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A drop in the ocean A change in the weather I was praying that you and me might end up together It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven A Drop In The Ocean, by Ron Pope

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Posts: 44
Cant believe im saying goodbye at 16 Mar 28 2017, 01:24 AM
Ya i cant believe im saying goodbye, i recently got back in to selfharm, failing school, ruined my future, cant stop my curiousity, i dont know what to do in life i fucked it up so bad, i know '' life gets better'' or ''its not worth it'' but i cant deal with knowing how horrible the world is. Those cuts you saw mom,aren't from skateboarding, they are attempted suicides. I messed everything up. I need punishment for what i did. Sorry family, friends, everyone who loved me. Im Sorry but tonights my last, goodbye soemo


Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18232
Mar 28 2017, 08:26 AM
Only 16.. honestly you do have a future. Please reconsider *hugs*
Posts: 44
Mar 28 2017, 07:05 PM
Hey, im better now, i was talikng to a friend last night, we wer talking and i opened up to him. And i feal better. I throughn my blades out. Im gonna see a therapist. Sorry about that *hugs*
Emo Pictures - Erebus
Posts: 149
Mar 28 2017, 09:13 PM
Ah, it's good to see you live. Throwing your blades out? That's good. It's a step forward. As for therapy, It's possible they could hospitalize you, but it's only to help you. Best of luck.
Posts: 44
Mar 29 2017, 12:45 AM
Thanks =)
Emo Pictures - Emotaku40
Posts: 14
May 13 2018, 02:28 AM
I know life sucks, it's sht, it's hateful, destructive, so sad, horrible. But the fact that we are cowards will lead us to tomorrow, sometimes is good to feel sad, it let's out the part that we can't show to the people around us. Good luck with recovering ;)
Emo Pictures - holy
Posts: 78
May 15 2018, 03:36 AM
You're 16, you're still just a baby. Things may be difficult now, but you're stronger than whatever life throws your way. Don't take the self harm and failing in school as a sign of defeat - because it's not. You haven't been defeated until there's nothing left of you. And the goal is to ensure you remain undefeated. And I know you can do it. It is not up to you to punish yourself for things you feel have gone wrong. If you think you've caused something to happen in a negative manner, don't dwell on it. Not everything goes as planned. I've had plenty of negative experiences (though I'm much older than you are, so most of my experiences are irrelevant to you) as well, where I've definitely thought I've messed up beyond repair. But everything can be fixed with time and persistence. Instead of cutting yourself, try slashing with a red marker, snapping an elastic band, or even adding red paint to an elastic band and snapping that on yourself. It sounds silly, but it can help. As for school, if you really want to, you will have plenty of opportunities to redo your education and even expand on it. I failed a lot of classes in school myself, and almost had to do an extra year. But at the end of the day, that one extra year of school wont amount to anything. You have a lot of experiences, especially those pleasant ones, ahead of you. Life is full of surprises. I never thought I would be where I am today (I tried to kill myself at 14, I'm now 25 with a beautiful daughter, definitely not where I thought I would be). Things get better if you let them. Dwelling on the negatives and expecting the negative outcomes can set you up for failure. I think it's time to focus on more positive things. What are your hobbies? What are your aspirations? Look to those. Even the seemingly most simple of things can be more than enough reason to put up with the hardships and strive for a better future.
Emo Pictures - holy
Posts: 78
May 15 2018, 03:36 AM
You're 16, you're still just a baby. Things may be difficult now, but you're stronger than whatever life throws your way. Don't take the self harm and failing in school as a sign of defeat - because it's not. You haven't been defeated until there's nothing left of you. And the goal is to ensure you remain undefeated. And I know you can do it. It is not up to you to punish yourself for things you feel have gone wrong. If you think you've caused something to happen in a negative manner, don't dwell on it. Not everything goes as planned. I've had plenty of negative experiences (though I'm much older than you are, so most of my experiences are irrelevant to you) as well, where I've definitely thought I've messed up beyond repair. But everything can be fixed with time and persistence. Instead of cutting yourself, try slashing with a red marker, snapping an elastic band, or even adding red paint to an elastic band and snapping that on yourself. It sounds silly, but it can help. As for school, if you really want to, you will have plenty of opportunities to redo your education and even expand on it. I failed a lot of classes in school myself, and almost had to do an extra year. But at the end of the day, that one extra year of school wont amount to anything. You have a lot of experiences, especially those pleasant ones, ahead of you. Life is full of surprises. I never thought I would be where I am today (I tried to kill myself at 14, I'm now 25 with a beautiful daughter, definitely not where I thought I would be). Things get better if you let them. Dwelling on the negatives and expecting the negative outcomes can set you up for failure. I think it's time to focus on more positive things. What are your hobbies? What are your aspirations? Look to those. Even the seemingly most simple of things can be more than enough reason to put up with the hardships and strive for a better future.

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