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Emo Forums » Feedback (Reply)

Emo Pictures - holy
Posts: 78
[SUG] Fake Profile Reporting Forum May 15 2018, 02:12 PM
I think it would be handy to have a section of the forum dedicated only to dealing with fake accounts. This forum would be for: - Reporting fake accounts (proof required). - Checking status of reported fake accounts. - A list of commonly faked individuals. That being said, I also think there should be a separate team of moderators who only deal with fake accounts (permission to request proof the account pictures are real, and queue an account for removal in the event proof is not provided or ample proof is not given - actual site admins would, of course, be the only people who can delete the account, fake moderators would only be able to queue for deletion). The reason I think this would be handy is because it would help keep fake profile clutter out of the feedback forum, it would allow people an opportunity to prove their innocence, it would allow people to see if a person they're speaking to may not be who they say they are, it would show members that there is zero tolerance for identity theft, and members would be able to educate themselves on how to spot a fake profile. This would also take a huge load off of the site admins.


Posts: 75
May 15 2018, 05:23 PM
On any profil there is a report button. That is the reporting system. In the chat same, click on the name of the user and report it.
Emo Pictures - holy
Posts: 78
May 15 2018, 05:44 PM
Reporting without proof clogs the report system, increasing the workload for the admins. At least this way, as I said in the original post, it would also help people be aware that the people they're talking to may be fake, blah blah and also list commonly faked individuals. Reporting without proof can, in some cases, also cause legitimate accounts to be deleted simply based off spite, though Matt seems decently diligent.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18273
May 15 2018, 09:42 PM
Good idea to go along side the reporting system for fakes.
Emo Pictures - holy
Posts: 78
May 16 2018, 04:27 AM
So just for shits and giggles, I went through the browse members. With the settings I applied (both genders, age 13-80, only those with photos), I went through the first 30 pages. Within the first 30 pages (900 members), I found 10 suspected fake accounts in which I was able to find potential proof that they were fake (other social media accounts, unwatermarked images, larger images, same individual in other photos, etc, etc, not sure what you'd consider proof at this time, but most sites usually count all that as potential and give the account in question a week to provide proof the account is legitimate, if no proof is provided, the account usually gets deleted). I actually thought I'd find way more than that. But that being said, there were easily over 300 accounts which could have been fake, but I could not locate proof of. Another good reason to have the section for reporting fakes is, as new people get faked, we can add them to the commonly faked list, since none of the other ones that were once prevalent are updated anymore, if they're even still active.
Posts: 548
May 16 2018, 06:23 AM
I really do think this would help out with spotting fake profiles, especially to know that who you are talking to is real instead of someone faking to be someone else. It’s kind of sad nothing that people willingly put themselves in that position, using some else’s identity for their own profit, I dunno it’s just very kind boggling to me.
Posts: 75
May 16 2018, 06:46 AM
You know every fail report would be seen also by others, and for them it doesn't matter if it a right or wrong report. So how would it end if is there a open forum for reporting? It would be gossip ending in bullying. But a new team of forum mods would make it easier and faster to clean out things.That is indeed a good idea.
Emo Pictures - holy
Posts: 78
May 16 2018, 10:21 AM
You know every fail report would be seen also by others, and for them it doesn't matter if it a right or wrong report. So how would it end if is there a open forum for reporting? It would be gossip ending in bullying. What do you mean? There would obviously be rules in regards to reporting fake accounts this way and any breaking of said rules would result in regular site punishment... So here's an example of a post... TOPIC TITLE: [Fakes Username] POST CONTENTS: Fakes username, link to fake profile, PROOF the account may be fake. At that point, the moderators designated to deal with fake accounts will determine whether or not there is ample proof. IF there is sufficient proof, a designated moderator will contact the individual in question requesting proof of the account and give a specified timeline. From what I've seen on other sites, there is initially a week allotted between the moderator messaging the individual and them responding. If there is no response, the account gets queued for deletion. If there is a response, the individual would have a week from the time of their response to provide proof of their account. If no proof is provided, the account gets queued for deletion. The moderator who dealt with said account would update the status. Like so: Moderator: User messaged and proof of account has been requested. Moderator: User has responded and has until specified date to provide proof of account. Moderator: User has not responded and account has been queued for deletion. Moderator: User has not provided proof of account. Account has been queued for deletion. Moderator: User has provided proof of account. There really can't be people stupid enough to harass someone after they've been proven real. Doing it this way could also be a good way to add a verified status to an account - verified accounts are real people. There would also be rules that need to be followed when reporting the account as a fake. Reports that do not contain proof or do not contain ample proof will simply be locked with no further action. Regular users will not be permitted to request account proof. Anyone who does such can be punished based on the grounds of harassment. But a new team of forum mods would make it easier and faster to clean out things.That is indeed a good idea. I did not suggest a new team of forum mods. The mods who deal with fake accounts are NOT forum mods. They do not help with the forum, they help with fake accounts. That is it. They will not be allowed to edit/delete posts they did not create. They will not be able to mute or ban users from the forum. They are literally just authorized to message accounts suspected of being fake requesting proof they're real and queue deletion. Maybe the lead in charge of dealing with fakes would also be a forum mod, to help keep things under control, but even then I doubt it.
Posts: 75
May 16 2018, 05:22 PM
If you saying by your own "may be fake" (POST CONTENTS: Fakes username, link to fake profile, PROOF the account may be fake.), where is the difference between a wrong and right report, where is the rule that grips? But anyway, answer for yourself, I am don't wanne know the answer. Figure it out for yourself. ^^
Emo Pictures - holy
Posts: 78
May 16 2018, 05:31 PM
By "may be fake," it is implied that an individual is likely to be using fake pictures. The proof provided could be anything from finding the same picture(s) on google to finding other social networks with the same pictures. And what do you mean the difference between a right and wrong report?

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