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im scared to get close, I hate being alone. I long for that feeling to not feel at all. the higher I get, the lower ill sink. I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim Can You Feel My Heart, by Bring Me The Horizon

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - AndrewDARKwolf


Andrew Garcia
28 / Male / Fullerton California, United States
Straight / Single
Member since: Dec 20, 2014
Last online: Jul 19, 2023

Current rating: 7.0/10 (1 votes cast)

About Me

Name :Andres Garcia
Nick Name :HA!... I got plenty
Birthdate :12-25-1995
Birthplace :Eureka, california. I miss it ;-;
Current Location :My bed
Eye Color :Brown
Hair Color :Black
Height :Don't know, don't care
Weight :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Piercings :I had one ;-;
Tatoos :Nope
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :Nah
Vehicle :My feet
Overused Phrase :WHAT THE FUCK
Food :Pizza
Pub/Disc/Restaurant :None *yawn* boring places
Candy :Skittles
Number :7
Color :Red and black
Animal :Wolf
Drink :MTDew
Body Part on Opposite sex :Its not a part but i say her laugh
Perfume :My sweat
TV Show :Full metal alchemist
Music Album :For the moment pierce the veil
Movie :The hang over
Actor/Actress :Emma watson... Jk, dont have one
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :This... Jk pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing :Pizza hut
Chocolate or VanillaChocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :Coffee
Kiss or Hug :None, respect my bubble
Dog or Cat :Dog
Rap or Punk :I hate both but i would go for punk
Summer or Winter :Winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :Both
Love or Money :Love
Bedtime :6 am
Most Missed Memory :Where i was born
Best phyiscal feature :My no longer six pack haha... *sigh*
First Thought Waking Up :Why did i woke up
Ambition :Monster
Best Friends :Danny, r.j., jose manuel, jacob brown, emma and brian
Weakness :Not giving it away that easy haha
Fears :The monsters i carry in my head
Longest relationship :I forgot, its better to forget
Cheated Your Partner :Next
Ever been beaten up :Yeah like a bunch of times
Ever beaten someone up :Yeah
Ever Shoplifted :Yeah............. The refrigerator
Ever Skinny Dipped :Uhh no
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :O_o
Been Dumped Lately :HAHaha... Yeah
Favorite Eye Color :Brown
Favorite Hair Color :Black
Short or Long :It depends what where talking about
Height :Any
Style :Hard to explain
Looks or Personality :Shy
Hot or CuteCute
Muscular or Really Skinny :Skinny
What country do you want to Visit :Idk
How do you want to Die :Thats not my choice to decide, its the reapers job
Been to the Mall Lately :Yeah
Get along with your Parents :Kinda
Health Freak :Nope
Do you think your Attractive :Nope
Believe in Yourself :Nope
Want to go to College :Yeah i guess
Do you Smoke :Nope
Do you Drink :Rarely
Shower Daily :Yeah
Been in Love :Next
Do you Sing :Nope
Want to get Married :Haven't thought about that
Do you want Children :Yeah i guess
Age you wanna lose your Virginity :...WTF
Hate anyone :Yeah just one person
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Favourite Music

BVB,BFMV,PTV,SWS,BTH,BTF,escape the fate, falling in reverse,green day, 3 days grace and eyes set to kill

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Full metal alchemists, pokemon and one piece, scott pilgrim vs. The world I like the scott pilgrim comics more than the movie

Education / Occupation


Who I'd Like To Meet

Anyone, doesn't matter

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