But this has got the best of me and I can't seem to sleep, it's not cause you're not with me, it's cause you never leave It Never Ends, by Bring Me The Horizon
Member since:
Oct 08, 2016
Last online:
Oct 09, 2016
Current rating: 10.0/10 (1 votes cast)
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About Me
I am can be a boisterous, rude and prideful woman. I am very brash and brutal, showing no hesitation when i kick someones ass, as well as vulgar and irritable. I am seriously insecure about my height and curse openly towards people for everything.
However despite all that I'm real to the people i care about and will let you know when your fucking up, I'm kind in my own way. Don't question my sanity because ill let you know right now, i am not whats considered sane and i take pride in that fact.
Please tell me if i do anything that upsets you in anyway i am a very understanding and caring person, but don't take advantage of that because i can also be the most heartless person you will meet.
I am an open book so if you want to know something, just ask, don't assume shit cause that annoys me to know end.
I can't wait to be friends!!
Favourite Music
I like anything that can really catch my attention.
I enjoy screamo/ scene music the most
Favourite Films / TV / Books
anything that has to do with sci-fi , fantasy, and mythology Anything that'll help me escape my own reality
Although its mainly manga and fantasy
Education / Occupation
Who I'd Like To Meet
Anyone who won't double cross me and make me have to go to prison -_-"
Each day….. Each day it’s the same thing. I would listen to some mundane
Educator’s, trying to teach me concepts that i already know and understand.
I would give them attention for at least 5 minutes,
And sometimes i would fall asleep out of boredom.
I would get scolded by the teachers and sent to the library to 'meditate on my disrespectful behaviors'.
But I didn’t really care…
“I am so sorry….”
Instead, I would just work on my latest personal projects. Then when the time came, i would go to my room.
And lay on my bed.
I would just think of how i used to be, back then.
How i used to talk. How i used to act. How i used to think.
“All I ever wanted….”
How everything had drastically changed in a short instant.
When i think of it, I can’t clearly remember the “accident”.
I can’t remember how i got out of it alive.
“Was my family back!!...”
Most of the psychologists i saw called that a “Post- Traumatic Amnesia”.
They taught me that this loss of memory was a temporary way to help me cope with the trauma…. I wished it to be permanent…
Most of the time, I would spend the whole night on it.
“Those eyes… whose are they?”
Anyway… After some time, I would continue working on my secret research.
I avoid talking about it with my instructors. Since they would give me the same, irrelevant speech.
But they don’t understand, they can’t understand.
I’m doing all of this, for her….