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I've seen a look of evil in your eyes You've been filling me all full of lies Sorrow will not change your shameful deeds Evil Woman, by Black Sabbath

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - JustThatWelshGuy
Posts: 4
Need some help. Aug 22 2015, 02:35 AM
So I don't really know where to start. I'm having serious trouble trusting anyone. I think it all started when my 'father' started sexually abusing me from when I was 6 years old until I was 11, he went to prison but that was because my 2 sisters spoke up because he was doing the same to them, I didn't speak up because I was too scared of what might happen to me. Ever since the day the police came and arrested him I have always been really closed off and that I know. High school was hard for me, if anyone ever got physically close to me I was shake and burst into tears, I got bullied a lot and had to move schools because I became very depressed and started self harming, the next school I went to was better as the teachers helped a lot, I started drinking alcohol a lot, going through an average of 3 litres of vodka over Friday and Saturday. I still was shaking whenever anyone got too close but I was put on very strong medication for manic depression, anxiety and psychosis. I haven't self harmed in 3 years since I left high school because I have locked myself in my house, I fear going outside alone, I fear the dark, I try not to sleep because the nightmares are getting too much for me. I was in a relationship for 2 years when I was getting better but she used to punch me, kick me, she put me in hospital in a coma for 6 days. I never hit her back because I don't believe in hitting women. I finally feel well enough to go to college but I'm still scared, I don't know what to do. I have no friends and no girl will ever want to be with me which I have accepted. I just need some friends to help me through because I hate being a burden to my family.


Emo Pictures - Girl_unmasked
Posts: 69
Aug 22 2015, 02:45 AM
You can message me anytime :-)
Emo Pictures - Kyleblackrose1313
Posts: 175
Aug 23 2015, 06:31 AM
I know the feeling to well.... I am always looking for a new friend and i am always true to my friends.... hit me up I would love to talk and get to know you!
Posts: 10
Oct 04 2015, 05:18 PM
I just want to say, I was sexually harassed before as well. Probably not as bad as you were. I admire you so much for not taking your life, not harming yourself anymore, and trying to get through something as painful and scary as sexual abuse. you are such a strong person. I'm so sorry to hear that this happened to you. please continue to be strong because I believe in you. it takes time to get better but you have to try and make progress in baby steps. small things add up. by the way, I completely understand how you feel when it comes to psychosis, it's TERRIFYING, I used to have it and see people in my bedroom and sometimes i would feel that i was being touched or grabbed by someone and my family didn't understand it at all. they thought i was just overreacting, they would laugh at me, mock me, it's really a hard thing to deal with so once again your very very strong for dealing with all of this. best of luck to you.
Emo Pictures - Crankor
Posts: 79
Oct 07 2015, 03:37 AM
Sounds like you need to get a hold on your life. Nothing wrong with having strong opinions and standing firm by them. Really just got to tell them to With trust issues, well these days most people view close friendships n such much differently than people who are more closed off. In my case, people who consider their "good friends" are just good acquaintances to me. If i don't hang out with them much then i don't consider them a friend and therefore i see no need to give personal info about myself. Not sure what you expect to trust people with but maybe your trying to diverse problematic things on your mind with people who should be your friends instead of just a person who already has the intent in mind to want to listen to it all. I know there are a different reasons as to why some people grow up with trust issues and a side effect is usually numbing your emotions then becoming socially awkward to society in the process. Takes steps and sometimes random events to help along. Maybe consider what your character is aside from what happened and separate it from your personality. If this doesn't make any sense well don't worry. I'm not sure i even understand what i just said myself =D

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