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Yes I know im a wolf and I've been known to bite, but the rest of my pack...I've left them behind, and my teeth may be sharp and I've been raised to kill...but the thought of fresh meat...it's making me ill! I know I'm a wolf, by young heretics

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - Anonymous_Editor
Posts: 22
The Only one at School? Sep 09 2018, 04:57 AM
The title speaks for itself, is there anyone on this website who goes to school and is the only one, that would classify themselves as Emo. Seriously, it sucks not to meet people who you can call best friend or be able to talk about what you like, without being judged. Anyone with similar experiences?


Emo Pictures - xXhawthorneheightsXx
Posts: 11
Sep 10 2018, 02:34 PM
I’m the only emo at my school. I have a few guy friends that aren’t in my grade but other than that I feel judged by the other girls at school.
Posts: 73
Sep 13 2018, 04:18 AM
I'm so sorry you guys weren't born 10+ years earlier so you could experience the emo fad in its prime... (AND goth, which is way older...) When I was 16 (in 2012), the emo look was already on its way out, and they all eventually transitioned into hipsters by 2012/2013... I actually used to hate emo kids and emo music when the emo fad was new. I didn't get it. I didn't like that they were weird, creepy and depressing. The only thing I liked about them was their hair. Some kids that claim to be emo online these days don't really look it 'cause fashion today is so hipster oriented... Even Hot Topic isn't emo anymore, for the most part. You wouldn't even recognize it. I remember emo clothes and emo 'Bieber hair' used to be everywhere prior to 2012. There was no escape from emo fashion during the Mid - Late 00's to 2011. Even most of the cars were black. As for emo music, that whiney emo Garage Rock sound hasn't been new on Pop stations since the 00's. The music always falls before the fashion when a subculture gets popular. And now there's literally no escape from hipsters and that cheesy, echo-y Indie music. You even hear that crap in commercials with the whistling and the ukulele. Indie music was fresh at first, but after 2013 it's become a nuisance.
Emo Pictures - Jade_21
Posts: 1
Sep 13 2018, 09:29 PM
nobody is emo anymore. theyre all wanna be gheto type of people.
Posts: 73
Sep 14 2018, 12:08 AM
Jade_21: Pfft... Nah, 'wannabe-ghetto' is dead, or very tame now at least... You were about 8 years old when that fad faded out in 2012. You're too young to even know what wannabe-ghetto looks like... All that's left of the ghetto style is the Chief Keef dreadhead look, and bits and pieces left over from the 90's & 00's. Just about everyone is a hipster these days. Even swag is hipster-oriented.
Emo Pictures - xxjanidkxx
Posts: 1
Sep 15 2018, 01:23 PM
Yeah, I'm probably the only Emo in my school, sigh...
Emo Pictures - oNEETo
Posts: 3
Sep 20 2018, 04:51 PM
Being emo now is a lot better than what it used to be to be honest... there is a lot of things to enjoy that have been introduced. Like other open communities online and the fashion now has improved by a lot, nobody will judge online anymore since scene gals on insta look gorgeous and you can express yourself more easily online on scene and emo fashion, its much easy to become an artist through online. I might of went off topic sorry just trying to make you feel better, it did used to be a lot worse back then. I hope you do meet some that you can relate too.
Emo Pictures - MaximusStephonovich
Posts: 212
Sep 28 2018, 03:03 PM
LOL I love Jade_21's comment. Yeah, I am not an emo or anything of that sort. However, yes people are hipsters it seems. Yeah not sure what the hell that is or how it came to be, but people are idiots. But you know, trends come and go as people grow older and realized that...eh whatever. Don't worry about it, go nuts.
Posts: 73
Oct 04 2018, 04:53 AM
@oNEETo: "Being emo now is a lot better than it used to be" Not really, unless you wanna stick out like a sore thumb. The only upside to that is looking better than everyone else, considering everyone's either a hipster or they literally have no style at all, or their swag is lackin'. You mentioned online communities, but this forum itself hasn't even been in its prime since the Late 00's when the emo fad was still big. Some other emo forums were dead as a doorknob when I last checked in 2016. You say the fashion is a lot better now, but I strongly disagree... Modern fashion in the 2010's is atrocious... Way worse than it was in the 'crazy 80's'... People these days wear some of the most HIDEOUS, NERDIEST outfits and hairstyles I've ever witnessed in all my years on God's green earth... Pastel hair for instance, is the ugliest thing I've ever seen... Topped off with oversized, retro-80's nerd glasses, high-waisted 'Mom & Dad jeans' and neon running shoes as casual shoes... You really think this stuff is cool?! You really think fashion in the 00's was WORSE than it is today?! I mean, the whole point of today's hipster fashion trend is all about NOT being cool!! If you went back in time to the 00's, you would get roasted for wearing some of the weird, nerdy crap that people wear these days... Anybody who actually likes today's latest trends has horrible taste. Every trend in this decade is literally garbage. If today's trends aren't cringey to you people already, they WILL be by 2028... You just wait 'til the next big trend comes along... Everything that's 'hot' right now will eventually be considered cringey by the masses. Nobody ever thinks about this stuff. Nobody. Nobody ever looks at the world around them and wonders how much everything will drastically change in a certain span of