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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - xxangelwingsxx101


Angel Wings
28 / Female / Knoxville tn, United States
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since: Jan 13, 2013
Last online: Oct 16, 2013

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I'm angel wings aka Adriana. Yuh I admit I'm trouble but nothing to bad. I have a different look on the world I see the goodness everywhere I go. But in all that goodness I feel outta place.

Favourite Music

Heavy metal, metal, rock, screamo,and basically anything too it that's got a loud beat.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

I like basically anything scary or mysterious in movies some romance like Romeo and Juliet and titanic , also cuz Leonardo dicaprio is in that. Now tv shows is a different story if u can grab my attention then I might watch it I don't like commercials. My favorite books are a child called it and the lost boy and a man named Dave all by David peeler. I don't read much ur when I do I read my own stories or, I continue wrighting my story's.

Education / Occupation

I'm in high school  

Who I'd Like To Meet

I'd like to meet anyone with a good sense of humor that can look into my soul and see an angel out of all this death, and look past my mistakes. Someone who can cry at a movie when the puppy dies and say cool when guts go everywhere.

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jan 12 2013, 11:43 PM
Thanks for the add :]
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  • Please note: Comments soEmo.co.uk considers to be totally unrelated spam will be removed.


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- 1/09/13

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May 03 2013, 10:53 PM
People say the one they really loved left them and they can't love no more well I didn't believe it till it happened to me and I believe it now cuz he hurt me and then the other one hurt me does anyone understand me IM SCREAMING OUT YET NO ONE HEARS ME it dont matter how loud I scream cuz the screams will always fade ill say it I'm not content and I'm not happy cuz I want my parents to stop worrying bout everything if I want a guy to come over its for a reason and they make my heart face when they say idk or who is he just shut up and let him come over let me be happy for a couple hours and I hate it when the guy says he loves u but then ignores u and on his fb u see his previous girlfriends idk anymore is life even worth it
Mar 26 2013, 06:22 PM
I feel like I have found the right person then I don't then when I hang up with him I cry but then there is the crush I have had forever but he leaves for the navy in August...so confused
Mar 14 2013, 08:31 PM
I was asked what emo ment. I'm like what the fuck do you mean...... Well what does being emo mean cutting and shit....NO STERIOTYPE.... Then I thought being emo it really isn't bout being a cutter it's about telling your self everything is fine when it's not but makeing your self believe it and telling ur self I'm worthless no one cares and makeing yourself believe a lie or haveing nothing and wanting something or maybe for s e people its about haveing everything but giveing it up in a second just for that one person to show u love???? What's ur definition of EMO???.
Jan 12 2013, 11:57 PM
So I was asked the other day why I don't smile anymore cuz when life gives u lemons your suppose to make lemonade and lemonade is suppose to make u happy I simply said yeh but my lemons are the old ones that have been rotten beaten and thrown around that's why I don't smile I don't have a reson to yet.....is that ok

May 03 2013, 10:53 PM

People say the one they really loved left them and they can't love no more well I didn't believe it till it happened to me and I believe it now cuz he hurt me and then the other one hurt me does anyone understand me IM SCREAMING OUT YET NO ONE HEARS ME it dont matter how loud I scream cuz the screams will always fade ill say it I'm not content and I'm not happy cuz I want my parents to stop worrying bout everything if I want a guy to come over its for a reason and they make my heart face when they say idk or who is he just shut up and let him come over let me be happy for a couple hours and I hate it when the guy says he loves u but then ignores u and on his fb u see his previous girlfriends idk anymore is life even worth it

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Mar 26 2013, 06:22 PM

I feel like I have found the right person then I don't then when I hang up with him I cry but then there is the crush I have had forever but he leaves for the navy in August...so confused

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Mar 14 2013, 08:31 PM

I was asked what emo ment. I'm like what the fuck do you mean...... Well what does being emo mean cutting and shit....NO STERIOTYPE.... Then I thought being emo it really isn't bout being a cutter it's about telling your self everything is fine when it's not but makeing your self believe it and telling ur self I'm worthless no one cares and makeing yourself believe a lie or haveing nothing and wanting something or maybe for s e people its about haveing everything but giveing it up in a second just for that one person to show u love???? What's ur definition of EMO???.

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Jan 12 2013, 11:57 PM

So I was asked the other day why I don't smile anymore cuz when life gives u lemons your suppose to make lemonade and lemonade is suppose to make u happy I simply said yeh but my lemons are the old ones that have been rotten beaten and thrown around that's why I don't smile I don't have a reson to yet.....is that ok

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