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you make me feel low, don't make me feel low, cause I try so hard to convince myself its ok that I feel this way. low, by Sleeping With Sirens

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xDeadintheDirtx
Posts: 362
College Aug 21 2015, 04:01 AM
So I recently started college at a local community college about 45 minutes away from my hometown. I don't really have any friends here and my roommate isn't even here half the time and it just gets really lonely and depressing sometimes because I basically just sit in my room and play Xbox or sit in my car and smoke (Non-smoking campus so I have to hide it) Any advice on shit to do to entertain yourself or similar shit like that?


Posts: 41
Sep 16 2015, 05:18 AM
Hey I know this is a little late and all but try to find some people with similar hobbies. Since you like gaming, see if you can find a club that games and stuff, bound to be one. I'm a second year at my University, but I transferred from my old college out in Cali, so I understand as I lost my entire friend base. Starting in a new environment is rough, I even moved around a lot as a kid and I still have a hard time with it. As an introvert myself, as well as someone who has/does/is struggling with depression and anxiety, I find that if I can force myself to put myself out there, I feel much better after. As for things to do, I code and game like a mofo, as well as write a ton of music, and play basketball. I find that one way I beat depression is staying active and doing things that I can convince myself will better myself (even if that means lying to myself occasionally, as in gaming). But take for example, I love coding, so for fun I'll start learning a new programming language, etc. One other thing I'm doing is always looking for new ways to make money. It's productive, often involves being on a computer, and hey, it's about money. Always a good thing.

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