reverence acknowledging that He's holy in His majesty and glory as the Heavenly King, the King of Heaven, and because He is deserving of glory because He is ultimately worthy for His divine attributes in His character.

Worship God in ways that reflect His holiness in what you do to praise Him as your Creator God.

This is the hosts of Heaven, angels, and man to glorify God.

To truly worship since we are made to worship something and praise it is based on what is truly beautiful and holy, but it is someone and that is the Lord God Jesus Christ.

Jan 27 2025, 09:52 AM

Contextual Biblical Reading Journal

(2 Corinthians 12:9)

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."

It is by God's grace through our weaknesses His power shows uniquely because through them He blesses you and does miracles with them and that's why we don't have to feel ashamed of them, it's not a curse punishment or some form of bad luck.
God will guide you on how to use your weaknesses as you love Him making you who you're meant to be so you can see your purposes with them from Him in Him and they do turn out to be gifts used for His goodness and kingdom.
We can boast weaknesses because with them it's about glorifying who He is so we can look at Him and not the weakness for He is your strength through them. 
If God wanted to change you He would but He loves you deeply and passionately in your weaknesses still He wants you to change your identity in sin to His. 
You are made in your Creator God's image that you fell from in sin and you are not weak because you need God, you're weak because you're not made to be without Him and are a sinner in need of His saving.
You can come back to God in relationship with Him if you willingly repent of your sins, acknowledge He's Lord and Saviour, and accept His forgiveness through His shed blood cross death for eternal life with Him forever. 
Jan 25 2025, 02:16 PM

Contextual Biblical Reading Journal: (Romans 5:9-10)

"Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!"

How we are justified through faith in reconciliation to our Creator God through what He did with His life to the cross sacrifice.
So God came from Heaven in Jesus to shed His innocent blood and His suffering on His cross death is what justifies us to stand blameless and justified before God for Him taking on the death that came with our sins due to us being unable to pay for them ourselves being unrighteous imperfect guilty sinners.
Since God did this for us when we were His enemies rebelling against His image bearing He gave us with the sin we chose to do through Adam and Eve first and from there on, but we can trust God is not going to condemn us on the coming judgment day when He judges the world again when He was condemned for us as the perfect Godman fully man and fully God so that we're free for eternity in relationship with Him again from His mercy and forgiveness to be His child because He removed the opposition between man and God that man the devil had created in the beginning causing what would have been a permanent curse for eternity.

I pray if this is seen by anyone that it humbles you through God for you to thank Him and be saved!
May 12 2024, 10:51 PM

Let's talk about Jesus, anyone is free to join! 

I'd like to get people talking about Jesus and see where people are at with Jesus because eternal salvation is important for we will all have to die one day and everyone needs to know where they are going when they die.

I want to use this for the fellowship if there happen to be other believers but I am specifically reaching out to those who aren't Christians if you're willing to join this discussion I'd love to talk about Christ with you and you can share your experiences and feelings about Jesus just be respectful and civil.

Feb 15 2025, 05:55 PM

Contextual Biblical Reading Journal:

(Psalm 22:5)

"They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed."

The emphasis of God's love and faithfulness and how He responds to all who truly trust in Him because God is always active in responding in love He will not pass you by in whatever you need because He'll always hear you to save you, showing His omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience in being the Living God.

God can let no one down and you can never be ashamed of God when He has proven to be trustworthy because He's your Creator Father.

He's the only One who can free you and not yourself because He keeps you out of bondage in the Spirit whereas you keep yourself in the bondage of flesh and if you keep going back to what He saves you from of sin then you don't truly heed His saving you gotta love and obey Him to stay in the salvation He gives you.

Use prayer to Him to communicate with Him in whatever you need to talk to Him about, He's listening and answering that very moment even if the answer comes later and not then.

You gotta have patience with Him as He tends to your heart because this is how you endure things to build your faith in Him when waiting on the Lord to save you because He's got a lot of goodness to give you.

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Feb 11 2025, 09:04 AM

Contextual Bible Reading Journal

(Psalm 1:4)

"Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away."

The difference between wicked lives that are damned and blessed lives that are saved.

The wicked are like chaff because their outside appearance is a facade of sin, they're not true to the lives they should be living in God doing wicked things being like an inedible outer covering of grains such as wheat, which they appear to be prospering without God.

Still, they're chaff that's gonna get blown away by the wind in the end everything will crumble for them for not coming to Jesus they aren't worthless.

Still, they act like it, this is the separating between righteous and unrighteous and symbolizes how God treats His Godly and the ungodly that's not His.

Ungodly's life will be unstable and unproductive in the spiritual but the blessed have fruitfulness and stability to be productive in the spiritual.

The blessed are like a tree because they're rooted in the Lord Creator's word to prosper in His truth for their lives according to God's purpose for them whereas the wicked disregard God's will for their lives by doing what they want stepping on their image in Him, the wicked follow the wicked counsel and resist God's word but for the blessed, their blessings in prosperity come like rivers of water in the due seasons with God's timing when they're in patience, faith, and trust in Him.

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Feb 09 2025, 08:12 PM

Contextual Bible Reading Journal:

(Psalm 1:3)

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."

The image of a tree resembling God to show His blessings is life that comes in respecting His word and obeying it, metaphoric in delighting in His word and avoiding the ungodly's word.

This shows the fruit of the Holy Spirit of God when representing God truly as His child and His servant that comes from living for the Creator Lord God.