years. Flippin' nobody. The cars, the clothes, the hairstyles, building decor, skyscraper designs, technology, everything. It all has to change at some point. Heck, we might even live to see road cars get replaced with FLYING cars in the future... One thing I hate about society is most people can't be bothered to stop and study trends, and then they wonder where everything and everyone of a certain subculture went... Every single fashion trend throughout the 20th Century to 2018 needs to be documented so we can predict changes in the world around us in the near future. People don't realize how important fashion is in society. It plays a major role in decor trends, and decor trends play a role in building trends. Fashion can also affect cars. If the current youth is anti-cool, then car-makers put little to no thought in stylish design. Car designs say a lot about modern fashion. For instance, when you see some of today's ugly, tiny cars, you think of vegan hipster nerds, and they obviously aren't cool. They're AGAINST being cool. Modern cars can sometimes be a reflection of modern fashion and modern attitudes. When you see a sleek, long, boxy police car or a taxi cab from the 70's, people are instantly reminded of the cool, funky style and attitude of that decade. And cool people in MODERN times reach back in the Mid - Late 20th Century when they want something cool to drive, instead of something small, smart and eco-friendly. When people see glass, post-modern skyscrapers like the Freedom Tower, ("built by an egghead architect") and new or re-modeled 2010's building/home decor in the style of a coffeeshop, future generations will immediately think of dorky hipster geek Millennials. What America needs is a good old-fashioned 70's home, building & decor revival with brighter colors, more patriotic themes and some Medieval influences. Trust me, it looks better than it sounds in writing. If anybody has a knack for aesthetics that are pleasing to the eye, it's ME. Anyway, (got off topic) anybody who talks crap about 00's fashion is clearly a pleb who has inferior taste in fashion compared to someone who sees the brilliance in 00's fashion. Everything in the 2010's is garbage. The fashion, the politically correct culture, third wave feminism, identity politics, modern media, everything. The only great thing about this decade (specifically 2016 and onwards) is Donald Trump and the Republicans restoring order, kicking liberal a$$ and making America great again. Who needs TV anymore when you can listen to YouTubers like H A Goodman and watch SJWs and third wave feminists go full retard.
Emo Pictures - SophieAtTheDisco
Posts: 7
Oct 24 2018, 04:31 AM
Okay I agree with everything EmoKing96 said, except got the trump part.Im not going to get into it, but I just don't agree.But you make very valid points in the rest of this.
Emo Pictures - fuckthisworld
Posts: 1
Nov 30 2018, 09:01 PM
i agree it sucks to be the only emo at my school i live smack dab in the middle of redneck hell im the only diferent kid in keota it be amazing to finaly get to meet another emo i can call my best friend.
Emo Pictures - X_LoserKidd_X
Posts: 511
Dec 04 2018, 09:38 PM
I’m not in school anymore. But I was the only emo in school. It wasn’t pleasant but I stayed true to myself. School was only 6 hours a day out of 24. Then it’s all you and your friends ❤️🖤 You are who you are. You shouldn’t feel like you need change to fit in.
Emo Pictures - miseryisland
Posts: 63
Jan 07 2020, 05:54 AM
No, because I'm not emo. I just happen to listen to bands & have diagnosed depression. I consider myself more of a misfit.
Emo Pictures - Ghost_of_Silence
Posts: 314
Mar 18 2020, 05:05 PM
I may be the only one in my school but I'm also the most isolated, no one talks to me but no one bullies me either, no one even looks my way which is fine by me. I'm a ghost, but I don't mind it anymore.
Posts: 2
Apr 08 2020, 07:25 PM
yep, i've never known any emos irl and have been dressing/ listening to alt music for 6 years. but i'm grateful for it, because through having to talk to people with completely different fashion and music tastes, i've learnt to be confident in my own style and personality.
Emo Pictures - xXghost07Xx
Posts: 58
Apr 09 2020, 10:47 AM
@EmoKing96 Doesn't make much sense you would stick up for Emo while calling it a fad... Anyway, the stupidest thing you did was defame veganism. I know somebody's going to accuse me of being a hipster, and my response to that is a big-fucking-no. There's just no reason for the literal torture of billions of animals. I went back in January to Hot Topic... Yeah, never again. When Hot Topic plays rap, of all things, through the store's speaker system, it's clearly become a disgrace of what it used to be.
Emo Pictures - Candyde
Posts: 18
Aug 01 2020, 10:08 PM
I live in France and emo never was popular there. I started getting involved in the community around 2012/2013 when it was dying. I've met 3 emo/scene-looking people, but I don't know how many of them where here for the music as well. Now in 2020, people admire my emo style. The thing is, I make gothic/e-girl friends and like to call themselves "emo" when I'm around. I accidentally got emo-rap fan on social medias to put "emo" in their credentials. People my age around me want to be emo because they like my fashion sense, but they aren't authentic... so I'm quite lonely. :/
Emo Pictures - n45tyr4t
Posts: 67
Aug 23 2020, 05:27 AM
im the only one at my school but theres this boy who calls himself emo because he listens to panic! at the disco lmao
Posts: 4
Oct 11 2020, 06:47 PM
I'm not the only emo in my school,but the other emos at my school are horrible people so i don't associate with them.

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