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Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Posts: 21
if anyone can help with this please... help me... Jan 09 2015, 04:26 AM
so... I realised my family truly don't care about me, I won't go into details here but I've been suspecting this for a LONG time and well, sadly as much as it hurts to say... They finally proved they don't, they truly just do not care about me... So if any of you can help me with this, please do... I will be grateful I promise... Sorry if you read this and it was a waste of time... Just like I am to my family...


Emo Pictures - SovereignOfChaos
Posts: 1
Jan 09 2015, 06:46 AM
I don't know how I can help with this but I know my family is the same. It's so horrible to say but I just stopped caring right back. I'm so sorry they don't care. I don't know why that could ever happen with families. The amount of hate and insensitivity in this world is absurd. And it's so unfair that it's with your family. You're not a waste if time I promise you that. No one is. You can message me if you want to talk more about it. It's easier to talk when I have more information if that's ok with you. I hope you are having a good day. Talk later hopefully.
Posts: 19
Jan 09 2015, 11:23 AM
My family dont care either. I just block it out and dont care about them in return. My friends care about me and thats all i need.
Emo Pictures - XxXKingForADayXxX
Posts: 44
Jan 09 2015, 11:49 AM
I understand how you feel, though I don't have the same problem, and I need to say I am sorry your family doesn't care about you. But there are people out there and friends who care way more than they ever could if you left your family. Just remember you have friends for a reason and don't let anyone damage you. Your friends are all you need if your family is dragging you down.
Posts: 48
Jan 09 2015, 12:35 PM
We're here for you bro! You're like family to us and we'll do anything we can to help. You can message me if you want to talk about it.
Emo Pictures - EyeWings
Posts: 287
Jan 09 2015, 08:36 PM
Without going into the details of your situation (which can be hard to share I know) it is a little difficult to give you guidance on this, but I will try and give you some words of support if nothing else. Firstly, be sure that the way your family are acting towards you is indeed truly a sign of them not caring, often a family will act a certain way thinking they are acting in your best interests but they may be contary to how you feel. Rest assured this doesnt mean they dont care it just means you view things differently, in which case try and sit with them and explain how you feel. Secondly, if you can honestly say your family have completely cut you off, remember that good friends can be closer than people you are related to and can help you feel less lonely through times of pain. If you need anyone to talk to, please feel free, and in the mean time I hope things improve for you and your family.
Emo Pictures - Xolivia-von-sodomyX
Posts: 510
Jan 09 2015, 09:10 PM
some times the most important thing is caring about your self as long as you can care about your self u learn you don't need others to do that job for you. its hard but if it breaks you down cut them out and get the negativity out of your life and start making bonds with people that really do care.
Emo Pictures - lovelykatie0123
Posts: 1
Jan 10 2015, 05:08 PM
Message me if you need to. :)
Emo Pictures - Crankor
Posts: 79
Jan 11 2015, 11:26 AM
start being independent and act as if you lived on your own. Your situation is pretty common. You could try to find out why they don't care or if they really mean to be that way. Some parents just aren't very emotional people themselves and don't know how to properly act... could be something else. Otherwise, just accept it and move on. It seems always a bigger deal when your not on your own. Maybe just treat them as everyday people in the process.

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