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I dont care if youre sick i dont care if youre contagious i would kiss you even if you were dead i dont care if youre contagious, by Pierce The Veil

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - MidnightMoon
Posts: 18
Please help... Dec 15 2014, 01:35 PM
I feel like everything in my life is falling apart bit by bit First it was just a few things going wrong that I didn't take any notice of, but then things started getting worse. My dad ignores me most of the time, he never tells me what he does, and he always chooses his girlfriend over spending time with me, so I barely get to see him anymore. My 'best friend' never talks to me anymore, and prefers to hang around with the people at college, she makes plans with them to go shopping and things like that, without inviting me. Everyone at college keep saying that they don't want me around, and that I should of taken a different course, others say that they're just joking around, but they never say it to anyone else. I feel like they're all out to get me, and that they all talk about me behind my back, and laugh about me and what I do. I barely go outside anymore, because I'm too scared of what people will do to me. I'm just really paranoid all the time, that everyone's talking about and laughing about me in the street, and I just don't know what to do. My boyfriend broke up with me today, saying that he doesn't have any time for a relationship, yet all weekend he was with his ex, ignoring me I'm just fed up, and tbh I don't want to live anymore, but my brothers need me, and I need help, but I don't know where to go


Posts: 27
Dec 15 2014, 02:17 PM
well if you are totaly down and broken, things can just get better :) or if they are getting even worth then you did not reach the bottom yet but soon it will get better so life on and wait for it
Emo Pictures - Deathbatx1
Posts: 9
Dec 16 2014, 11:32 AM
Stay strong <3
Emo Pictures - Crankor
Posts: 79
Dec 16 2014, 05:54 PM
Think about your actions torwards there responses over the past months or back to when it started. Sounds like they've made up their mind about the type of person you are and could be several reasons what or why that is. Just could be there views differ enough that they don't want to see or have common ground. Could be considered a lack of maturity on their part. Doesn't mean anything is wrong with you or who you are, just some people stand out enough in difference and it's harder to find relatable people to be around.
Emo Pictures - EyeWings
Posts: 287
Dec 17 2014, 06:19 PM
I agree with Crankor. I think that your friends' behaviour towards you says more about them than it does about you. Truly loyal friends know what it is to suffer hardship in their lives from time to time and will know to support you in your time of need not abandon you. If they can not find the time to spend time with you (even if you arent at your best) then they are being very uncompassionate and perhaps best avoided as they clearly are not the best company for you. I do think you should try and deburden yourself of the thought that everyone is out to get you. sometimes, when someone we thought was a friend goes sour it can make us vulnerable and think everyone is against us, but its not the case. You must rid yourself of thinking you are to blame and that somehow everyone suddenly hates you as a result. Try mixing with different people or perhaps joining a social group where other people are experiencing similar things, don't let a few bad experiences chip away at your self confidence. Be proud of who you are!
Posts: 21
Dec 18 2014, 03:46 PM
I promise you it'll get better but you need to talk to someone you can always message me if you like and i'll do my best to help

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