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Can't see the silver lining down here on the floor, and I'll just keep on trying, but I don't know what for Trying Not to Love You, by Nickelback

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - EmoDeathDoll13
Posts: 11
eating disorder? Dec 30 2015, 04:10 PM
i cant tell if i have one but i think i do does anyone know about orthorexia? i think thats what i have anyone here recovering or that has recovered from any eating disorder, may i ask how you got to where you are now (recovering/recovered)?... im getting rlly worried that i have orthorexia and my girlfriend has anorexia.. I dont wanna go to a doctor really because rn i know i was like 10 pounds under but my BMI is almost at the low end of healthy.....


Emo Pictures - XHarrietpotatoX
Posts: 3
Dec 30 2015, 04:36 PM
Of you tell a family member or a friend they could help you to get better
Emo Pictures - EmoDeathDoll13
Posts: 11
Dec 30 2015, 04:37 PM
my family knows im underweight and theyre fixing my diet for me already. my family and my girlfriend knows along with most of my friends uvu i dont often keep stuff in ( often ) thank u for the comment C:
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Dec 30 2015, 06:57 PM
firstly do you know what orthorexia actually is? As it is a very different disorder from the others (Ana,ednos, Mia etc can share similarities with each other but ortherexia is very new and different, in many aspects to a so called "traditional" eating disorders..) however is just as serious!! personally i wouldn't go around self diagnosing yourself with any form eating disorder without going to a dr or medical profession purely because of the complexity of them ( they are not physical illness's but Mental conditions/illness 's with physical symptoms as well as mental impacts.) but it's good to hear that you already have some support in place in the form of family etc being aware. I myself have been medically diagnosed Anorexia nervosa for over 6yrs now (as some users on here may already know from past posts) and have tried [recovery both self help and medical help] several times and not going to lie, it is hard.Relapses can/do happen and it takes alot of guts and corage to face upto "it" let alone ask for help... so well done you for asking! :) the best thing i can say for you to do (despite you not wanting too), is write a list of all the habits you know you have related to food and take those to your gp and they can arrange the correct support for you (the list helps speed up the process plus you may find you may find it's not an eating disorder causing your problems with food but something else , which your Dr can help you with). Alternatively use the list to highlight your issues you need to tackle and work out (with or without your family, your choice) a series of steps you could do to over come the problem: eg you dont like eating food made in oil: 1st step could be looking a oil in it's container, 2. watching food (that your not eating being cooked in oil) 3. try cooking with oil for others , 5. try alittle oil as something like a salad dressing and finally work upto eating fried/greasy foods ..something like that can help over come issues (as it's bitesize chunks) and at completion of each step, reward yourself eg buy yourself something small you like; as this can reinforce the positive nature of your success and keep your motivation to continue the good work high :) Another technique that can help (which you've already started) is build a support network. The nature of any eating disorder is not only physical but mental as well so having others around you to support you, is pretty handy.. esp if you're having a bad day! However if you want to try tackling it alone there are sites out there dedicated to help Eating disorder suffers recover by themselves via providing online support (forums, chats etc),phone support and clinic/therapy links (specialist Councillors, drop in clinics etc). for the UK these are the main ones: B-eat.co.uk Mind.org (Also offers help on other forms of Mental health/ illness ) NHS (info/useful links to help) Childline (offer help on many issues affecting children/young adults) Rethink mental illness.org This is what i can find for the US (i know the US healthcare system works differently to that of over here!) NEDA Eating Disorder Hope Mirror-mirror (blog dedicated solely to recovery and support) Also, feel free to PM me any time with any questions you may have related to this or if you just want to chat/vent about anything (no matter how petty you may think it is) :) Hope this post ^ helps you (and other suffers) in some way and that you are doing okay! x Edit: Sorry for the length of this post!!
Emo Pictures - EmoDeathDoll13
Posts: 11
Dec 30 2015, 07:28 PM
i kno what othorexia is or i wouldnt have suggested that i might have it...... but im also aware that they are mental, not physical. people self-diagnose depression, anxiety, and ocd. And all of those are mental aswell. i dont have any doctors due to the insurance my family has. few places will take us and there is no "family doctor" for us. as for the rest, thanks. But im very aware of what the implications of having eating disorders are. and ive done some research into what goes into them and how theyre shown through physical traits as well as mental traits. i believe that you should only ever eat things that will benifit you. and that the things i eat (like sweets) are almost poisons. to the point where i feel sick due to some fatty foods or fried foods. maybe somethng in my brain tells me those are poison i dont know, but it fits what the definiton of orthorexia is. i rarely self diagnose. but until i can get to the doctors. i really have no choice. as i said before, thanks for the rest and sorry if this sounds mean.
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Dec 31 2015, 02:01 AM
