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Emo Forums » Emo Fashion (Reply)

Posts: 13
Why was scene/emo fashion so popular? Apr 16 2016, 04:41 PM
In 2005-2011 scene and emo was really popular why did everyone stop was it MySpace dying or something else it's not completely dead but nowhere near its former popularly and if it were to become popular again what would make that happen?


Emo Pictures - ILikeRain
Posts: 57
Apr 16 2016, 08:40 PM
Well it all start in the 70's when Punk rock was everywhere and like every label it had it's own look then after around the 80's a new genre was created from hardcore punk known as emotive hardcore but back then emotive hardcore did not have a look and it was underground some years passed by then in the 90's and the early 2000s emotive hardcore got independent success but sadly it lost it's hardcore sound and got replaced by pop punk and indie rock, but it was still known as emocore, then in the 2000s it got mainstream popularity witch means it had to have it's own look, but some say that the original look was a clean cut, baggy jeans, sweater vests, tight shirts, horned rimmed glasses with shaggy or spock-Rock hair but it wasn't a popular look or a style back then, but in the later, mid-2000s the style changed to look more punk borrowing elements from punk rock look such as studded belts, studded bracelets and every emo hair style out there is actually from punk rock with an influenced goth look, so basically the emo look is not original and that's the reason scene was created because it's also unoriginal, but everything has a limit so in year 2010 it started dying the reason was because band were just getting bored of emo and started moving away from their emo roots and some bands also disbanded so by the year 2011 emo and scene were both extinct and the new popular look today is looking like a gangster wannabe or a hipster but there is some emo and scene left out there.
Emo Pictures - xDeadintheDirtx
Posts: 362
Apr 17 2016, 04:19 AM
TLDR; Fashions come and go and Emo ran its course.
Emo Pictures - omega1911
Posts: 18
Apr 17 2016, 05:16 AM
I couldn't tell yah I just know some history but not definitive, I just know after being with an emo women n engaged I found out I really had more to my character than was instilled so I'm just embracing best I can, she's gone n I'm in a new network here n at home so not doing so bad
Emo Pictures - seth_scolex
Posts: 48
Apr 18 2016, 12:32 AM
that should at least be 2000-2010* :p i think emo died cause both the bands and the fans "grew out" of whatever mental state they were in (i'm not saying it was awful but most of us were in a bad place and i'd like to think we're not the same now). also people that were in it for the mainstream aspect left soon as the attention stopped. for it to comeback as big tho i guess it would take an amazingly inspired band and fresh meat for the grinder haha, but yeah why not? anything can happen. but tbh it doesn't need to come back, as i look at this site i see that it still lives on in the younger generations. i wanted to start a topic a few weeks ago cause i was curious what you thought, but i might aswell put it here - i honestly feel like an emo wave is over and a new one is, hopefully, in progress.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Apr 18 2016, 10:04 PM
I'm glad this site is still getting quite a few new members every day. I think if I had the chance to finish the brand new (much better) site it'd certainly help things.

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