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I'm so far gone now I been running on empty I'm so far gone now Do you wanna take me on? [x2] Lunacy Fringe, by The Used

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - xAliciaMidFreakx


Alicia MindFreak<3
28 / Female / Tampa, United States
Bisexual / Single
Member since: Jul 10, 2011
Last online: Jul 10, 2011

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

 But I change my mind like the days of the week. Whatever.
Anyways, my name is Alicia with a "ia" not an "ee" or "ie". If you add me you talk first, I know you won't know when I add you back, but that's life.(or unless I have it set on "friend view only") Oh well.
I take things for what they are and don't linger on too long about them because I believe life is too short, so I don't waste anytime. I like to get high more than I like to get drunk, only because of the hangovers. >.< Worst thing ever, right before children. I hate kids, end of story. I say things that may be weird, If you don't reply I completely understand, no hard feelings. but if you are boring, rude, perverted, uninteresting, boring, or perverted, then byebye to you^.^
the 10 digit number that leads to my life, is sacred and is only given to the highly trusted people. I have a boyfriend and he is the best, perfect without trying. Now that we have that cleared up ready for the fun stuff?(I'm lying)
Friends. Ummm, hmmm, I don't really have "Best" friends, but friends. People I hangout with every now and then. I don't like being locked down to one specific group, I like to be alone too. But I do care about them. Just because they're good people. but moral story here i'm an independent birdie! (:
I fancy the music in this world along with the people who were destined to create it. whoever they may be, magic. I like fantasy, but I like me and the people around me to be real. I like make-up, and writing. Those two have nothing in common except for I like them both and so do a lot of other people. I'm a good little chickie-dee. if I message you I may call you weird names don't take offense. And be forewarned, I may not always be in the best mood, so you may not receive the best response. Tah-dah! I'm done here, I think! (:

Favourite Music

Favourite Films / TV / Books

You ran home, tears pouring down your face, you could hear his voice calling your name over and over, that only made you run faster.. everything was going wrong, Your parents kept fighting and you just caught your boyfriend of 6 months kissing some blonde girl you didnt know. Your were slightly blinded by your tears but kept running. You ran to the woods and fell to the ground crying.

"______!!!" you heard his voice scream again.

You stayed quiet still crying silently. You knew that he would find you but no words could come out of your mouth.

"______..." his voice whispered.

You could hear the wood chips crack and looked up, he stood there staring at you with teary eyes, you looked away from them since they were the eyes that made you fall in love with him.

"go.. away.. Jay.." you choked out.

"NO! _____, i'm not leaving you!" he sobbed.

You looked up at him givin him your death glare.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" you screamed.

"I didnt kiss her back!" he cried.

You rolled your eyes and got up and turned around looking at the dark woods, he grabbed your wrist and you turned around instantly.

"let go" you managed to say through clenched teeth.

he dropped his hand, you ran him, leaving him there crying, you ran home not caring if your parents were fighting or not. You opened the door, there wasnt a sound, you gently closed it and saw a note on the coffee table, you picked it up and it read
          Honey, Me and you dad have gone to get help.. we know you dont like it when we fight and we dont want to put you through it any longer, we'll be back in about 2 weeks, we're sorry for not giving you notice but we couldnt put it off.. we left you 1000 dollars in the safe for you to get food and all. see you when we get back. Love Mom & Dad xx

You dropped the note and sat on the couch, putting your head in your hands. You thought about when you and Jay first met 6 months ago, you loved his chocolate brown hair and his dark eyes, you thought he was the one but you realised you were wrong. Tears rolled down your face as his words ran around in your head 'i promise i'll never hurt you :) i love you' you shook your head and locked the door. You plugged in your ipod and listened to Violent kiss by eyes set to kill. You sang along to the words trying to forget Jay, knowing that wouldnt be possible since you had school with him tomorrow not to mention every class. You grabbed your notebook from under your pillow and started writing..
'i knew it was too good to be true, everything he ever said to me was a lie.. i still love him, that will never change no matter how badly i wish i didnt love him.. my heart is broken and nobody can fix it. I saw his face when i caught him, he looked shocked, confused and sad.. i'll always love him, but i got to move on... i'm not going to give him the satisfaction of thinking that my heart is broken...
_______ x

