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Truth is you can stop and stare. Run myself out and no one cares. Dug a trench out, laid down there. With a shovel out of reach somewhere. Bleed It Out, by Linkin Park

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - arnobodrib


Alex Duke
31 / Male / Löñdôñ, United Kingdom

Member since: Dec 02, 2012
Last online: Dec 29, 2015

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

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�')(�')_______███☼███____(�')(�') (�')(█)(�')__ ███_☼██████ _(�')(�')___██____████████ _________██____███�'�'▄�'�'.... __________██____█�'�'�'�'�'�'... ___________██____ █�'�'�'♥___(�')(�') ____________██_____�'�'____(�')(█)(�') __________ __██____�'�'______(�'(�') _____________██__�"�"�'�"_______█ ________██__██ �"�"�"�'�'�'�"____█ _(�')(�')___███_ �"�"_�"�"�"�"�"___█ (�')(█)(�')______�"�"__�"�"�"�"�"___█ _(�')(�')_____ _�"�"__�"�"�"�"�"___█___█ ___________ �"�"___�"�"�"�"_�"___█_█ __________ �"�"___�"�"�"�"__�"�"__█ _________ �"�"___███☼█__�"�"__█ ___♥�'�'♥�'♥�'♥�'♥�'♥�'♥�'♥ __�"�"_█ ___ ♥�'♥�'�'♥�'♥�'♥�'♥�'�'♥�'♥__�'�'�' ____ ♥�'♥�'�'♥�'♥�'♥�'�'♥�'�'♥�'____█ ______ ♥�'�'♥�'♥�'♥�'♥�'♥�'�'♥�'♥__█ ________♥�'�'♥�'�'♥�'♥�'�'♥�'�'♥�'♥ ___________♥�'♥�'�'♥�'�'♥�'�'♥�'�'♥�' _______________�"�"_�"�" _(�')(�')_________�"�"_�"�" (�')(█)(�')_______�"�"_�"�" _(�')(�')_________�"�"_�"�" _______________�"�"_�"�" _______________�"�"�"�" _______________�"�"�" ______█████████ ________██____██ ______█☼█____██ ______█_______██ ______________█☼█ ______________██__█▄ i wÁññÀ mÉÈt wît mY drËÅm gal..

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Jan 05 2013, 09:13 PM
Mis-understandi ngs : Must read this conversation:-) Mý girl: Do i ever cross ur mind? Mê: No Girl: Do you like me? Mè: Not really.. Girl: Do you want me? Më: No Girl: Would you cry if I left? Mè: No Girl: Would you live for me? Mê: No Girl: Would you do anything for me? Më: No Girl: Choose me or ur life.. Mê: my life, "Mý girl runs away in shock and pain and um jst stnd alone in the rain she never bilved me... and real mean of my talk was dat:::- (The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind. The reason why I don't like you is because I love you. The reason I don't want you is because I need you. The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left. The reason I wouldn't live foryouis because I would die foryou. The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you...) "The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life..." dats my -----/:/------/ ----/:/------/ ---/:/------/ --/:/------/ -/:/------/ /:/------/ \:\------\ -\:\------\ --\:\_____\ ---\/____/ ------_____ -----/\------\ ----/::\------\ ---/:/ \:\------\ --/:/ --\:\------\ -/:/ ----\:\------\ /:/ ------\:\------\ \:\------/:/ ------/ -\:\----/:/ ------/ --\:\--/:/ ------/ ---\:\/:/ ------/ ----\::/------/ -----\/____/ -----_____ ----|:|------|- -_____ ----|:|------|- /\____\ ----|:|------|/ :/------/ ----|:|------/ :/------/ ----|:|-----/:/ ------/ ----|:|----/:/ ------/ ----|:|---/:/ ------/ ----|:|--/:/ ------/ ----|:|-/:/ ------/ -----\:/:/ -----/ ------\/____/ -------_____ ------/\------\ -----/ ::\------\ ----/:/\ \------\ ---/:/--\ \------\ --/::\---\ \------\ -/:/\:\---\ \____\ -\:\-\:\__\/ ____/ --\:\-\/____/ ---\:\------\ ----\:\____\ -----\/____/ bt its dream.....
Dec 31 2012, 09:14 AM
*★Happy ★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • •。★New Year★ 。* 。 ° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _II_____*。*˚ ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/- \。˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | - - |[ ]| ”˜˜”*°•. ˜”*°• . •°*”˜ .•°*”˜˜”*°•. .•°*”˜ Happy New Year ﹗ ˜”*°•. •°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°* ”˜ ˜”*°•.˜”*°•.˜”* °
Dec 31 2012, 06:55 AM
You probably know what is the longest word in English language. Yes, it is “SmileS” bcoz there is mile between the two “S” (S mile S). And the best of all it is FREE It costs absolutely nothing for you, but can mean the world to the person who receives it! so please spread smiles everywhere.:) and HåpPý ñêW ýêÄR...2013...wîth underwôød wîñê,Xáñtê,ShéèP DìP Sçøtçh...... :) *****¤***** a.D
Dec 31 2012, 06:48 AM
Never hate the people who are jealous of U… Instead love them, Bcoz they are the ones who believe that U are better than them..! xD frm mä ôWñ Xpêrîåñçê
Dec 30 2012, 09:35 AM
$$$$$$$$__$$$________$$$_____$$$_____$$$ $$$$$$$$$__$$$$$____$$$$$___$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$________$$$_$$__$$_$$$__$$$____$$$____ $$$ $$$________$$$___$$___$$$__$$$___________ $$$ $$$$$$$$___$$$________$$$___$$$_________$ $$ $$$________$$$________$$$____$$$_______$$ $ $$$$$$$$$__$$$________$$$______$$$$$$$$ - +88________________ __/////////////////////////////////______ __//////////////////////////////////______ _////////////$$$$$$$$$$$///////_____ _///////////$$$$_____$$////////_____ _////////// __$$$____$$$$///_____ _////////$$$$$$$$$$$$$/////_____ _////// $$$$$$$$$$$$$////_______ _///// $$$$$$--$$$$$ _________ _ // ___$$$$$$$$$$_________ _ / ______$$$$$____________ _^$$$b______________e$$$"_ _d$$$$$e__________z$$$$$b_ 4$$$*$$$$$c____.$$$$$*$$$r _""____^*$$$be$$$*"____^"_ __________"$$$$"__________ ________.d$$P$$$b_________ _______d$$P___^$$$b_______ ___.ed$$$"______"$$$be.___ _$$$$$$P__________*$$$$$$_ 4$$$$$P____________$$$$$$"
Dec 20 2012, 09:36 PM
BêåûtY cån't make löVê, bt lôVë cAñ maKê beåûtý... ürr hêårt is lîke å mûSïc.... plåý ït...bt döñt plåý wîth îT........Mý thïñK....

