I embody everything that you hate
Take these lies and shove them down your throat you fucking disgrace
I've had enough of the bullshit
And everything that you say
It makes no difference to me
You'll be dead by morning anyway Blood For Blood, by AngelMaker
Patrik Hatlebrekke
33 / Male / Akershus, Norway
Straight / In a Relationship
Member since:
Aug 29, 2008
Last online:
Jul 28, 2009
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About Me
my name is Patrik, and I am eighteen in January, and here is something to chew on.
I go to a 'God' forsaken school called Manglerud, though that suits me fine as I don't believe in said 'God'. I don't really have any hobbies, and I am to lazy to get one, doing things is a hassle, especially if you don't like doing things in general. You see, there are things you just like, and then there are things you have to build up liking. As an example, I might like paint-ball, doesn't mean I am any good at it, and since everyone wants to be good at stuff but everyone isn't, I just fall back on being a lazy bastard.
I'm not really sophisticated, it's not a trait that goes well together with being lazy, but I have my opinions on most things, be it people, discussions, objects and on.
Okay, this is when writing a profile gets tricky, I'll just write the first five facts that fall into my head, one, two, three, go!
Fact #1, I smile a lot, even when I talk on msn or any other interactive program online.
Fact #2, I am the direct opposition of being false, I am always me, and people tend to like me, so I don't have any plans of changing any time soon.
Fact #3, I am a cam whore, I have my precious Nikon and I love taking pictures, be it myself, my body or a pretty flower that I just happend to pass. In my eyes, pictures is a way to capture the soul of something beautiful forever. A memory can be sweet as honey, but what good is it if you forget it? That's when taking a picture plays in, naturally though, there isn't much memory in taking a picture of your body, that's just me being me.
Fact #4, I care more about friends than myself, and I have proven that to myself over and over again. However, defining a friend is dodgy, I have a lot of friends, but there is only a handful this fact actually is a fact for, because I feel this way towards people I like and no one else.
Fact #5, I think, if you smiled atleast once, or nodded agreeing with anything I wrote, then we can make for a pretty decent conversation, so do talk to me, I do not bite, unless you really want me too.
Fact #6, I drink and most of the time I love it, and no, that is not water or orange juice, the other kind of water that makes you all fuzzy and warm and sometimes gives you a blue eye if you cant handle your water. I see a lot of people that drink because they are sad or because they want to forget, I think that's the wrong reason to drink, the only times you should ever ever touch the special water is when you are in a good mood and just want to get into an even better mood, amiright? ;3
Fact #7, I do actually work out, I'm not the most athletic person in the world, but I try keeping my mojo up (mojo being my stamina and otherwise flat torso).
Fact #8, Wait for it, yes, I play World of Warcraft, because it's just simply a breath taking game that requires focus, time and a hell'a lot of socializing, despite the common stereotype(s). Thanks to this game, I've made friends in countries I didn't even know existed (dramatization; i actually know of all the countries in the world due to a geeky period in eight grade, but that's not the point).
Fact #9, English is fun (and necessary). The reason I wrote my profile in English is because it'll shake of the less intelligent people, even if that sounds harsh, I just don't want to deal with someone who can't understand what I am writing, you probably understand though, right? :3
Fact #10, I need to color my hair super-often since I used to be a ginger kid, no jokes, my nickname was once captain red-beard. (this is the part where you crack up, and make fun of me.)
Fact #11, if you read this far, I think you liked my profile, and I think I will like you in return, so do send me a message. (I think I am repeating myself n_n')
Fact #12, I make weird noises, and my favorite phrase is 'kero-kero', which basically is the sound the frogs make according to the Japanese, and on that note, I am currently studying Japanese in school, got the whole hiragana alphabet down and some simple kanji signs, sugee ;3!
Fact #13, I have way way blue eyes, and sometimes I wish they would glow, cause that would just be epic.
Fact #14, I have a plushie called Chester (after the lead singer in Linkin Park), he's a cow, he's soft and I sleep with him most of the time.
Fact #15, HIMYM is the best show ever made, and Barney is awesome, no argument, face down.
Fact #15, Fact, I did fact #15 twice just because I can ;3
Fact #16, I will add more facts as I remember more.. important things about myself, so do check in every now and then if you want to learn more about le me, thank you for reading thus far!
Fact #17, Music is something I enjoy, not something I need or must have, although, sometimes I wish the world was one giant soundtrack, forming and folding to the situation, if I could have that, I would be really happy. It'd be hard to pay attention in class though, obviously. 18+ I guessz.
Fact #18, My email address is ray_barone@hotmail.com, and if you want to talk you are free to add me.
Favourite Music
This is honestly very hard, cause I can't think of everything I like on the top of my head, how about I share the genres? Good, you approve ;>
I like Indie Rock, I like Alternative Rock, I enjoy Techno, especially when I'm drunk. And I also have a fetish for soundtracks, from movies, games or any place as long as it's good. Yann Tiersen is one of my favorite musical composers, with people like Hans Zimmer coming in on a close second. It's music that touches the soul, nuff said.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
That 70's Show is the most epic serie ever made for television. And my favorite movie is The Patriot / Braveheart / Pirates of the Caribbean.
Basically, anything Mel Gibson or Johnny Deep x_x My favorite book is Perfume, cause it's so unique, so different from everything else I've read or watched in this century. This is what a book is all about, originality, combined with all the other elements that make a book shine.
Education / Occupation
High School, First Year, Love it.
Who I'd Like To Meet
I'll give everyone a chance, but if I just frankly don't like you after talking with you, nuh uh waving that shallow stick.