You closed the notebook and put it back under your pillow, you fell asleep soon after breading waking up to see his face again.
When you woke you redid your makeup, put on your black faded skinnys, Bullet For My Valentine tee and dark blue hoodie. You grabbed your bag and ipod and walked out. you blasted All Your Hate by Black Veil Brides. When you got to school you saw Jay leaning against his locker, his eyes were blood red. He looked at you, you looked down and grabbed your books and walked to class, you sat in the back. Jay came in and sat at the table next to you. During class he passed you a note.

please talk to me! :(

Why should i? 

Because i love you! she kissed me! i swear, i would never hurt you! please give me a second chance!

Let me think... oh yeah! NO! 

You threw the note back to him and he looked at you with pleading eyes and sighed. he wrote somethingo down and handed it to you but the teacher caught him.

"Mr. Black! Hope you're willing to share that note with all of us!" Mr. Webster frowned.

"erm..." Jay frowned.

Mr. Webster took the note off you and looked at it. He looked at you and the Jay.

"may i please talk to you two after class?" he asked.

"uh... sure" you mumbled.

"eh.. okay?" Jay sighed.

You looked down and the bell rang, you grabbed your bag and walked up to Mr. Websters desk, Jay was beside you looking down.

"okay... i think i have a pretty good idea what's going on" Mr. Webster frowned.

"yeah well it wasnt what she thought it was" Jay choked out.

You rolled your eyes and sat at on a table.

"no need to roll your eyes at me..." Jay muttered.

"whatever" you replied and looked down.

"please give me another fuckin chance!" Jay frowned and turned to you.

"NO!" you yelled.


"oh god please no! not with him" you begged.

"too late, you both have to come here at lunch, it will teach you both a lesson" he sighed.

You groaned and walked out. When lunch finally came you walked back to Mr. Websters class room.

"oh there you are, i have to go for a bit, Jay is gone to the bathroom and try not to kill eachother when i'm gone, thanks, bye" Mr. Webster smiled and walked out.

You rolled your eyes and started cleaning, Jay walked in and looked around.

"where's Mr. Webster?" he asked.

"had to go..." you mumbled.

"oh.." he shrugged and started cleaning the whiteboard.

You walked down to the end of the room and started wiping down tables, your back was facing Jay. You felt two arms wrap around your waist. you turned around and saw Jay, his eyes were teary and you looked away.

"let me go!" you frowned.

"no! forgive me! i love you!!!" He yelled.

"you cheated! how the hell am i meant to forgive you?!" You yelled back.

"please..." he whispered.

You looked down and he backed away. You looked at him and he was hitting his head against the wall with tears rolling down his face.

"Jay stop! you're going to hurt yourself!" you yelled.

"why do you care?" he mumbled.

"just stop!!!" you screamed.

he looked at you and blood was pouring from his forehead.

"OH GOD! JAY YOUR BLEEDING!" you screamed.

he shrugged and wiped the blood away.

"_____, i dont feel too good" he said in a faint whisper.

"JAY!!! please stay with me! i love you, i forgive you! just please dont leave me!!!" you cried.

"i love you too... never forget that" he whispered again.

his eyes closed and you grabbed your phone and called an ambulance. they took Jay to hospital and you stayed with him. you held his hand and just stared at him.

"______??? where am i?" you heard him whisper.

You snapped your gaze yo him and smiled.

"OH MY GOD! YOUR OK!" you cried with happiness.

"what happened?" he asked.

"you hit your head and it started bleeding then you passed out... oh my god i cant believe your ok!" you replied.

"i love you... i'm sorry for hurting you but ________, your my life, i love you so freakin much" he frowned.

"i love you too" you smiled and pressed your lips to his.

and it all ended in a kiss :)

Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jul 10 2011, 09:10 PM
Heya xAliciaMidFreakx welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures section. Check out the popular Emo Forums and NEW Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jul 10 2011, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the add :]
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