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Ich tu' dir weh. Tut mir nicht Leid! Das tut dir gut. Hör wie es schreit! (english translation= I hurt you I’m not sorry It does you good Hear how it screams!) Ich tu dir weh, by Rammstein

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Posts: 548
I am a perfectionist... in life and school Feb 20 2018, 06:10 AM
Well... I have a general anxiety that if I am not the best in class then I am a failure in life itself. It’s very unhealthy and I seek therapy for a treatment.... however, I still find myself becoming an overachiever at any work I get my hands on. If I mess up... even once? I start to breakdown and have a panic attack.. which results in major crying spills. And it doesn’t stop until all my frustrations are out. In school, with my friends, I try not to burden them with my problems so I keep things bottled up inside. And when I have my crying attacks, everything just comes out all at once.


Posts: 75
Feb 20 2018, 11:23 PM
At least you make it hard for your own, also afraid to fail. It isn't bad that you want to be the best, but at least you must accept if you make a failur, you stand up again and learn from it. This is only natural. So it is important how we handle things, if we fail. And you need to know, you never be a failur! You are individual person and that makes you special! So don't eat everything into yourself, because you aren't alone and don't need to hold all the burdends alone. And I guess your friends will give you happily a helping hand, if they are real friends. Don't bother yourself.
Posts: 548
Feb 21 2018, 12:53 AM
Thank you so much... I just feel as though, I overwork myself too much. That I’ll just burn out like a flame by the time high school ends ;-; I hate the fact that I am so hard on myself. Yet I acknowledge the fact that I have this problem. I just wish it wasn’t apart of me. I never learned how to chillax I guess... to take a break
Posts: 75
Feb 21 2018, 05:54 PM
You need to find a good balance between both. If you see and accept that everyone make sometimes failurs,it getting also easier for your own. I think it is a good attitude to be focused and be a hard working person on their own, it also will help you in your future life, but finding a balance is also important to breath and getting new strength. It isn't easy to learn new things, if you getting a hold on your own habits, but if you learn and understand why you need something it is more easier. I give you a lil advice, if you do something you like, like drawing or so on, you can also relax. This can help you also in your future job.
Posts: 548
Feb 21 2018, 09:31 PM
I know this will definitely benefit me in the future, but I feel like my whole worlds revolves around being the best at something, and being able to impress my friends and family. Which is highly a stupid way of thinking, but for some reason these irrational thoughts take a hold of me every single day. I just need to learn how to accept making mistakes and that it’s okay to do so even if I get frustrated with myself in the process.
Posts: 75
Feb 22 2018, 11:17 PM
I think I see your problem now, you are looking for compliments from other ppl. Tell me if I am wrong, but it sounds like you definate yourself how ppl see you. Am I right? If we definate ourselfs by others, that isn't also a good way. But it isn't irrational to get a hold at something what you have done over plenty of years. You are use to it, so it is normal that you can't go from it easily.
Posts: 548
Feb 23 2018, 02:47 AM
Yeah that definitely sounds like me honestly... I just feel at though I’m scared of being a failure in the eyes of others, like I am going to let them down in a way?
Posts: 75
Feb 23 2018, 10:16 PM
I found this a while ago and I think you need to hear that: This moment, this is life - when a person who is in an inspirational position or hero like position, says that they believe in you and you are worth it - you are amazing. more people need to hear this kinda message in their lives - to many people parents, siblings etc are always out to criticize and tear down self esteem. We dont need that we need to know someone out there has belief in us and that we are valued. This moment - summed up such a relevant topic in such a emotional way for so many. If you have read this. You are worth it - you are amazing!! Now go and chase your dream! You shouldn't worry, you should feel well. If you feel well you give others ppl also a good feeling around you. Don't be afraid. You can do this!

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