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Don't be afraid of death It'll come at you at the speed of light. But if you're not afraid of death, It'll cast it's shadowy eyes upon you And guide you to eternal infinity Believe, by Blood On The Dance Floor

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Posts: 678
my depression Nov 25 2008, 05:44 PM
for the last 3 months or so i have been quite deppressed, last year i went to afghanistan and iraq, i came back from afghan in march. i saw some pretty bad things. they havent really botherd me for a long time, i have stopped having nightmares, so i am not sure if it is that which is making me depressed, or if it is my normal job, im starting to hate it, they brought in a dress code shirt and tie, and it seems that they only meant that I am to wear it seeing as no one else wears it and nothing is said. i have stopped caring about things, at work i dont care anymore, if they sacked me now i wouldnt care. im stuck in this rut and the walls are high. does any one have any ideas what i can do to get out of it?


Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Nov 26 2008, 04:14 PM
One thing I'd say is can you just quit the job yourself rather than them sacking you especially if it's getting you down. Money might be an issue then obviously, but I'm sure you'd find a better job. I'm unhappy in my job and need the motivation to quit! I'd have to find another job soon after though!
Posts: 678
Nov 27 2008, 12:27 AM
i'd probs get another job b4 i quit this one. but thats just me.
Nov 29 2008, 01:34 PM
Deffo get another job before you quit. If you are feeling like shit, money problems is just the thing that puts you over the edge into territory that you cannot ever come back from again. Furthermore, if you were to quit or get sacked, suddenly, you have 8 hours a day more in which you do absolutely nothing (And while I realize you may not care at all what you do at your job, it keeps you occupied to some extend.) Assuming that you are not yet at the point of no return, you need to figure out what is causing your problems. What makes you not care at all (or, what would make you care - how ever slightly) and work towards a goal of some sort. (I highly recommend that you get a job that you have previously really wanted / still may want badly / a job that you think could be really something for you) - either, would have the potential of kickstarting your way back to the place in which life is tolerable. A silly tip I can give you, is to read your horoscope every day and (I am completely convinced horoscopes are a waste of time and made up by people who can't get a real job, fyi) try to enact the positive things in them. While this may seem stupid (and in light of my announced none belief in horoscopes) I firmly believe that it can be used to set in motion things that you would not otherwise engage in. For instance, a few weeks back mine said that I had more in common with people I truly disliked that I realized, and that I should try and focus more on that part. While I didn't believe this to be true, I tried being slightly friendlier to said person, and did indeed find out that we shared some things that I had never imagined. IF you can make sense of any of this, kudos. Off to bed, double shift tomorrow. Don't give up yet, there's a way out of almost everything.
Posts: 678
Nov 29 2008, 05:53 PM
thx dude. will have a go at the horoscopes.
Nov 29 2008, 10:31 PM
As mentioned it's not something that will instantly solve all your problems. (Sadly) But it's a good way to have positive things happen, if you just give it a little time, cus it forces you to do something you normally wouldn't do, something that almost always pays off.
Emo Pictures - shallow_believer
Posts: 105
Nov 30 2008, 06:47 AM
You have to call any family members that care about your situation it's hard sometimes when forgetting the bad things happened from the past.

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