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Put on your war paint. You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down, Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground, We are are the jack-o-lanterns in July, setting fire to the sky, Here it comes, this rising tide, So come on! The Phoenix, by Fall Out Boy

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Lizziefershure


28 / Female / It's a holiday in, Cambodia
Pansexual / Single
Member since: Jul 24, 2013
Last online: Mar 25, 2023

Current rating: 10.0/10 (1 votes cast)

About Me

Yo Ladies and Gentlefucks. What it do, dawg? I firmly believe in not giving a fuck. It's the best decision in life and it saves me 10% on car insurance. Don't believe me? Just ask anyone else who doesn't give a fuck. They would tell you that the savings from fucks to give are tremendously fabulous. +1 ll I am not, by no means, a sugar coater. I will not hand you something half cooked or partially warmed. You must know if you ask for honesty, it will be thrown to you by force. Good or bad. I'm not really great at savoring feelings. My apologies. If you wish to stay blind, don't ask for my true opinion. ll B R E A K I N G N E W S S T O R Y: __________________________________ If you wish to know more, fasten your seat belts and hold on tight, for you will be disappointed in four milliseconds flat. Unless you're worthy. (:
Name :Lizzie
Nick Name :Penisplopper, Lizabel, Lizard.
Birthdate :5/2/96
Birthplace :Hell
Current Location :Different part of hell
Eye Color :Brown
Hair Color :Naturally brown
Height :5'3
Weight :125
Piercings :Tongue, Septum, vertical labret,5/8g ears,Navel,Nips and Dahlias.
Tattoos :Four
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No one is worthy.
Vehicle :2010 Mazda M3 Hatchback
Overused Phrase :"Excuse the fuck out of me."
Food :Pasta
Pub/Disc/Restaurant :Outback steak house
Candy :Rolos
Number :13
Color :Purple.
Animal :Wolf or fox.
Drink :Strawberry lemonade.
Body Part on Opposite sex :Eyes. Most definitely.
Actor/Actress :Johnny Depp/Emma Stone
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :Pepsi.
McDonalds or BurgerKing :Burger King.
Chocolate or VanillaChocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :Hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug :hugs
Dog or Cat :Dog
Rap or Punk :Punk
Summer or Winter :Winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :Funny
Love or Money :Love
Bedtime :When I want. thug lyfe.
Most Missed Memory :Being a child
Best phyiscal feature :Lips
First Thought Waking Up :Ew, I have to do things.
Best Friends :Jem,Marie,Daimen,Layla,Ryan,and some other fags. (:
Weakness:My emotions
Cheated Your Partner :Nope
Ever been beaten up :lolno.
Ever beaten someone up :lol yes.
Ever Shoplifted :Well you see. heh.
Ever Skinny Dipped :lets do it now.
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :Duh
Been Dumped Lately :Nah son.
Favorite Eye Color :I usually like light color eyes.
Favorite Hair Color :brown or blonde.
Short or Long :medium/long
Height :5'8+
Style :Just don't be a faggot.
Looks or Personality :Personality mostly. But I have to be sexually attracted to you for this to work.
Hot or CuteCute
Muscular or Really Skinny :Be healthy.
What country do you want to Visit :United Kingdom, Germany and Rome.
How do you want to Die :Quickly
Been to the Mall Lately :Yes. I work there.
Get along with your Parents :Eh.
Health Freak :Eh.
Do you think your Attractive :Depends on the day
Believe in Yourself :Depends on the situation
Want to go to College :Maybe.
Do you Smoke :Smokewut. huehue.
Do you Drink :Duh.
Shower Daily :Yes.
Been in Love :Yes.
Do you Sing :Yes o;
Want to get Married :Maybe one day, if lucky.
Do you want Children :Yes, one day, if lucky.
Take SurveyCreate Survey
"I'm a little dysfunctional, dont you know? If you push me, It might be bad Get a little emotional, dont you know? You could fool around and make me mad I'm a little dysfunctional, dont you know? If you push me, It might be bad Get a little emotional, dont you know? Might fool around and make me mad dont make me mad." "I borrow phrases from dusty, faded, record sleeves. The story is the same, I just personalised the name." "This ain't no place for no hero. This ain't no place for no better man. This ain't no place for no hero, To call home." "I've got some damn bad intentions I see the world in 25 dimensions I've seen evil reign over perfection Blood heat over tension, and I know... You say you love the way the storms blow, But when it comes you close your window. You hate the fighting in the world So you bring the battle home and fight until it's yours." "I'm sorry if I seem uninterested Or I'm not listenin' or I'm indifferent Truly, I ain't got no business here But since my friends are here I just came to kick it but really I would rather be at home all by myself not in this room With people who don't even care about, my well-being" "I'm no fool, no, I'm not a follower I don't take things as they come If they bring me down Life can be cruel, if you're a dreamer I just wanna have some fun Don't tell me what could be done" "She got blood cold as ice and her heart made of stone but she keeps me alive she's the beast in my bones."