^ Hey, no worries and sorry if i came across as blunt and accusing (not my intention or idea!) so apologies there!! The reason why i said what i did, is because so many people online self diagnose without realizing the full impact of what they are saying or even knowing what the condition is about. I'm sorry to hear you have no access to doctors due to the way your health care system works and what you have typed dose fit othorexia's traits.. the purity/benefit only of food things etc. " to the point where i feel sick due to some fatty foods or fried foods. maybe somethng in my brain tells me those are poison i dont know" sounds abit like how i feel sometimes with my ANA and certain things. For me thing's like that are defiantly a mental obstacle rather than the food in question being "bad" and i too still really struggle eating anything is fried or is visibly oily (eg salad dressings or greasy foods) and the only way i get round them is by confronting them head on, one step at a time and then rewarding myself afterwards for it (when i can)... The best thing i can think of is to see what plans you and your family (as they are already helping you) can come up with together as a team and see if that helps you at all :)
Emo Pictures - EmoDeathDoll13
Posts: 11
Dec 31 2015, 06:49 PM
^^^ yeah i figured, i know how a lot of ppl can be like "oh i dont rlly like social situations very much. i must have social anxiety" like no, no you need to do more research and realise that social anxiety isnt just not liking social situations. as someone with (kinda? consellours told me in the past i did) diagnosed anxiety, that does get my knickers in a twist. do you know any safe ways to gain weight? i tried to do it a stupid way once but straight up eating fast food and actually made myself sick so im trying to find a way to gain back weight im like 5'4 with a female body but i only weight 105 pounds (which i believe is 7 and a half stone.) i know im under, i just cant get it to go back up. we think my girlfriends scale is broken so im def not going by it but it did say 100. i personally think my body just doesnt look to be 100 pounds. i think i still have too much weight in certain areas so i think its off. i hope its off.
Emo Pictures - Phychofallen
Posts: 13
Jan 01 2016, 06:51 AM
I was diagnosed with anorexia when I was about 14 or 15. I was going to a psychiatrist for that and also OCD and depression but I always directed our sessions towards my other metal illnesses because I didn't believe that I had anorexia. I'd seen pictures of people with anorexia and I wasn't as skinny as them and I always had a chubby looking face which I hated. Eventually my psychiatrist weighed me. I think I was about 5'7 or 5'8 and I weighed 6 stone and got admitted to hospitol. When I was in hospitol I put on about 2 stone and my parents were so proud of me. I think I recovered because I wanted them to be happy and that's what helped me. I can't say that I've fully recovered because it's started to come back since I left school. I think it's because I know that when you're over 18 all of your growing is done which means that you can only grow outwards. Also I'm home alone a lot more so it's easy to get away with not eating or just eating salad and fruit. I'm currently 5'9 and I weigh just over 8 stone. Kate is the kind of person that I always wanted to look like to be honest. XD Good luck to everyone with recovery. :)
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Jan 02 2016, 12:40 AM
^ trust me, don't go down the routes and extremes i do/did to achieve my look, they aren't healthy nor safe but thank you for the compliment :) Stay safe and best of luck in your on-going recovery!! as for stopping growing height wise at 18 , true most girls do but many long time suffered of ED's have something called stunted growth (plus other side effects from their ED's) which mean you keep growing into your early adult years in burst or in some cases it stops your growth completely.. for me i wont stop growing height wise till 21/22 due to stunted growth,meaning if i stay in control of my ANA i should hit 5ft 7" minim ..failing that i've heels xD @EmoDeathDoll13 steady but slow increase for calorie intake..baby steps. I've done what you've done before and it's as dangerous as hell, it's why in IP (in patient) they slowly increase your intake and are careful with quaintness of each food group (make sure it's balanced and you dont just eat carbs or loads of fats/proteins etc in an attempt to gain weight). You can google re-feeding/slow increase calories diets, theres loads of good ones on the net or you can try and come up with one yourself. But i'd say to avoid feeling sick during the process do not increase it more that 100-150 cals per week, give your stomach time to re-adjust to having food inside it..it's why you may bloat after eating a huge meal as prolonged starvation/ strict restriction may/can shrink your stomach capacity. Hope that helps you :) Oh also don't worry about weighing in. Personally to over come the whole "look" issue i take to exercise. Just remember exercise takes time to show results and can't "spot fix" set areas as such..much better to do whole body workouts and toning exercises, however if your trying to gain weight make sure you exercise lightly( ie 10-15 mins 3 times per week, no heavy workouts such a HITT cardio etc) so your not losing more weight ontop of what you already have. Also be aware working out, it can increase muscle mass which shows as weight on scales.. however this "good" weight (if your mind works on good/bad weigh principles, ik some ED's suffers who do) as your muscles are just becoming more toned/sleek:) Seen as both of you have brought up a similar point related to weight and how you look: it's worth bearing in mind with ED's, that they effect everyone differently, due to everyone's genetics being different.Therefore two people can look totally different, yet be at the exact same weight (height/body type also plays a part). Plus, Body dysmorphia is also a common effect of eating disorders such as ANA and bulimia, meaning you see your body in a distorted way, compare to what a it actually is/how other non ED suffers see it. x

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