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Holding tight and try not to hide how I feel 'Cause feelings mean nothing now Yesterday's Feelings, by The Used

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - xThePerfectTrendx


27 / Female / Hampshire, United Kingdom
Straight / In a Relationship
Member since: Apr 13, 2011
Last online: Dec 20, 2011

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

~Ida Weronika K~

We are the unholy. We are the bastard sons of your media culture. Our minds, eyes and bodies are born for your exclusion. An illusion you hide behind. You don't love a God. You love your comfort. To you we are filth,we are dirty. So be it. We are dirty and unclean. A congregation of the unseen. Together we will set this world on fire. This is the new Religion. Amen!

''I'd rather be hated for who I am and what I stand for,than to be loved for something I am not.''

''Lables are for soup cans.''

''Life isn't about finding yourself,it's about creating yourself.''


 Sup' Hoes. ;3 My names Ida. I'm 13 years young, soon to be 14,I don't really know what to write in  these things,but hey I'll try.

I'm tough to understand. I'm not who you think I am. I'm who I know I am.

. I'm originaly from Poland,so excuse my english. I can't define my personallity. I guess you  can call it 'unique.'  I hate lables,so please don't call me 'emo' or 'scene'. I'm simpily me. I've never felt my age.  I'm a bit socially akward,but I love meeting new people. I have a passion towards art and music. I play 3 instruments- Guitar (both electric and acoustic) Drums and Piano. I also sing. Art wise I enjoy to draw anything I see. I mostly like drawing landscapes and people. I've pretty much given up on love. Yes,I've experiance love. I know I'm 'only 13' and some people might look as me as if I'm a joke,but I personally think I've matured way beyond my years. Anyways,I've be through alot in my life and I can be overally sensastive at times But that's just me.I try to help the people close to me as much as I can. Stll reading? -I fucking love you xD

Over the short 13 years I've been on this planet I've been through alot. I mean alot. I've been through abuse,both virbal and physical. I've been picked on. Heartbroken. Cheated on. Used. Kicked out. I lost someone very close to me. And so on. But overall that's made me who I am today. Although I do have major trust issues and a level of depression I try my best to take life as it comes. I try my best to be a happy person and make people happy.

~Things you might want to know about me;

Basics: Age; 13-going on 14, height; 4'11- I'm aware of being a midget,Eye colour; Dark brown,hair; black/green/blue (for now.)

Music- I listen to a bit of everything-from pop rock to death metal. Although I despise RnB. Also I'm currently a lead singer in a band,I'll post a Facebook link sometime soon.

Hobbie; skateboard,BMX,longboard,Xbox,songwrite,guitar,singing,friends,drawing,anime,Making people laugh/smile

Dislikes; Spicy food,liars,two faced people,haters,lables,clicks,chart music,abusive people,posers,big headed people.





Favourite Music


X Boyce avenue,Go Audio,Slipknot,Megadeth,Architects,Black Veil Brides,My passion,Mayday Parade,A vein attempt,Blitzkids,Iron Maiden,Slash,Guns' n' Roses,Montley Crue,Scorpions,Cinderlla,The devil wears parada,Skyeeatsairplane,Sleeping with sierns,Secondhand Serenade,Forever the sickest kids,Bring me the horizon,Whitecapel,Whitesnake,Alesana,Taking back sunday,Vampires everywhere!,August burns red,Asking Alexandria,Deaf Havana,Korn,The red jumpsuit apparatus,The glamour of the kill,30 seconds to mars,Hawthrone heights,Silverstain,Three days grace,All time low, Black Sabbath,Alexisonfire,Blessthefall,Pierce the veil, Escape the fate, Falling in reverse,Evanescene,Before you exit,

...And many more <3


Favourite Films / TV / Books

I'll read pretty much everything. (:  Mostly manga/graphic novels 

Racing faster.
Escape disaster.
Partners in crime will leave their mark.
We make our own way.
No thoughts of yesterday.
Black hearts of chrome and battle scars.


The legacy.
Born from a dream.
On leather wings.
Cross from the streets.
With our hands on destiny.

We came from nothing.
But promise one thing.
We'll change the world with these guitars.
So listen closely.
And don't stop working.
No one can tell you who you are.
(Tell you who you are)

The legacy.
Born from a dream.
On leather wings.
Cross from the streets.
With our hands on destiny.

The legacy.
Born from a dream.
On leather wings.
Cross from the streets.
With our hands on destiny!


LOOK! (look)
LOOK! (look)
LOOK! (look)
LOOK! (look)

The legacy.
Born from a dream.
On leather wings.
Cross from the streets.
With our hands on destiny.

The legacy.
Born from a dream.
On leather wings.
Cross from the streets.
With our hands on destiny.

The Legacy-Black Veil Brides. <3  

Education / Occupation

Henry Cort Community College. -.-

Who I'd Like To Meet

Black Veil Brides<3 New people.Friends.Interesting people.More people like me :3

Comments (Add Comment)

Aug 24 2011, 06:01 AM
I'm good thanks a little tired though D: Been up to much ? :3 x
Aug 24 2011, 05:59 AM
So how're you sweets ? c: x
Aug 24 2011, 05:54 AM
Thanks for the add sweets :3
Jul 21 2011, 12:26 PM
thanks :) and we plan to :)
Jul 20 2011, 03:35 PM
it's alright and thanks :) we're looking to inspire people and to make a difference, also to stand up for people like us, like bvb do :D
Apr 30 2011, 03:25 PM
Hmm, Plus meeting new people is fun you can act like a complete spazz and they don't care about getting embarresed :D.... Not that I do that or anything xP
Apr 29 2011, 03:09 PM
Eugghh that sucks ! I hate it when that happens :( So what'cha supposibly do ??
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Apr 29 2011, 11:05 AM
I saw BMTH is Birmingham. Awesome gig!
Emo Pictures - Revelation
Apr 29 2011, 03:58 AM
yup, did you go see bmth and parkway too? and im also moving to southampton in september x
Apr 28 2011, 04:26 PM
Hahaha don't be silly, You go with someone you know then lose 'em and talk to randomers ! :P
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