I've lost my goddamn mind
It happens all the time
I can't believe I'm actually
Meant to be here
Trying to consume
The drug in me is you
And I'm so high on misery
Can't you see? The drug in me is you, by Falling In Reverse
Alicia CookieQueen
28 / Female / CandyLand, Canada
Bisexual / Single
Member since:
Oct 27, 2011
Last online:
Dec 14, 2011
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About Me
Welll I am a happpy persOn and I LOVE tO party a lOt and I am a hOrse/animal lOver and my fav sOng is Beside yOu by Maranais Trench and I LOVE scremO. My 2 fav bands are BMTH and Never ShOut Never. I alsO lOve hOt-dOgs and cOOOkies.When I am Older I want tO have twins and get married tO an amazing guy. I want tO be able tO wOrk with animals for a job. I want tO live in a nice hOuse and have sOme land sO my kids can have a hOrse and will nOt live there lives in the hOuse and will be fit.But all that stuff will cOme latter. But I wOuld be satisfied Just to be with the One that I lOve and be happy with him fOrever. ♥ P.S I lOve tO drink ^__^
When I see yOu, my heart skips a beat. I try nOt tO like yOu . . . But i do. I try tO stOp myself, but I can't I'm sOrry.