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Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xXEMO-DRUMMERXx
Posts: 30
i think that its getting out of control i need someone to talk to. i feel all alone, and people at school are making everything worse for me, they tease me, push me, they are full on bullying me because i am different from them, because i dont have lots of money, i dont think im better then anyone, i dont do what they say, and because im emo, they look down on me like they are better then me, and im not saying that they arent, but they keep pushing me, and i need to get away, but i have no one that i can talk to about how i feel, and no one understands, they all think that i am crazy, im tired of putting up with these people who are extreme stereotypes, they think that all emo/scene people should die, yet they are yelling at me to not cut myself, and they dont inderstand that they are part of the reson that i am depressed, and they just keep getting worse and worse, and i cant handle them anymore, i cant just shut them out, okay they are starting to say stuff about my dad, and they all know that he died when i was six, they are saying that my mom lied to me about dad dying from cancer and that what he really did was kill himself to get away from me, and that he was abusive, and he didnt care about me or want me, and that he would have lived longer if i hadnt have been born, but he did die from cancer and they know that, but they wont leave me alone, and it hurts so much. they knocked down the wall that was protecting me, and keeping me numb, but they kept saying stuff, and now the wall is broken and i keep getting hurt by them and they arent even giving me enough time to even try and repair the wall that i had around my heart. though i am close to the edge i dont know how much more that i can take...please please please help me, i need someone to talk to, really i do. my life is near the end if i dont find someone to talk to. please if you have any advice please tell me what to do.


Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Feb 25 2010, 12:06 PM
Lots of people get teased a bit for being emo, but the things about your dad ae totally out of order. I know talking with parents or teachers could be very hard for you. Try talking to people with lots of experience in these situations. There are lots of links here: teenadvice.about.com/od/helplines/General_Help_Lines.htm
Emo Pictures - DiEiNgInSiDe
Posts: 108
Feb 25 2010, 03:40 PM
Aww thats horrible. the saying stuff about ur dad is VERY low, no one should ever bring family into things like that. you can talk to me, i'll gladly listen cos i know how hard life can be some times and i know that talking to some one older like a adult normally doesn't work cos they don't understand most of the time but i promise to try to understnad every thing ur going threw, u can tell what ever and i'll listen.
Emo Pictures - XxCrazyEmoBumxX
Posts: 90
Feb 25 2010, 04:56 PM
I is sowie :( reading that made cry. that's so horrible. I thought people treated me like shit but now I realize people have it worse than me. But you can talk to me. I'm here for you :). If I was at your school, I would go beat the shit out of all those trash talking losers
Emo Pictures - eleventynine
Posts: 536
Feb 25 2010, 10:04 PM
thats awful D= i read the whole thing and i just wanted to fly over there and beat the shit outta them. sry i cant be of any help but i feel bad for u having to put up with this stuff and the things about ur dad is just sick for them to even mention it. honestly i dont know what if feels like to be in that situation but like kristina and ashley, im also here to listen if you want to talk
Emo Pictures - Eve_Eve
Posts: 75
Feb 26 2010, 04:05 AM
God!! those fuckers are so out of control!! I swear I'm so pissed of right now! Well, I've been bullied once before at school and it totally devastated me and since that day i started to work out. I've been bullied again after, but i dealt with it Good! i beat the hell out of her while everyone was watching; yeah i got expelled for a while but since that day no one has ever bullied me again! I became famous of violence and my muscles got pretty clear. From that day on, all bullies fear me! ( Bullies are just a bunch of bored, confused cowards thinking that they're strong by their dump actions) You have to stand for yourself, defend your dignity in order for those maniacs to fear and respect you. And as mentioned above,We are all here for you whenever you need anything. And i'll be here for you or anyone who wants to talk, share thoughts or get any of my weird advices! ;)
Emo Pictures - Nick-Aotmzgin
Posts: 1006
Mar 01 2010, 04:41 AM
one word *screams*
Emo Pictures - xDeadollx
Posts: 29
Mar 01 2010, 05:29 AM
OMFG i can't understand why people is so mean they push you and talk bad to you just because of how you look,just because you are an emo/scene kid they think they're much better than you fuck them i understand you perfectly i've never been bullied but i feel alone most of the time somedays i need someone to talk to and i just can't 'cause there's no one to listen and when i try to talk about how i feel with some friends they just say that it isn't that important that it's me who makes every thing bigger so if you ever need someone to talk to be sure to talk o me you're not alone and luckily when you end high school those stupids will disappear from your life and you'll be free to be who you are ^.^ <33
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Mar 10 2010, 05:53 PM
I no how u feel exactly we have like 25 emo/scene kids in 8th grade alone but most of them are posers and attention seekers so us real emos stick together (not wit the scene kids cuz they dont like us) and wenevr 1 gets bullied we all stick up for tht person hell i take on drama and bullies evry day and the one thing u NEED 2 no is NVR let them see tht they upset u i got ina fight friday and i was pissed 2 the point of tears and she thought i upset her and so she started 2 harrass me but dont let them get 2 u and remember violence is NVR the answer (but i no how cutting helps) so if u still need some1 to talk 2 i can help, just not about ur dad cuz i have no experience w/ tht
Emo Pictures - XXsorrowfulsuicideXX
Posts: 365
Apr 17 2010, 07:27 AM
i know what your going through people were like that to me last year. i will be here and listen nonjudgementally if you want to talk to me i know how hard it is to talk to parents and adults like i said ill be here if you want to talk
Emo Pictures - Dhurkst
Posts: 41
Apr 17 2010, 07:21 PM
Protesting or ignoring them won't do anything. The only thing that will work on these subhuman, fleshy sacks of feces and urine is physical violence. Normally, I don't condone this, but you have no choice but to MAKE them leave you alone. A line has to be drawn somewhere. I'll be frank: IF YOU DON'T MAKE THEM STOP, IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE!!! STOP TAKING IT, AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! You have no reason not to do something about it. To do something about it would be to defend your self esteem and pride, and worth as a human being. Bullies areanimals. When an animal attacks you, you don't ask it to stop. You MAKE it stop, because it you don't, it will claw out your eyes and tear your throat out with a smile on it's face.
Emo Pictures - EmoWeirdo
Posts: 41
May 09 2010, 12:18 PM
i think you should draw, && scream out loud ur feelings ... hit something . && wen u c them just remeber they're jerks && that they dont have a life. && about ur dad dont feel bad cuz u kno the truth ... && he loved u . If u show them dat wat they say dont hurt u anymore that would weak them =) . hope this helps

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