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In the end as you faded to the night.. whoa oh oh.. who will tell the story of your life? In the end as my soul lays to rest what is left of my body? or am I just a shell? I have fought of flesh and blood I commanded an army.. ect. In The End, by Black Veil Brides

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - DeathKitty


Steffy Rose
25 / Female / Bromley, London, United Kingdom
Bisexual / In a Relationship
Member since: Jan 19, 2014
Last online: Jan 28, 2015

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Hey, im Steffy. I live in London. im 16. im really friendly but also very shy and im not mean or anything but I can come across as a very anti social person at times and often most people get the impression that I dont want to be their friend or talk to them when really im just having are hard time and anyone that wants to be my friend needs to understand that.

Its always my pleasure to keep people company when they have no one to talk to as long as im in a chatty social mood :)

Name :


Nick Name :


Birthdate :

27 November

Birthplace :

London, United Kingdom

Current Location :

London, United Kingdom

Eye Color :

Mixed between green, brown and blue depending on the light

Hair Color :

Naturally dark blonde/light brown

Height :

1.70m I think?

Weight :

I don’t bother weighing myself cause I’m always losing and then trying to put it back on

Piercings :

I have only the normal two piercings but I plan on getting loads more in my ears XD

Tattoos :

I haven’t got any yet but as soon as I’m 18 and I have spear money laying around I’m gonna spend it on having a tattoo done :D

Boyfriend/Girlfriend :

I’m in a really happy strong relationship with my boyfriend :3

Vehicle :

I can’t drive yet D: but when I do and have the money to buy the car I want, I’m hoping on getting a Mustang GT in dark red with two black stripes running down the middle of the car :D

Overused Phrase :

I don’t know.. I don’t talk much.


Food :

Pasta! Rice, sushi, pancakes, grapes, apples :P

Candy :

Dunno I like most things :P

Number :

7, 13, 666, 27, 19, 21, 14 and 15… XD I have my reasons.

Color :

Black! I hate the light colours.

Animal :


Drink :

Energy drinks

Body Part on Opposite sex :

Not really fussed

TV Show :


Music Album :

Never really thought about it, I have loads of favourites

This or That

Pepsi or Coke :


McDonalds or BurgerKing :

Meh.. both :P

Chocolate or Vanilla


Hot Chocolate or Coffee :

Hot Chocolate :P

Kiss or Hug :

Both :3

Dog or Cat :


Rap or Punk :


Summer or Winter :

Don’t care really.

Scary Movies or Funny Movies :

Scary Movies

Love or Money :

Don’t care


Bedtime :

Between 11AM ��" 1AM on school nights and 12AM ��" 3AM on holidays

Most Missed Memory :

When society wasn’t as fucked up as it is today

Best phyiscal feature :

Eyes and hair.

First Thought Waking Up :

I wonder how today’s going to be…

Ambition :

Not sure yet :/

Weakness :

Getting up in the morning, being happy when out and about with friends, confidence, self-esteem, socializing

Fears :

Wearing light coloured clothing o.o being in public, speaking to new people, becoming close with someone and then losing them

Longest relationship :

In one now :3 it’s been about 4 months so far and counting every day <3


Cheated On Your Partner :

Nope but I got cheated on when I was with my ex.

Ever been beaten up :

Not yet.

Ever beaten someone up :

Not yet…

Ever Skinny Dipped :


Ever Kissed Opposite sex :



Favorite Eye Color :


Favorite Hair Color :

Black or any other awesome dark colour

Style :

I dont really mind, as long as he/she is funny, friendly, loyal and trustworthy

Looks or Personality :

Average looks with nice personality

Hot or Cute


Muscular/Average/ Really Skinny :

Average of really skinny


What countries do you want to Visit :

As many places as I can

How do you want to Die :

Either old age or suicide

Get along with your Parents :

At times…

Health Freak :

I like to keep as healthy as I can

Do you think your Attractive :

Hahahaaa… NO

Believe in Yourself :

No, not really, I find that difficult

Do you Smoke :

Every now and then

Do you Drink :

Every now and then

Shower Daily :

Of course

Been in Love :

A few times

Do you Sing :

Yes but I don’t think I’m all that great to be honest but at least other people say I’m good

Want to get Married :


Do you want Children :


Age you wanna lose your Virginity :

Don’t really care as long as it’s over the age of 16

Hate anyone :

Judgemental people, Bullies, Haters, Posers,

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Favourite Music

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jan 19 2014, 01:39 PM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jan 19 2014, 01:34 PM
Heya DeathKitty welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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