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i just want you to stick around long enough to realize that im worth all of the trouble i cause The Temptation That Is You, by The Saddest Landscape
Site Model - TashaEatsDinosaurs

Emo Model - Scene Model - Alternative Site Model


30 / Female / Springfield, Missouri, US
In a Relationship
Member since: Jul 18, 2012

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Current rating: 4.2/10 (44 votes cast)

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Jessica ^^ Apr 18 2013, 02:27 PM
Okay so I was just randomly looking though these pictures and I came across you. I just thought I could point out that you're the first person I've seen that is also from Springfield Missouri c: So... Yeah hi lol
MOH Jan 03 2013, 02:00 PM
Hey! I saw your pictures and thought that you would make a great addition to my site! Here is the link if you would like to check us out! https://www.facebook.com/masqueradeof.harlequins.9 <--- If you're interested in applying here are the rules and apps: https://www.facebook.com/notes/masqueradeof-harlequins/rules-and-apps/137095063110333 Inbox it to us on our FB profile. :) Also, do not be afraid to drop by and like us on FB!: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Masquerade-Of-Harlequins/365940886822018

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