When you are standing in the rain and it's getting dark,it feels like the world is trying to bring you down.Remember, 1 love, 1 heart, BOTDF! Ya Dunn Goofed, by Blood On The Dance Floor
Lol okay so// about me? I guess I should write about me??
I´m just a human specimen living on a small wet rock called earth in a vast universe. I´m a sucker for aesthetic, especially space because I love space.
I love bands {obviously} Like Mcr, P!atd,, ptv, bmth and like about a hundred more.
I suck with making friends and with people in general. My humor is somewhat offensive and edgy af.
A sucker for memes and anime.
I like being dramatic.
Bro idk what else to say about myself. W h o a m I
I exist yay?
apathetic af