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Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - Vane_Skellington
Posts: 11
appearance doesn't matter. Jul 23 2022, 10:43 PM
appearance doesn't matter.

really? You tell me? man, once while doing internships in a hospital a doctor stopped me, in front of two other doctors and three of my colleagues to make fun of my curly hair, saying it was disheveled, he even touched my hair while looking at me with disgust.

Since that day I avoid male doctors, I try to do the practices with women.

today I had to be in the same office with him and the simple fact of being close to him gave me a lot of anxiety.

I know that maybe the comment was meant as a joke and I shouldn't take it seriously, but I've always been fighting with my insecurities about my appearance and I was happy to be in college, well, I thought they would only look at my abilities mental but I see that no.

Hell, until I changed my hairstyle, I started to hate my curly hair again.

Anyway, to the doctor who "defended" me from that doctor's comments, thank you very much...


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