I've come face to face with myself, man! Sanctify the early light just like the old man can, boy... Change the world? you better change yourself man! Boy! Man! Challenge the mind to be more like the rolling ocean man, and Burn! Stand, by Devin Townsend Project
30 / Female / England, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since:
Apr 03, 2008
Last online:
Jul 14, 2008
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
You have rated XxEmohugglesxX
About Me
Hey there, Im Katie
And im sometimes callled Penguin
Pleased to meet yew
I come from liverpool, Im 13
I have brown hair and bluey greeny eyes
I ish skinnyish lol
Woah this seems soooo.................vein
I luffles my friends to bits, especially the verry few i can actully
trust. Alot of people talk about me but really i couldnt care lesss.
so dont bother. Basically i would do anything for my "real" friends.
I takes me a while to trust someone and actully share my problems
with them.
Im a randomer sometimes
i always seem to amaze people, which is funneh
I have opinions, and i willl share them with you, be it critism or
People like to hug me, so like to hug people [yaaay me]
Haha im apparently "Emo", or a "goth" but i dont think im Emo or
goth- just different
People who put me into stereotypes shalll feel the wrath of a rusty
RAWR =] =]
Im sensitive
I Luffles
Rock music
Penguins and dinos
Lady bug umbrellas [Kevin stolled it so i need a new one]
Family [sometimes ]
Kupika [yaaaaay Kupika]
Peotry and storys
Skinny jeans and Hoodies
Purple, green, orange, black and umm sometimes Pink
I haties
R n B and that sh***
two faced people
People who think they are ugly cuz no one is
Crushes [i hash one right now, and its killing me]
OMG onions and tomartoes
School [well sometimes]
Lip gloss [it's sticky ={]
Bitches who think they are aweshum, but they're not cuz i know
aweshum people =]
Cybering [ewwwwwie ]
Homophobic people
Goooood bye's
My cousin Liam [lol he looks like Pikachu XD]
Boredom [dies]
I cant smile to save my life, i just loook...................demented
I like oreos [they're supppeh Yummmmy]
I have a personality, those people who dont like it can go somewhere
teee heeee XD
Im normallly Hypah, i just feeeel wierd today
Maybe because Im in Love, but Who knows
Im happy living my life, I wouldnt prefer it any other way =]
Rofl i get bored easily!
Favourite Music
You me at six (I am totally OBSEESED with them yeah)
Elliot Minor
Avenged Sevenfold
Red jumpsuit apparatus
Papa roach
30 sec to mars
Blink 182
Off spring
within temptation
Bullet for my Valentine
green day
madina lake
new found glory
Panic at the disco
simple plan
iron maiden
Bring me the horrizon
killswitch engage
cute is what we aim for
green day
lost prophets
tokio hote
linkin park
Angels and Airwaves
bowling for soup
good charlott
boys like girls
hello goodbye
we are the ocean
Story of the year
scary kid scaring kids
taking back sunday
thats all i can think of
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I like horror movies like the grudge, freddy v jason, Amityville horror and other varouse horror films. I like anime alot such as Naruto and bleach. I like skins, simpsons, avatar the legend of aang, shameless and others. The harry potter series. I like manga like naruto, High school rumble, judas, and bleach.
Education / Occupation
I am currently in highschool. But i dont want to be. it suckzzzzz
Who I'd Like To Meet
I would like to meet anyone in my age group really. I dont care if they are boy orrr girl. And emo poeples.
i also wanna meet alex heartbreaker, oli sykes and Hayley williams hehehe