My name is _____ Figure . It. Out
im from my mother. Its a very nice place, you should visit sometime.
Whats your favorite name for a girl?
Whats your favorite name for a boy?
Do you like coke or pepsi?
Nope, I like neither
Have you read Twilight?
Nope, no dogs, no leeches, no bellas. im innocent.
What does your car smell like?
The smell of victory!! Kidding, dont like cars.
Have you ever eaten a marshmallow burnt?
Does it count if I cover it in licorice
Do you have a gerbil?
Is that some kind of rat?
Are you afraid of airplanes?
I scream my head off when I hear a plane flying above me...no, im not afraid of planes.
What gives you goosebumps?
The book, goosebumps.
Whose your favorite character on TV?
Jack Frost. No, Percy Jackson. No, Damon Fizzy, No Huey Freeman. Definitely Huey.
Why did you take this survey?
Because I was too lazy to think of ORIGINAL shtuff
Do you like ice cream?
....No, I do not like icecream....note sarcasm.
Have you been to an arcade before?
Actually, no I haven't.
What is your favorite song?
Come Together. Aeresole Can.
What is your least favorite movie?
Ti-Bloody-Tanic. And all horror movies
When do you think the world will end?
Do you think cheesy jokes are funny?
Do you think corny lines are sweet?
Do you like texting or calling?
Texting. Because I dislike my accent.
Have you ever online dated?
Yush, maybe, .... who knows?
Whose the last person you hugged?
I dont DO hugging.
Do you believe Wikipedia is always right?
No, I believe google is always right
Do you like bulldogs?
I have 2 of em, torture and terror, love em to bits.
Have you ever eaten a corndog?
Heheheheheheheh- No.
Whats your favorite article of clothing?
No shoes, no shirt, but I still got pie.
Do you like classical music?
SAAAANTAAA LUCCIIIIIIIIIIAAAA....depends, if its classic orchestra techno then yes
Is your grandma still alive?
Shes in the next room -.-
Whats your favorite video on Youtube?
Daymon Fizzeh!!
Do you have a friend named Buddy?
I have a friend named, wall.
Why are people weird?
Because, we are all a little wierd, and lifes a little weird, and when we find someone whose wierdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutual wierdness and call it love -Dr. Suess
Do you know what TTFN stands for?
Thank Turtles For Neighing
Whats your pets middle name?
..........the first?
Have you ever dated 2 people at one time?
Yush, yush I have.
Have you ever sniffed someones hair secretly?
Yush, yush I have.
Do you have a T.V in your room?
Yush, Yush i HAD.
How long can you go without electronics?
1 week mate, 1 bloody week.
What are your siblings names?
Hehehe, cause you would want to know
Are you bored right now?
Not really,
What do you love to dream about?
You wouldn't want to know about that trust me, what is in my head, stay in my head.
Are you answering these questions with false answers or true?
True, very true.
Will you tell your friends to do this survey?
Likes: Basketball,