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Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost, it's empty and cold without you here to many people to ache over. Seize the Day, by Avenged Sevenfold

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Emo Pictures - DaRk_CaRniVal
Posts: 475
The Therapist Confuses Me Oct 28 2015, 08:15 PM
So my (main) problem: I struggle to socialize with people in the "real world". In a way, I find it easier to talk to people online, which I do about 90% of the time. Bad, right? It doesn't help when you're parents refuse to let you go out, on your own.. Yup, I can't leave my house/garden unless specifically asked to. So, I rely on WiFi so that I can actually talk to people. However, my parents have problems with this, some which I can understand like, some people I talk to, I dont know personally. For example, people here. I get that talking to people on the internet is a problem for some people. Not all people are the actual people they claim to be, etc etc. The part which confuses me is that my parents, and therapist, want me to socialize more. How am I supposed to do that? If I'm not to trust anyone online, and I shouldn't talk to strangers, how? I'm naturally that quite person who sits at the back, with one or two friends. Its impossible for me to actually get up and say 'hi' to someone without feeling awkward ._. I just cant understand what they want me to do about it..


Emo Pictures - Crankor
Posts: 79
Nov 07 2015, 09:00 PM
You don't have to trust someone to be considered a "light" friend. The only time trust really gets involved is when you talk about personal matters and 90% of people you will socialize in the the "real world" have no interest to talk about that stuff.

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