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I'm here without you baby! But you're still on my lonely mind. I think about you baby! And I dream about you all the time. Here Without You, by 3 Doors Down

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - emojr
Posts: 1
Literally hate life. Feb 26 2018, 03:28 AM
Okay I honestly feel so drained. All my life I've dealt with the anxiety and depression as best I could and I had moments were I would cut or just flip out for no reason but I always had some sort of control over it. But the last year or so I've just felt so lost and disconnected from everything. I have no one to turn to because for starters my parents legit don't understand anything and are very ignorant, I've tried to come to them before and they've always told me it not a big deal, I'm being dramatic, its all in my head. Secondly, all of my "friends" I've thought I were close to all completely shit on me and blew me off so there's that. Honestly I feel 100% alone and idk how to deal with it anymore. I kinda just sit in my room and do nothing majority of the time. I just don't know anymore.


Posts: 75
Feb 26 2018, 03:47 AM
What kind of moments are there, where you have the feeling to freak out? I think maybe they are similar or connected. At least you should set your focus on something you like and focus on the good things in your life, like your rats. Try something new out, don't let yourself hold you back. ^^ And I guess parents have mostly the problem to understand their kids feelings, so that's why there is still a small or bigger gap between both.
Emo Pictures - XxHippyxNumbxX
Posts: 19
Feb 26 2018, 07:14 AM
Hey emojr, im lee. i kinda understand how your feeling, and I will say you came to the right place. Reach out, others are trying to as well. You're not the only one, plenty of people suffer the same issues, and we all know its not just in your head. I wish i could have had some real advice but my head is not in the best of places either :/. And pls don't cut :c if you want add me and msg me if your feeling that way. I'll help the best i can.
Emo Pictures - Emotaku40
Posts: 14
May 13 2018, 02:21 AM
Hi Emojr, I have the same problem of hating life and it parents being incomprehensive and that's really a sht. What I normally do is that I agree with everything they have to say and when they turn back, I look my advice somewhere else like forums, YT, etc. Parents can't just understand that an area that they aren't used to, and that is because of their old fashioned thinking. Oh right, and I don't have friends either. My advice is to listen to music with the most personally identifying lyrics because it heals you, may be you could create a page where you let go all of your sadness, go to YouTube it always motivates me when I look up I hate my life or things like that. If you want to do something else instead of cut, you take a red marker and angrily simulate cutting, it creates a similar feeling.
Posts: 71
Jul 31 2018, 11:38 AM
you know nothing about those problems, you are young and stupid, go smoke crack! then you would have a reason for being so ugly!!!
Posts: 73
Aug 08 2018, 10:43 PM
I'm just like you, except I'd never cut myself. (I don't understand why people do it) The truth is that this situation is hard to fix (especially if you're a grown man) and no one can really help you but yourself. What does a stranger know? All they can do is relate or tell you to join a group or focus on something happy when there probably isn't. This is gonna sound super cliché, and some people might disagree, but seriously, all you need is love and friends in order to be truly happy. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't understand what it's like to live in solitude for a long time and what it does to a person. It's almost like prison. See, the older you get, it becomes harder to find friends in person 'cause you ain't in school anymore and you have less social opportunities. Even at work. Fortunately for you, you're an attractive young woman, so you should have an easy time getting a boyfriend just about anywhere. It's a lot harder for guys to find a mate 'cause girls are so untrusting and they need more than just looks.
Posts: 29
Jan 29 2019, 05:58 PM
Same, occassionally do have good days though.... My main issues are: Severe GAD, panic attacks, depression,PTSD, aspergers syndrome, severe IBS, gerd, chronic nerve pain issues, and other things. Feel my best when I don't have health issue flare ups and I see friends. But never truly happy unless I went to music festivals,gigs etc again. Plus a partner would help me ALOT, been single over 10 years. I got too many issues for anyone to want me.

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