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I scream into the night for you Don't make it true Don't jump The lights will not guide you through They're deceiving you Don't jump Don't let memories go Of me and you Don't Jump, by Tokio Hotel

Emo Forums » Emo Fashion (Reply)

Posts: 11
Wish I could slice it all off Jun 27 2016, 06:38 PM
The hair I mean. I tried wigs once and my mom judged me so hard. She said she doesn't think I deserve to live in her house if I dress that way, the classic emo way, and the rare times I do or even cosplay, she calls me a nutcase and lesbo amongst other colourful vocabulary. (She's sort of extremely against practically anything there is out there. Though she claims not to be, she is.) Her exact words: "You're not going to be living in this house anymore", "There's something wrong with you", "You need a fucking shrink", etc. etc. What do I do in this situation? Anyone else on here with difficult parents to scoot around? *NOTE* I sorta want to rebel, but at the same time, I'm extremely scared to. My mom abused my dad before so I can't exactly oppose her. So I'm in a pickly sort of situation. Do I just do nothing?


Posts: 4
Jun 27 2016, 07:41 PM
Do you have another family member that you can go to?
Emo Pictures - DaRk_CaRniVal
Posts: 475
Jun 27 2016, 08:58 PM
My parents are the same, they dont like people that are "different". .-. I sucks because they deny it in front of everyone but then at home (or anywhere tbh) they'll find something to pick at people. Like person above said, have you got other family? If so, you could ask if you could stay for a while. So when she does say "you wont be living in this house" she'll have a shock and maybe that'll knock some sense into her. The only other thing I could suggest is, go subtle. I'm not good at advice. But I slowly (and I mean very slowly) had to get darker clothes or they'd question me 😶 Even buying just a pair of jean, it'd be, "why do they have to be black?" Id be careful if you choose to rebel. At least if you go to other family, you have their protection.
Emo Pictures - ILikeRain
Posts: 57
Jun 27 2016, 09:06 PM
Why be emo anyways there is nothing good that comes from being emo, emo it self is just a unoriginal style stolen from punk rock and goth. Every true emo kid knows that emo is all about the music not style, but if your doing for the style then your nothing then a poser but what do I know? Emo music these days are basically anything that's sad or overrated the real true emo was in the 80s
Posts: 11
Jun 27 2016, 10:19 PM
Thank you guys. Truthfully, I don't have any other family I can go to as the lot of them aren't the most understanding out there, if you know what I mean ahha. But it's okay. I'll take it subtle and wait until I'm eighteen and can legally move out before I do anything major. :] I'd like to be able to express myself without having to keep everything under lock and key, whether that be feelings or fashion. I'm glad you understand though, it sucks having folks like that. There's not much one can do under those circumstances other than wait things out, to be real honest. I just needed to vent a little. As for ILikeRain, I'm actually more interested in the community and what it stands for, those who are emotional, not for the more superficial things. Style is only a matter of expressing oneself and really anyone can do it, lest they have hyena mothers crawling down their throat. But your opinion dude. If you think it's all about the music, fine. I'm not going to vouch you on it.
Emo Pictures - ILikeRain
Posts: 57
Jun 27 2016, 11:58 PM
Thanks for understanding anyways but as for right now the "emo" community does not stand for anything and if it does then it's controversial. You can be emotional and not emo, labeling yourself only makes you less human and more like a soup can, as for expressing yourself through style come on do you really believe that? Just google emo boy and you will see that they all look the same so how is that expressing if they are all clones of Johnnie guilbert?, but by the time you are older you will finally see that it's just a phase and move on to become something of yourself
Posts: 11
Jun 28 2016, 12:03 AM
And the same goes for you, dude.
Posts: 75
Jun 28 2016, 02:17 AM
I wonder if that is also a religious reason. If that's so, then it is really hard. We spoke about manga and anime, how do your mom thought about that? I also had my problems with that because my mom thoughts it is a wast of money, but at least they need to accept me. But in your cause it is more problematic if ya wanne change your lifestyle. But at least if their is no religious cause, your mom is a bit outfashionad (but don't tell her that XD). I think more that she don't understand that you change a way she isn't use to, also she is shocked and maybe also a bit afraid. To be honest most parents are that way. But at least cosplay is a hobby and she need to accept that, but it's is easier if you explain it to her. Talk to her, I don't think she will abuse you for just explaining it. Also show her that you just do it for some conventions and not for changing your whole lifestyle. Ask yourself if your mom can teach you sewing. It's way easier if you take her in the boat. At least I have to say again, what ppl don't understand or what didn't suit in their "normal" life scares them, also that is the reason most of the time ppl act so. Also if it is no religious reason, if it so it really goes complicated then.
Posts: 20
Aug 06 2016, 10:02 PM
Sounds like strict parents, least I don't live at home anymore,lol.

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