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Running out of time, we don’t got much left. We can fall in love with our final breath Laying on My Porch While We Watch The World End, by Powfu

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Posts: 30
i hate myself. Dec 13 2017, 06:21 PM
when i was younger i did not know much about the world/laws and i did some stupid shit. ever since...whenever something gets overwhelming i block people who like/care about me and then i cry alone, i had a bf once who forced me to do shit. now i have trust issues, i used to cut myself whenever i thought about it, then boys started taking advantage of me, trying to get me to send nudes....i said no every time. i genuinely hate myself...and i think i will never get a bf because 1. im a virgin 2 i wont send nudes 3 i.....just want a hug. 4 i have OVER protective parents.


Posts: 75
Dec 13 2017, 08:11 PM
Only the 4. point is a bit of a problem, all else isn't a bad thing! If ppl don't accept that at the start, they aren't worse it and they don't deserve you!
Posts: 548
Feb 18 2018, 08:00 PM
WayOfLife is right! People need to respect your decisions when it comes to what you will and will not do. And to be honest you don’t need a boyfriend who requires you to do anything. They need to like you for you. Not because of “sending nudes” and because you aren’t a “virgin” if they won’t date you because of that, then they really don’t deserve your time.
Posts: 2
Apr 30 2018, 03:08 AM
I think one of the biggest problems...is that you find it a problem that 1 to 4 are problems. For one, we all hate ourselves at some point, it's something we all have to go through. You can hate yourself but you're kind of stuck with yourself for the rest of your life so the way I see it, you can either; a. Sit down, have a chat, some coffee, tea, whatever, with yourself and sort out some sort of agreement of tolerance. b. Do yourself like some equilibrium equation, keep going back and forth, and never get anything done. 1. You're a virgin, some might consider that a good thing as it's something that once you let go of you cant get back but hey, if you dont like it, change it, if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Its like...I'm a virgin, I like pizza and I binge Netflix....If you catch my drift. 2. Not sending nudes...is a good thing...it means you respect your body. Whoever is asking for n00dles should learn to respect it too. 3. Go hug someone 4. Overprotective parents are grown up kids who don't want you to make the same mistakes they did. It's a pain but youll come to appreciate it, Oh and you dont need a boyfriend. Period. -|Frostbite|
Emo Pictures - Emotaku40
Posts: 14
May 16 2018, 12:56 PM
I don't know about being virgin, but sending nudes is just going to make boys look at you in a worst level, like objectify you, I have friends sending nudes and it's like the black market (and it doesn't make their reputation any better), and people like your parents and others you don't want knowing it, will somehow get the pics. If you want a hug, get a boyfriend from elsewhere, not from that place. Okay, about your... OVER protective parents, I can totally get that, I was placed in such family too. Since you don't like them protecting you, if they get any bad news from you, they will get more irritating than bearable. What I do is, since they'll be annoying you with their speeches, you just nod and swallow all you bad feels, if they see you aren't responding with defensive words, they won't be bothering you for a long time. If you respond offensively, they must obviously talk back because they "always" have their reasons and your feelings matter sht. If you want to do something you like, you'll always know a way out of your parents view, like getting a bf. But pls, no things you'll regret later. And also, it's alright to block people, it naturally what surviving in this society means. But sometimes we treat badly the wrong people, those people who you'll be constantly mistaking for assholes but you can't even give them a chance. Just known you'll find a way, you'll find it :)

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