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Posts: 17
more sexuality & gender options please!! Jul 23 2017, 09:49 AM
It was very uncomfortable for me to have to choose a gender i don't identify with. please add more options! I think many more people would want to join the site if there were more gender & sexuality options :) I wasn't going to join because of that at first, but then i figured "screw it" and joined anyway. But it would've been a much more enjoyable and comfortable experience if i could've put the gender & sexuality I identify with. Think about it, even facebook, which is one of the largest social media platforms, has more gender options than simply male or female. The world is changing, and I say we change with it! after all, we're one of the most outcasted communities out there, we should welcome anyone who wants to be part of it with open arms.


Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
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Jul 23 2017, 11:40 PM
What option/s would you want adding exactly?
Posts: 7
Jul 23 2017, 11:41 PM
There's two genders. Male and Female.
Posts: 17
Jul 24 2017, 12:49 AM
Well for me in particular, I identify as being agender (without a gender/genderless) but a simple "other" option would do or perhaps a "add custom gender" option would be in order. and as for sexualities, I myself identify as panromantic demisexual, but again, an "other" or "add custom sexuality" option would be great ^^
Posts: 17
Jul 24 2017, 12:51 AM
No, no. You're thinking of physical sexes. there is a difference between gender and sex. Physical sexes are limited to 3, but there are many more gender identities than just that :)
Posts: 75
Jul 24 2017, 09:55 PM
You know that isn't ment to be what you want to be or what do yourself identify as. It's more what you are. Nothing else says that thing. There are also ppl who chose another gender what they want to be. But I don't think you can change yourself to a furry or so. Also anything else have a gender. Also it's easier for ppl who you met maybe. So they know what you are. If you are in contact with someone they also go into your wishes like "he/she/it".
Posts: 17
Jul 24 2017, 10:54 PM
i can't exactly tell what you're saying here, but i'll try my best to understand.. from what i can tell, you're saying that the options are purely based on physicality? well, if that's true the option should be changed to say sex and not gender. And your statement "there are also ppl who choose another gender they want to be" well that's the whole reason why I'm trying to get them to add more gender options, such as a "add custom gender" option. also, what do furries have to do with this?? it's true that most species have 2 sexes, but said species do not hold the ability to think in the complex ways that humans do. and just a side note, I don't think anybody would like to be called an "it". that's objectification and i don't think anyone likes that. The gender neutral pronoun is they.
Emo Pictures - Scenedream
Posts: 6
Jul 25 2017, 01:46 AM
Add an attack helicopter option plz
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
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Jul 26 2017, 07:18 PM
^Haha :D
Posts: 17
Jul 27 2017, 01:18 AM
alright, alright. But really, in all seriousness here, i'd really love and appreciate if you could take my suggestion into consideration, even just having the option to remove the gender select thing would be fine because you can explain it in your profile bio.
Posts: 75
Jul 28 2017, 06:38 AM
I would prefer a non option, also for the age. At least it isn't good at all that ppl get forced nowadays to put something in, when they don't want to. Also there are 2 options, they put the real thing in or they put anything what doesn't suit the person in. Also I would prefer a new section of option that says what ppl want to be see as. That really would stop the confusion also when ppl are trans for example, like a boy want to be a girl, but atm he is still a boy. This makes it most of the time confusing and put in misunderstandings. So that's make it easier. Ppl could add what they want by they own, and the new options are available for all pll. If is there an option you don't like as mod you can block it. And at least to you anxiouskittn, I wasn't to be criticze you. It was more an explanation. And at least you see yourself as furry, so I thought this point would suit in this situation at best. And I don't like to call someone they, because it still holds in he/she/it. And I see it in a different language way. For example: "It bite me.", so you can put in "The dog" or "The kid" for it. Also that is not a discrimination. In english ppl use the it only for things, like car or so on. That's why this misunderstanding came up. I am sorry for that.
Posts: 52
Jul 28 2017, 02:16 PM
Personally, I'm not too fond of the idea to add all those extra names. "panromantic demisexual", I'm afraid it doesn't mean anything to me. It's rather simple for me, if you have a penis, I'll see you as male, so I'll say he. If you got a vagina, I'll see you as female, and I'll say she. What I could understand though, for the site, is that there's an option to not write anything in it. in other words, leave it blank (I don't know if it's already a possibility, just thinking out loud here.) Doesn't mean though that if you're trans, (in example, previously a girl and now a boy) that I'll keep calling you a girl, even though you're a boy now (because you have a penis). What I mean is, it keeps things simple and understandable. And if all it takes is to change "gender" to "sex" for people to feel more comfortable (although it's the nitpicking of being too confortable in my humble opinion) then so be it, I don't mind. It'd make things 100 times more troubling for me and other mods though to have all these "extra genders" which (I think I can say it for them, and if not, I'm sorry) would make things alot more complicated for the issues we deal with daily as I don't think alot of them actually know what they mean, And I don't think having to google a "gender" every 2 minutes is a good idea (surely seen that from what I hear they plan on adding much more). Anyways, that's my humble opinion.
Posts: 17
Aug 05 2017, 12:25 AM
alright.. well... i tried..
Posts: 30
Aug 05 2017, 03:21 AM
I feel like at least an "other" or "I'd rather not say" option would suffice. I felt very similarly when I was signing up and I almost didn't because of it. If Vampire Freaks can offer an "other" option, I don't see why SoEmo shouldn't also. It's 2017. The world's changing. Our emotions and expression have become a defining feature for this generation as people of all walks of life start becoming more and more accepted by the public. The true "emo" thing to do would be to add this gender/sexuality option to help people feel more at home and accepted. I'm STRONGLY in favor of this suggestion.
Emo Pictures - hiding_in_the_dark
Posts: 313
Aug 06 2017, 08:57 PM
Maybe just put in a custom option?
Posts: 30
Aug 08 2017, 12:31 AM
Come to think of it, under orientations on this website at this very moment, "Pansexual" (sexual attraction to all things regardless of biology or identity, masculine, feminine, androgynous, etc) is one of the available profile choices. I feel like a custom/other/etc option would almost have to exist to make this already existing option congruent. With only two gender options as we have it now, you might as well get rid of pansexuality and just keep bisexuality, correct? The choice would be redundant unless another option is added. Just saying...
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
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Aug 08 2017, 07:40 PM
^Thanks for the info as I really don't have much of an idea on it all.
Posts: 30
Aug 17 2017, 11:30 AM
could there be a zombie option ?
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
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Aug 17 2017, 11:38 PM
Posts: 3
Aug 21 2017, 12:11 AM
Heteroflexible might be ok for me.
Emo Pictures - hiding_in_the_dark
Posts: 313
Aug 22 2017, 03:26 AM
Honestly now that this popped up again, even just a "nonbinary" / "other" gender option would probably be good

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