Favourite Music

Asking Alexandria, Acid Bath, Aritic Monkeys, As I lay dying, Panic at the Disco, Disfiguring the Goddess, The Browning, Lethal Injection, Cattle Decapitation, Cannibal Corpse, (old) Bring Me The Horizon, The Black Dahlia tMurder, Thy Art is Murder, Envy on the Coast,Cage The Elephant , Evan's Blue, Seether, The Pretty Reckless, AC/DC, Weezer, Blink-182, The Killers, Nile, Alice In Chains, Nirvana, Hurt, Veil of Maya, AudioSlave, Buckcherry(seen),Burn Halo, Coheed and Cambria, Bush, Dethklok, Combichrist, Elton John, Tool, Gorillaz, Korn, Incubus, La Dispute, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Mötley Crüe, My Chemical Romance, Marylin Manson, Avenged Sevenfold(seen), In flames, Get Scared, Behemoth, Goatwhore, Godsmack(seen), Lamb of God, Underoath, Halestorm(seen), The Doors, Otherwise(seen),Icon for Hire, The Cab, The Dirty Youth, Paramore, The Agonist, Deftones(seen), Hands Like Houses, God Fires Man, Staind(seen), I am Ghost, Kill the Romance,The Beatles, Bon Jovi, Rise Against, Sylosis , Slipknot, Opeth, Otep, Rammestein, Slayer, Foo Fighters, Tenacious D, Marcys Playground, Santana, Queen, Judas Priest, Dying Fetus, Sum 41, Jimmy Hendrix, Pink Floyd, I Monster, Deep Purple, Modest Mouse, Motorhead,Daft Punk, Megadeth, White Stripes, NeverShoutNever, Kittie, AFI,AC/DC, Scorpions, Billy Joel, The Doors,The Cab, Styx, Billy Idol, Kansas, Janis Joplin,Bad Company, Disturbed(seen), Murderdolls, Vampires Everywhere!, Korn, Woe is me, Rob Zombie(seen), White Zombie, Led Zeppelin, Metallica. ------- Hopsin The Weeknd Futuristic Tyga Lil Dickey Tech N9ne OutKast Palm Trees Biggie -- ect c: Rap Hiphop RnB Techno Trap Trance Dance House Funk Country Jazz Blues Ect.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Sons of Anarchy Supernatural The Nightmare Before Christmas Sweeny Tod Moulin Rouge Phantom The Opera Regular Show Adventure Time Twister Purple Rain Boy Eats Girl Dawn of the Dead Dead Silence Corpses Bride Full House That 70s Show George Lopez Inception The Breakfast Club 21 & 22 JumpStreet American Dad The Office Family Guy South Park Tosh.O Seinfeld Whose Line is it Anyway? Drunken History Ghost Hunter & Ghost Adventures Man Vs. Food Pawn Stars (Vegas) StorageWars Demitri Martin The Boondocks Wilfred Parks and Recreation Orange is the New Black Twilight Zone Always Sunny In Philadelphia House of Night novels Vladimir Todd Chronicles Vampire Academy series Fallen series Hush Hush series Hemlock Uglies series Hamlet Beowulf Romero and Juliet Oliver Twist Alice In Wonderland Macbeth The Crucible Midsummer Nights Dream The Odyssey Dracula Frankinstien ------------------------- Authors: H.P. Lovecraft Edgar Allan Poe William Shakespeare Emily Dickinson Mark Twain Nathinel Hawthorne Arthur Miller Bram Stroker Lewis Carol J.K. Rowling Scott Westfield Richelle Mead Heather Brewer Ect.

Education / Occupation

▪Graduated High school. ▪Werkwerkwerk.

Who I'd Like To Meet

No one. You all suck. And human life is a plague. (:

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