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Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Posts: 16
Does anyone else ever feel out of place? Dec 14 2020, 02:12 PM
Don't get me wrong, I love my music and how I dress, but I often feel very ostracised and isolated - you can't deny that the subculture has pretty much died. At the same time, the modern "alternative" style is normalised and praised, while old style is made fun of. It sucks. I have no friends with similar style/interest to me, I feel stupid when I leave the house and I even get harassed or attacked sometimes. I find myself wishing that I could build a time machine and go back about 15 years so that I wouldn't feel so out of place. I get that the 2000s weren't a great time to live either, but anything is better than this life I have right now.Maybe if I had friends I wouldn't feel so alone. Does anyone else feel a similar way?


Emo Pictures - Ghost_of_Silence
Posts: 314
Dec 15 2020, 03:02 PM
I'd say yes, but at this point I've grown so accustomed to being alone that it rarely phases me. still there are places Ive been to where no matter who you are, what you look like or how you dress, no one really gives a damn, a very live and let live environment... sadly these places are few and far between. in larger cities, they're practically non existent.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Dec 16 2020, 09:54 AM
I totally understand you. I was heavily into the emo scene 10 years ago when I built this web site and it was even a bit tough then being "emo". It was better than it is now though. I'm hoping when the COVID situation is a lot better bands/gigs will help with the emo scene. In an ideal world I really think it could become very popular again.
Posts: 16
Dec 16 2020, 02:40 PM
I feel like even if it did come back in full force, it just wouldn't be the same. Tiktok has kind of killed the alternative community by reducing it to wearing chains, drinking Monster and being a leftist. The watered-down "emo revival" going on at the moment is just depressing tbh, most of the music is terrible and it's literally just a bunch of posers calling each other posers on social media. I think I would just rather live in the time before smartphones and apps took over everyone's lives. It would be much simpler.
Emo Pictures - XxM4K3SH1FTM0RGU3xX
Posts: 6
Dec 19 2020, 09:52 PM
adding to what poizn just said, most tik tokers arent even really leftist they dont give a damn and use the title to look 'cool'. and i also too agree that social media although it has connected us it has tore us apart in a way edit: basically this gen of 'alt' is like the boomers in the 60's jumping on a genuine movement (civil rights, ect) so they can get laid
Emo Pictures - wurdalak
Posts: 81
Dec 22 2020, 05:51 AM
Honestly bro, nothing has really changed all that much. I was an emo kid in the late 2000s and early 2010s and things have pretty much stayed the same as far as the way people in the "emo" community act and treat each other. Right now it's Tik Tok but before it was YouTube and MySpace. Toxic people will always be toxic and fake no matter what group they associate with. Now as far as the style of emo You're talking about and wanting to find, I completely agree that the scene is almost dead. I'm still into the music from my emo/scene days, but the look for me has died and evolved. Emo Rap pretty much replaced and set the standard for what emo is now imo. Not that many new bands release worthwhile stuff. There's a pretty good community here though and we're pretty lucky to have a good knowledge base here too :) You seem like a rad dude, just living outside of the time you wished to be in. I would go back if I could tbh, at least just to visit the past for a couple of days in my present body.
Emo Pictures - XxYozorasWorldxX
Posts: 22
Dec 23 2020, 12:40 AM
I always find myself wanting to go back to the 2000's I totally get it. I was lucky enough to be "emo" in the very end of when myspace was poppin I got to casually see attack attack! shirts in hot topic in the early 2010's and all. Even the early 10's would be an upgrade at this point. I hate how social media is nowadays and what people think emo is anymore. I see these posts on facebook all the damn time about "are you a hollywood undead emo or bfmv emo" and i'm just baffled at how that could even be a thing...like what????? Those bands have NOTHING to do with being emo. I mean they can post whatever but my god it's just baffling to me. I definitely find myself wanting to go back because some of this revival thing is just people posting about how they want it back but don't really wanna do it (at least the ones that are my age anyway) and i'd be willing to bet some of them were making fun of it in 2016 loving the trendy soundcloud rap and that's okay if they like the music but don't go and act like you always liked this if you were trashing it a few years ago. That's just my opinion anyway. I don't even talk to many alternative people anymore bc honestly if you're not one thing or the other to the gods of all internet police it seems like you're fucked anymore in that regard. So I just stay away from most people and hardly talk to anyone unless they seem tolerable per say.

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