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Look how you've grown, it's etched in skin and bone. Dressed in make-up and bleached out in the roses, That's hollow and tasteless Where spirits make love and pretty corpses hold their brides. Pretty People Never Lie, Vampires Never Really Die, by I Am Ghost

Emo Forums » General Emo Discussion (Reply)

Emo Pictures - wurdalak
Posts: 81
A Little Nostalgia Trip for Those Interested in Reading Oct 15 2020, 07:14 AM
2009: It's 8th grade year, I'm in middle school. I get home and go to my room to watch this cool new video by a new upcoming band called "Black Veil Brides". I log onto MySpace and update my status, add a new background, and upload a new pic in my checkered Hurley jacket. Get bored, message my then girlfriend and ~cyber~ for a little while. I get bored so I pop in Starwars Battlefront 2 into my PS2 and start blasting away at rebels, listening to Disturbed and Bullet for my Valentine. Get bored of the video games so I decide to straighten my hair for the next day. After wards, I go on YouTube and start watching "How to Draw Anime" videos and "How to Draw Tattoo Roses" videos. I pull out some printer paper and a #2 pencil, along with some shitty boxed art supplies I got for Christmas one year. I draw and listen to music from iTunes that I downloaded of Lime Wire and Grooveshark. Seether is on, and it be hittin'. Get tired, but still stay up and text my friends on my QUERTY phone. Shit's dope af. I finish off the day by watching an episode of Invader Zim on YouTube split between 2 parts, and work on part of an AMV on Windows Movie Maker, Vista edition. I go to bed, rinse and repeat. 2010-2013 Be my pothead and phase where I very outwardly dress emo. I wear my favorite The Devil Wears Prada shirt and let my friend borrow my Falling in Reverse shirt, so we're both matching. I have loooong curly hair and I'm wearing my favorite pair of grey levi's skinny jeans with an I <3 Boobies braclet from Hot Topic. Things have changed online and I frequent Facebook, Chatango, VampireFreaks, and MyYearbook (now called MeetMe). Smoke some shitty weed with my friends in the back of the bus and veg out for the rest of the school day. Some petty highschool drama (9th-10th grade). Hated this years, but hey, what can you do? Motionless in White is really starting to get popular, but I've liked them ever since their "When Love Met Destruction" EP, so I feel cool. I get home, go online, be a fuckboi, then proceed to continue learning how to draw. I'm listening to BrokenCyde and BOTDF (before the scandal, when everything was still basically an open secret). I watch some Bryan Stars interviews and log onto a NEAT new website I found called soemo.co.uk. Make a profile and start messaging people. Alright. Work on a Suicide Silence "No Pity for a Coward" vocal cover, recorded on a shitty iPod touch that's got a cracked af screen. 2014 Senior year of school, best year IMO. Decked out in Hot Topic gear for the new school year. Got out of some hard times from almost losing the house. It made me stronger though. I ride the bus and take for granted the years that I was able to spend with my friends. We all ended up going our seprate ways (but we still communicate frequently <3). My music taste is starting to shift, I'm starting to like more and more traditional metal music, but my fav band is still Escape the Fate at this point. Everthing is pretty much the same as the year before, things just seem to be going better overall. End up meeting up with an ex, who I fell back in love with, but we didn't rekindle that relationship until college (6 years strong now <3). I'm confused, and like another girl too, but not the way she liked me. Broke a couple hearts. Was basically an emo fuckboi since I found out I was actually pretty decently handsome. That's pretty much it. What's in between all these years? Tons of trips to the mall with my friends (we were mall rats) and great time with people who I love to this day. A lot of sad, depressing, and sometimes cringy life events. Do I regret any of it? Sometimes, but in the larger scheme of things, not really. Kinda going off topic, but I felt the need to type this out today. Probably because me and my lady listened to our emo playlists. Our song used to be "Forever and Always (acoustic)", I guess listening to it hit me in the feels. Also knowing that BVB and MIW are celebrating 11 years of music. Fucking hell. I'm getting old. Oh well. If you stuck through this whole thing, ;* Here's some old emotiocons I used to use a lot. :3 :D c: o.O >.< :P xD >////< e.e b.b ._. o_o ;3 c; ;))))


Emo Pictures - wurdalak
Posts: 81
Oct 15 2020, 07:15 AM
RAWR xD :3 x3 *nuzzles myself*

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