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I only beat you when I'm drunk, Your only pretty when your crying. Piano, by Glassjaw

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Xzavier_eatsbears


Xzavier Jayne
26 / Female / In a cupboard, United States
Straight / In a Relationship
Member since: Jan 03, 2014
Last online: Feb 15, 2014

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Hello! My name is Xzavier. I won't tell you the EXACT details about me. BUT, I like anything cherry flavored :3
I sit in my room all day, listening to music, probably do some homework, watch movies, play video games, and a little guitar, and also draw. I draw out the dreams I have had the last night I slept. My favorite subject in school is probably.....Personal Finance. Idk if any of you know what that is, but my teacher lets my classmates, and I do anything we want in his classroom, without any school work sometimes. My favorite season might have to be Spring. Its not too cold, or too hot, so its just right. im not the type of girl that replies to any inapropiate things.
I will get in trouble for that, and I may not reply back to you. My friends think im a fun person to talk to. So you're free to talk, or message me anytime. I can only be on here during the weekends and such. I know..sadness occurred inside of you right? I sure hope not. im the kind of friend who will listen to your problems no matter what it is, and I will try to help you out with your situautions, if you need any advice or anything like that. im always there for you. I also care. So if you think I dont care, I actually do. I have a tumblr, and feel free to add me and such, I have a youtube. If you have a request for me to talk about something, or also to do something, I will do it, as long it isn't INAPROPRIATE. I DO have fan mail on my tumblr. So feel free to ask questions and I will get back to you ASAP.
- Keep Smiling! :)

Favourite Music

Hello female and male teenagers of the earth!
My favorite music to listen to is, Dubstep, techno, and metal.
im learning to play guitar, since I got for Christmas, but its kinda hard for me to learn and such.
I guess im good at singing. (Thats what my friends tell me)
I was in choir last year in Jr. High, which was REALLY fun to do.
I cant scream. Last time i tried to scream/growl, I ruined my vocal chords, and I couldn't talk for a WHOLE week. It kinda was sucky to not talk at all during those times I wanted to.
My sister can growl/scream REALLY good.
One time she requested to do "Not The American Average" By Asking Alexandria. So I said okay. And believe it or not, but it sounded not half bad. I was inpressed as well. I didn't know my sister and I could do such a thing like that together.
-Keep Smiling! :)

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Xzavier here! ^-^
I love the T.V show Adventure Time.
Its my all time favorite show to watch with my sister as well.
We had really good laughs during the comedies that T.V show has in it.
I grew up watching Drake and Josh, which I STILL watch, because there is nothing else to watch on the channels.
On Christmas, my siter got me the movie Warm Bodies.
I love zombies :3
My friends NOW call me R from the main character in that movie, because hes my favorie acter, and ALSO, I "apparently" can act, and sound like R. Kinda weird to say that, but I guess its true apparently to my friends and others as well.
-Keep Smiling! :)

Hey! XD
I dont REALLY read.
Although, I AM supposed to for school to get a good grade in English 1.
But the book im reading now is called Lemonade Mouth.
Its based on the Disney movie.
But has more details in the book than the movie.
dont judge me because im reading it.
I just randomly picked it off fromt he shelf.
But, my favorite book is "Its Kinda A Funny Story"
They have a movie out from that book, and its actually pretty funny if you read the book than the movie.
-Keep Smiling! :)

Education / Occupation

Well, I kinda work in a hospital.
im gonna be a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) in coming Febuary.
I have to take classes first though, which probably doesn't start til this summer.
I like to help people out and make them feel better.
I wanted to be a drummer when I am a lilttle older.
But I probably won't learn for QUITE a while.
When I was younger, I used to go down to my cousins basement and automatically play her drums.
Not as WELL though.
- Keep Smiling! :)

Who I'd Like To Meet

I really do not know who I'd like to meet.
I think I would like to meet Ben Bruce from Asking Alexandria.
I ripped up my tickets last time to go see them all because of this guy I used to date 2 years ago.
But I got over it, so it doesn't matter now.
But Ben has a REALLY nice voice.
Hes a Britan also haha. Which is ALWAYS a ice thing I guess.
-Keep Smiling! :)

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