God is the water that keeps pouring to nourish your soul and spirit in Him because He is the constant living source to get all you need from Him because He has everything you need as His child and He is your Father.

Leaves of the tree resemble the strength you have when you take into regard and consideration God's word, you make it through hard circumstances with the temptation to sin by listening to Him and faithfully trusting in Him.

We get prosperity in enjoying wholeness, peace, and success that comes from loving God in relationship with Him when loving His word. 

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Feb 09 2025, 07:49 PM

Contextual Biblical Reading Journal:

Psalm 1:1-2

"Blessed is the one... whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night."

This is the living way of how the Lord God is in how He created things and being thankful for that because it is the original order by His law that is how things were made to be avoiding the disorder that the wicked deny their Lord God Creator celebrate that's not of God's word and is against it.

This world isn't in its original state now, it's corrupted and sin-normalized, people don't know that because they don't know their God who made this world and them nor know their sins against Him due to ignorance but in the conscious and heart of all mankind man and woman God has placed His law in all of us. 

The blessing you get from this is that of how you meditate on God day and night daily that you will be secure at all times to choose the right way and stand firm outside of evil relationships that prevent you from following God's plans and purposes for your life that cause tension and stress, they're going to perish in hell with their father the devil while you prosper to Heaven because of God's righteousness that He makes you, you will be like your Holy Father.

God's word puts the sword between you and those people and things so you can be properly rooted in Jesus Christ for there will be distractions to get you to go against God from the devil and God may test you with your faith in trials in potential gullibility versus what God's word says, that's why God's word is the literal armor. 

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Feb 03 2025, 09:37 AM

Contextual Biblical Reading Journal:

(Psalm 1:1)

"Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers."

It is a blessing when choosing to walk in the righteous path God sets for us that's the truth because it's His truth that's the truth to truly have happiness for our life according to His plans when we follow Him as we should as Our Creator God, by this you will avoid wicked influencing by those that are unrepentant wicked sinners that are mockers of the Lord and His word because they are godless in their values and beliefs because they deny God. 

It is important to meditate on God's word to know how to navigate to what's right and what's wrong because having and knowing God's word brings that life because He is the life you need, He made your life for you to live it right in Him and that is why He defines what's moral and immoral of life so that you get the fulfilling of your life's purpose by how you choose things in your life based on Godly conduct including God in all decisions staying in the way that's narrow to make the right ones in your calling from Him having eternal life through Him. 

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Feb 03 2025, 09:16 AM

Contextual Bible Reading Journal:
(Psalm 29:2)

"Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness."

Calling you to worship God in awe and reverence acknowledging that He's holy in His majesty and glory as the Heavenly King, the King of Heaven, and because He is deserving of glory because He is ultimately worthy for His divine attributes in His character.

Worship God in ways that reflect His holiness in what you do to praise Him as your Creator God.

This is the hosts of Heaven, angels, and man to glorify God.

To truly worship since we are made to worship something and praise it is based on what is truly beautiful and holy, but it is someone and that is the Lord God Jesus Christ.

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Jan 27 2025, 09:52 AM

Contextual Biblical Reading Journal

(2 Corinthians 12:9)

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."

It is by God's grace through our weaknesses His power shows uniquely because through them He blesses you and does miracles with them and that's why we don't have to feel ashamed of them, it's not a curse punishment or some form of bad luck.
God will guide you on how to use your weaknesses as you love Him making you who you're meant to be so you can see your purposes with them from Him in Him and they do turn out to be gifts used for His goodness and kingdom.
We can boast weaknesses because with them it's about glorifying who He is so we can look at Him and not the weakness for He is your strength through them. 
If God wanted to change you He would but He loves you deeply and passionately in your weaknesses still He wants you to change your identity in sin to His. 
You are made in your Creator God's image that you fell from in sin and you are not weak because you need God, you're weak because you're not made to be without Him and are a sinner in need of His saving.
You can come back to God in relationship with Him if you willingly repent of your sins, acknowledge He's Lord and Saviour, and accept His forgiveness through His shed blood cross death for eternal life with Him forever. 

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Jan 25 2025, 02:16 PM

Contextual Biblical Reading Journal: (Romans 5:9-10)

"Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!"

How we are justified through faith in reconciliation to our Creator God through what He did with His life to the cross sacrifice.
So God came from Heaven in Jesus to shed His innocent blood and His suffering on His cross death is what justifies us to stand blameless and justified before God for Him taking on the death that came with our sins due to us being unable to pay for them ourselves being unrighteous imperfect guilty sinners.
Since God did this for us when we were His enemies rebelling against His image bearing He gave us with the sin we chose to do through Adam and Eve first and from there on, but we can trust God is not going to condemn us on the coming judgment day when He judges the world again when He was condemned for us as the perfect Godman fully man and fully God so that we're free for eternity in relationship with Him again from His mercy and forgiveness to be His child because He removed the opposition between man and God that man the devil had created in the beginning causing what would have been a permanent curse for eternity.

I pray if this is seen by anyone that it humbles you through God for you to thank Him and be saved!

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May 12 2024, 10:51 PM

Let's talk about Jesus, anyone is free to join! 

I'd like to get people talking about Jesus and see where people are at with Jesus because eternal salvation is important for we will all have to die one day and everyone needs to know where they are going when they die.

I want to use this for the fellowship if there happen to be other believers but I am specifically reaching out to those who aren't Christians if you're willing to join this discussion I'd love to talk about Christ with you and you can share your experiences and feelings about Jesus just be respectful and civil.

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