I got a grenade and its got your name on it imma spit on your grave and engrave a dick on it, people say im insane an put the brakes on it lemme buy you a drink how bout a roofie gin and tonic Dead bite, by Hollywood Undead
Member since:
May 11, 2012
Last online:
May 11, 2012
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About Me
so i like talking to emo/scene boys and girls(: i just get on with them since we like the same style, type of music and stuff >.< so if you're like that, taaaaaalk!:D
i'm pretty random :3 seen black veil brides! i have coontails and platinum blonde hair>.<
tumblr? follow and i'll follow back! 3mmarawrs.tumblr.com
i'm unhealthily random. i'll talk to anyone if they're into the same stuff i am. i'm just kinda quirky and stuff :'3 but i have my issues so sometimes i can go into a SERIOUSLY depressed mood and be a bitch, not gonna like :| but i have experiance with this stuff, so i can always help whatever the problem (:
ima coffee addict, and i like skittles. hehe, i love you<3.