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Wait for me now To take off this crown To break all these vows Don't you know? Wait for me now The airs running out Wait for me, wait for me Wait for me, wait for me now Wait for Me, by Rise Against

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - katethekiller
Posts: 6
I feel worthless Apr 07 2015, 08:07 AM
My dad yells a lot. I get my phone taken away a lot. I smoke, and may try drinking if it gets any worse. I cut in the past, and I'm trying to stop. I just feel so much like a burden on everyone's shoulders. I've considered dying maybe twice, and have starved myself a few times. My best friend who also cut seems more and more like a liar everyday. She hangs out with someone who hurt me really badly, and idk what to do or say about it. I don't want pills, and I don't want some shrink. I just want some company. Can anyone help?


Emo Pictures - MadAngel98
Posts: 19
Apr 13 2015, 12:37 AM
My name is Angel-Rose. If it's company or advice or just a distraction, I'm only a message away. (My kik is MadelineAngel) <3 If you do message me I hope I am able to help you or even just cheer you up for a little bit. Just know that I get it, everything you've written sounds like you're going through a few things I have myself. <3 You'll be okay.
Emo Pictures - Itsy_Daredevil
Posts: 6
Jun 28 2015, 03:40 PM
You need to prove them wrong. I've been called out many times by my mom, when she's angry she says whatever as long as it hurts me. I know that it's nonsense, but after a while it gets to you. So eventually I had this burden feeling too....I felt worthless too, but I didn't want to end it like this, I wanted to prove them wrong, and by some effort I finally did. Be stubborn, prove them wrong
Posts: 10
Oct 04 2015, 04:51 PM
Okay firstly I just want to say, please don't smoke! It's one of the worst things you can do to yourself, it damages your lungs long-term so if you need to do something destructive (and I'm not promoting this, I'm just saying) weed is not that bad for you. Yes it's bad if you do it constantly and become addicted, but many kids try it, and it doesn't cause any real medical problems (just munchies and acting like a little bit of a fool lol). But please don't smoke, it can give you cancer or emphysema and you don't want that. Unless you're legally old enough to drink, don't do that either. Self harm is HARD. It really is. I deal with it to. Sometimes cutting is the best solution for temporary relief. and while I don't recommend it for all the time, if it's just a few small cuts or light scratches, well that's a better choice than taking a smoke, in my opinion. Just remember that soon you will be out of that house and away from your dad, and you will start your own life that can be any way that you want it <3 just hang in there, and if he starts to become abusive/already is abusing you please reach out to either a phone line for child abuse or tell someone you trust about it like a teacher, school counsellor, police etc
Emo Pictures - Crankor
Posts: 79
Oct 07 2015, 03:39 AM
Why do you feel like a burden?

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