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I'll take all the blame Aqua Seafoam Shame Sunburn with Freezerburn Choking on the ashes of her enemy In the Sun In the Sun we feel as one In the sun in the sun... MARRIED BURIED. All apologies!, by Nirvana

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - I_deserve_Death


Jacob Beauchamp
23 / Male / Indiana, United States
Bisexual / Forever Alone
Member since: Nov 11, 2016
Last online: Dec 30, 2017

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Name :Jacob Beauchamp
Nick Name :Ferret
Birthdate :August 17, 2000
Birthplace :Indianapolis, Indiana
Current Location :Indianapolis, Indiana
Eye Color :Blue-ish green
Hair Color :Dirty blonde
Height :5 foot 9
Weight :Over 210 lbs
Piercings :Want
Tatoos :Nope
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :-
Vehicle :My legs
Overused Phrase :What the ell
Food :Chicken
Pub/Disc/Restaurant :Fazoli's
Candy :MilkyWay, 3 Musketeers, Twix, or Hershey's. Too hard to decide
Number :13
Color :Pink or black, too hard to decide
Animal :Ferret
Drink :Water
Body Part on Opposite sex :Brain
Perfume :None
TV Show :The Walking dead
Music Album :Notes from the Underground - Hollywood Undead
Movie :Can't decide
Actor/Actress :Don't have have one
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :Can't decide, too hard
McDonalds or BurgerKing :McDonalds, 'tis cheaper
Chocolate or VanillaVanilla :3
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :Neither, both suck
Kiss or Hug :Hug, since it's more loving when genuine
Dog or Cat :Cat
Rap or Punk :Punk
Summer or Winter :Winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :Scary
Love or Money :Love, since it's something i think i legitimately don't get
Bedtime :Whenever i please
Most Missed Memory :My most missed memory is not having memories
Best phyiscal feature :None
First Thought Waking Up :Fuck, I didn't die in my sleep
Ambition :Seeing myself as good and not bad
Best Friends :No one
Weakness :Sweets, whether thatcher be a sweet person or chocolates
Fears :Myself, spiders, bees, rejection, people being jackasses
Longest relationship :1 1/2 years
Cheated Your Partner :Hell no
Ever been beaten up :Nope, been choked though
Ever beaten someone up :Nope, wanted to so much though
Ever Shoplifted :Plenty of times, mostly candy :3
Ever Skinny Dipped :Nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :Yes, multiple times
Been Dumped Lately :If recently means within two months then yes
Favorite Eye Color :Blue
Favorite Hair Color :Black or some sort of blue/purple (thanks to Life is Strange) or bold/slightly bright red
Short or Long :Depends on how they look with the hair, long mostly
Height :5 foot 3 to 5 foot 9
Style :No idea
Looks or Personality :Personality mostly, looked do play a part in it
Hot or CuteCute mostly, hot would be a bonus to the cute
Muscular or Really Skinny :Neigher, I like an in between
What country do you want to Visit :Canada, Japan, France, England, Rome (during their peak if time machines exist in the future)
How do you want to Die :Fast and painlessly
Been to the Mall Lately :Nope
Get along with your Parents :Don't talk to them so I don't know
Health Freak :Eh
Do you think your Attractive :*snorts* Hell no
Believe in Yourself :*snorts* Nope
Want to go to College :Yes
Do you Smoke :Nope
Do you Drink :Nope
Shower Daily :Only skip saturdays
Been in Love :Yes, also have heart destroyed
Do you Sing :Very, very, very rarely
Want to get Married :If I find someone that is that in love with me that long enough then yeah
Do you want Children :Nope, at least not biological. Adoption if anything
Age you wanna lose your Virginity :Idk, just some time in the future. Preferably before the end of high school but I won't complain
Hate anyone :Myself for various reasons
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