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How confused you must be finding love in the blood that you bleed, but the truth is that I see what you say, that its hard to be me... Scars, by SayWeCanFly

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - iifuckedyourmom


35 / Female / limerick, Ireland
Straight / Single
Member since: Feb 15, 2011
Last online: Oct 14, 2013

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Haii there :)
I'm Áine..
Lovee piercings
Chewing on random bits of plastic is my addiction (:
Lovee in General
Friends are my everything <3
Partyy - vodkaa :]
Music pickles my taxii
Lovee talking to YOU (yes, you :]) so comment me, add me, let's talk.. S'all good ^^
That is all....

Take me in the bathroom
Take my clothes off
Make love to me up against a dirty wall
Cause I can’t wait to get you home ♥


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Emo Pictures - 8r0n70
Feb 25 2011, 08:04 AM
Haha. Useless, that bad? :p i use my phone if, god forbid, my net is down. :p I've seen a couple that didn't quite meet my expectations :p Haha. Never been there, would be fun to see the city none the less. Assume it's less gay then where i live. And i want to see sage. One i work with might still be able to save me :p
Emo Pictures - 8r0n70
Feb 24 2011, 03:23 PM
That's ok ^^ Haha. Well, good thing you fixed it :D It really does. But on the other end, concerts that dissapoints are really sucky :p Yeh. It is. And I can't go :( And looks like I won't be able to go to Dublin in April either. Problems with getting the day off that I need. So meh. Sucks to be me :p Yeh. It really does. Haha. Sounds like me. Make decent money, still all out before next paycheck :p
Emo Pictures - Thomis
Feb 23 2011, 07:42 AM
haha noo if you get it wrong you get nothhhing mwahahaha :p
Emo Pictures - 8r0n70
Feb 22 2011, 12:56 AM
Haha. That's good ^^ I guess most vinyl fans says that. ^^ Hehe. I'm sure you'd like it. Was a concert that I actually thought was better then I expected :) Yeh. It is rather gay. Rock, punk and hip-hop. Big swedish festival. Hehe. Well, I'd need some cash to travel to Ireland for a show. Which I don't have atm. Damn. Was worth a try ^^
Emo Pictures - 8r0n70
Feb 20 2011, 05:01 PM
Haha. That's good. Else I'd be abit offended :p Seeing me like a "daddy-guy" :p Hehe. If you put the same song on vinyl up to an mp3 on a decent stereo, you hear a big differense ^^ Haha. You should've been there then ;D They were pretty good ;) Yeh. It is. But can't go to it cause of my brother. >.< Checked it now, it's a normal show at a place called whelans in Dublin. Still would be cool to see him. As he doesn't tour much these days. :o You should share with me *puppy eyes*
Emo Pictures - 8r0n70
Feb 20 2011, 04:39 PM
Hehe. Understand ^^, Haha. I kinda hope you didn't do an age-reference there :p Well, I understand him. The soundfeel you'll get from vinyl is so much more real then from digital. :) Ahh. That might be where I saw them play. Checked download line-up breifly, wasn't that interesting. I've seen Soad live, yeh ^^ Peace & Love in Sweden. Were a few others I wanted to see there as well. But can't have it all :p In Dublin I don't remember if it was just 1 regular show or something. Haha. Be sure to share some with me :D
Emo Pictures - 8r0n70
Feb 20 2011, 04:27 PM
Haha. Sounds like the female version of me ^^ I found them pretty nice. Ordered their debut on vinyl. Looking forward gettingit ^^, Yeh. I think I saw them in some festival line-up this summer. Pretty decent live actually (: I miss one festival I really wanted to go to, my brother is celebrating his 30th b-day >.< Only option I got to see Sage Francis, is Dublin, abit far to go to see one artist :o Hehe. You can take test for it ^^
Emo Pictures - 8r0n70
Feb 20 2011, 04:09 PM
Haha. Well, I've thought fuck-it for a month now, so it was long overdue ^^ You can't be THAT lazy ? :P Hehe. British duo, genre mix with influences from 60-pop and uptill nowdays dub. :) Shuffle can be nice, and can be boring ^^ Ah. System of a Down is a while since I've listened too. Hehe. Well, as long as you're not diabetic ^^
Emo Pictures - 8r0n70
Feb 20 2011, 03:51 PM
Oh. Yeh ^^, That, and a good burger :p *hi5's* I'm usually too lazy myself, but figured I had to :p Cleaning is ev0l. -_- At the moment it's Malachai. :D Ah, what's playing there ? lol. Food is awesome, as long as it's good food and sweets ^^
Emo Pictures - 8r0n70
Feb 20 2011, 03:02 PM
Hehe. Not bad, not bad ^^ Pizza is nice, ate pizza today myself. Figured I give myself a little award for being a good boy and do some cleaning today :p Well, not much really. Just listening to some music before it's sleepy time. And you ? :)
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