Jan 05 2013, 09:13 PM

Mis-understandi ngs : Must read this conversation:-) Mý girl: Do i ever cross ur mind? Mê: No Girl: Do you like me? Mè: Not really.. Girl: Do you want me? Më: No Girl: Would you cry if I left? Mè: No Girl: Would you live for me? Mê: No Girl: Would you do anything for me? Më: No Girl: Choose me or ur life.. Mê: my life, "Mý girl runs away in shock and pain and um jst stnd alone in the rain she never bilved me... and real mean of my talk was dat:::- (The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind. The reason why I don't like you is because I love you. The reason I don't want you is because I need you. The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left. The reason I wouldn't live foryouis because I would die foryou. The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you...) "The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life..." dats my -----/:/------/ ----/:/------/ ---/:/------/ --/:/------/ -/:/------/ /:/------/ \:\------\ -\:\------\ --\:\_____\ ---\/____/ ------_____ -----/\------\ ----/::\------\ ---/:/ \:\------\ --/:/ --\:\------\ -/:/ ----\:\------\ /:/ ------\:\------\ \:\------/:/ ------/ -\:\----/:/ ------/ --\:\--/:/ ------/ ---\:\/:/ ------/ ----\::/------/ -----\/____/ -----_____ ----|:|------|- -_____ ----|:|------|- /\____\ ----|:|------|/ :/------/ ----|:|------/ :/------/ ----|:|-----/:/ ------/ ----|:|----/:/ ------/ ----|:|---/:/ ------/ ----|:|--/:/ ------/ ----|:|-/:/ ------/ -----\:/:/ -----/ ------\/____/ -------_____ ------/\------\ -----/ ::\------\ ----/:/\ \------\ ---/:/--\ \------\ --/::\---\ \------\ -/:/\:\---\ \____\ -\:\-\:\__\/ ____/ --\:\-\/____/ ---\:\------\ ----\:\____\ -----\/____/ bt its dream.....

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Dec 31 2012, 09:14 AM

*★Happy ★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • •。★New Year★ 。* 。 ° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _II_____*。*˚ ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/- \。˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | - - |[ ]| ”˜˜”*°•. ˜”*°• . •°*”˜ .•°*”˜˜”*°•. .•°*”˜ Happy New Year ﹗ ˜”*°•. •°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°* ”˜ ˜”*°•.˜”*°•.˜”* °

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Dec 31 2012, 06:55 AM

You probably know what is the longest word in English language. Yes, it is “SmileS” bcoz there is mile between the two “S” (S mile S). And the best of all it is FREE It costs absolutely nothing for you, but can mean the world to the person who receives it! so please spread smiles everywhere.:) and HåpPý ñêW ýêÄR...2013...wîth underwôød wîñê,Xáñtê,ShéèP DìP Sçøtçh...... :) *****¤***** a.D

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Dec 31 2012, 06:48 AM

Never hate the people who are jealous of U… Instead love them, Bcoz they are the ones who believe that U are better than them..! xD frm mä ôWñ Xpêrîåñçê

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Dec 30 2012, 09:35 AM

$$$$$$$$__$$$________$$$_____$$$_____$$$ $$$$$$$$$__$$$$$____$$$$$___$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$________$$$_$$__$$_$$$__$$$____$$$____ $$$ $$$________$$$___$$___$$$__$$$___________ $$$ $$$$$$$$___$$$________$$$___$$$_________$ $$ $$$________$$$________$$$____$$$_______$$ $ $$$$$$$$$__$$$________$$$______$$$$$$$$ - +88________________ __/////////////////////////////////______ __//////////////////////////////////______ _////////////$$$$$$$$$$$///////_____ _///////////$$$$_____$$////////_____ _////////// __$$$____$$$$///_____ _////////$$$$$$$$$$$$$/////_____ _////// $$$$$$$$$$$$$////_______ _///// $$$$$$--$$$$$ _________ _ // ___$$$$$$$$$$_________ _ / ______$$$$$____________ _^$$$b______________e$$$"_ _d$$$$$e__________z$$$$$b_ 4$$$*$$$$$c____.$$$$$*$$$r _""____^*$$$be$$$*"____^"_ __________"$$$$"__________ ________.d$$P$$$b_________ _______d$$P___^$$$b_______ ___.ed$$$"______"$$$be.___ _$$$$$$P__________*$$$$$$_ 4$$$$$P____________$$$$$$"

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Dec 20 2012, 09:36 PM

BêåûtY cån't make löVê, bt lôVë cAñ maKê beåûtý... ürr hêårt is lîke å mûSïc.... plåý ït...bt döñt plåý wîth îT........Mý thïñK....

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