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This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, by Three Days Grace

Emo Forums » Emo Fashion (Reply)

Posts: 5
How to get that "scene" fringe?! Jan 28 2013, 01:13 PM
I've been trying for 2 YEARS now to get something like that and every time I try to cut myself a fringe it ends up looking terrible. JUST TERRIBLE! I want something like this: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/232/3/0/amber_mccrackin_by_chikokishimaru-d5btd88.jpg HELP!!!


Emo Pictures - SinnerSuicide
Posts: 31
Jan 28 2013, 01:39 PM
Why not find the nearest alternative hair stylist near you and watch how they cut it and that? If not, look on youtube and the likes for tutorial videos. :)
Posts: 66
Jan 28 2013, 01:50 PM
That's a razor cut... Pretty complicated (and pretty hard on the hair too- needs alot of maintenance just so you know). I'd suggest finding a good stylist to do it rather than trying to do it yourself. However if you still want to do it yourself you'll need special razor-scissors like these: http://www.sephora.com/stainless-steel-thinning-shears-P0412?om_mmc=Googlepla,_requestid=42976,cm_mmc=us_search-_-GG-_-pla-_-,ci_src=17588969,ci_sku=121392 You'll also need a good, sharp pair of regular hair cutting scissors. Hope this helps :)
Emo Pictures - -FiFi-
Posts: 212
Jan 28 2013, 01:51 PM
Don't cut it yourself? go to someone who has had the training and whatnot with cutting hair for it's not just getting some scissors and cutting your hair... i found when i use to have you could say an 'emo' fringe, she would cut it with scissors yes but then razor the ends and layers etc.... I would say never do your own hair.. even hairdressers probably do not do their own hair for they cant see what they are doing. Take what image/s you need and go to the hairdressers or ring up a hairdresser to do it will probably come out then... and to be honest... hair is hair really... it's just what you make of it..
Posts: 5
Jan 29 2013, 04:03 PM
So you got it cut? My hairstylist doesn't know how to do that kind of fringe
Emo Pictures - KattKandy
Posts: 7
Jan 30 2013, 10:31 AM
take a bic razor rip the little white bottem part of so that the blade is completely showing. for bangs start at the far eyerow and work your way down in an angle then for the rest do the same only dont like actually chop it off just run the razor down your hair starting from just above the ear and end just below the shoulder... trust me a salon won't do shit for you.. or just get a friend who cuts their own hair similar and get them to do it for you
Posts: 5
Jan 31 2013, 05:32 PM
Yeah that's why I asked.. my hairstylist has no idea what a scene fringe is. Well thanks!
Posts: 1726
Feb 01 2013, 09:09 AM
well i have a normal stright one and i have done modeing for scee sites soo trut what ever you get done will lokk cool use a razor is ya having alot of trubbl!! x

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