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Emo Forums » Emo Fashion (Reply)

Emo Pictures - XxXKingForADayXxX
Posts: 44
How to convince your parents to get piercings/hair dye! Sep 09 2015, 06:39 PM
So I am on the verge of asking my parents for my hair to be dyed red and for me to get my first piercing. To help others who may need some guidance into convincing your parents to get one, check out these videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=314prZMMSZI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJaxWbDj2e8 (There are more on YouTube, so feel free to check those out too!)


Emo Pictures - Arkaine
Posts: 21
Sep 19 2015, 07:20 PM
I think Addy did a great job on giving a strategy, how to convince your parents to let you do this stuff. My strategy would be quite alike. I think the easiest way would be, to get it on slowly. My 2 strategies: Hair Dye Ask your parents, to let you dye one streak of hair over the holidays (doing that when you have no school always works best!). If you have a fringe, you can be more brave and try to convince them, to let you dye the whole fringe. Also, you should start with a pretty normal color at first. If you have dark hair, maybe a blond strand, if you have blond hair, maybe a darker strand. If your parents are more open-minded, you also can try something more fancy, like red (works best, because it comes closest to a natural color, when looking at all the vibrant stuff). You should then try to keep the dyed hair and go to school with it. After some time, your parents will get used to your dyed hair and from time to time you can change your hair color to something more vibrant, like purple or dark blue, but try not to change the color more than once every 1-2 months. Parents will get the impression, you dye your hair too often and you will break them (which actually is pretty possible). Also keep in mind, that adults have a different feeling of time. I already experience that myself. While half a year seems a long time for young people between 10-18, for adults it feels like 3-4 weeks, so too much change in such a short period of time will be noticed. After more time (maybe 1 year) your parents will get used to the fact, that you are more of the alternative type and propably don't mind, if you want to dye all of your hair (especially, if you tell them frequently, that you will change them to a "normal" color, when you're planning to look for a job). Piercings Same as with the hair: Start with something, that won't catch too much attention. Earrings are always a good start and getting more earrings will open their minds even more. Also, if you like tunnels, you can simply buy expanders without your parents permission, because no shop dealer cares about that and there is absolutely no law forbidding this. A huge advice from my side, when stretching your ear lobes: SLOW DOWN! Only strech them 1mm at a time and only once per 2-4 weeks. You can stretch them 2mm at once, but then you should give your ear lobes more time to regenerate from the damage. Also, try to take your time while stretching them. Use baby oil on the expander (this works like wonders) and push them through your lobe within half an hour (not less). Also, try not to exaggerate with the size at first. From my experience (I have very strict parents) 10mm is just a nice size for starters with piercing-stuff (took me 3/4 a year to get them to that size). Right now mine are 12mm, but that's something, parents won't notice anymore. When you're going for facial piercings, lemme give you one awesome advice: Start with a septum piercing. It simply works best for one reason: You can hide it. A septum piercing is the only facial piercing, you can really hide. You can turn it inside your nose and it is unperceivable. Tell this to your parents and if you don't like it anymore, you can take it out and no one will ever see a piercing scar (also tell this to your parents). The same rule as in dyeing hair applies here (parents will get used to your "crazyness" :P ). Also a fun fact: If you got goth parents you won't have a problem at all, because they will let you pierce your face a gazillion times from the start, since they see piercings the same way as you. Period.

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