Jamie Holbeche
24 / Male / BirminghamThAA, United Kingdom
Straight / In a Relationship
Member since:
Jun 28, 2015
Last online:
Jun 21, 2016
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
I'm vocalist and lead guitarist as well as songwriter for my band social Standby'. I listen to music 24/7 and cant get enough of concerts. You won't ever see me in anything except band merch and other nerdy shirts like Charizard or Game Of Thrones. I get mood swings a lot and have some moments when i dont talk to anyone except the ones im very close to. And even then, its rare. Im not perfect and i dont think i ever will be but im determined to be the next thing under that :p I put everyone before myself (even strangers) and would help anyone if asked or came to :3 I have KIK and its jamieholbeche, my facebook is Jamie Holbeche, my snapchat is GOTJammi and my instagram is SocialStandby.
Do you ever get that moment when you feel the best you've ever felt. You feel so confident and happy about yourself and you actually think to yourself "I'm glad i'm alive" and then in a single second, it completely switches around and you stay quiet. Terrified of bringing someones' mood down with yours. So they think you're being rude and ignoring them. But you're really just blank in the mind and you have no idea what to say or how to say it. I just get this kind of tidal wave of depression and it kinda drowns me and overwhelms me so i cant see the surface of happiness above it and i just feel i've forgotten how to swim up and make it all better again. Yeah, i get that a lot..