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It's a pity all the stories about us never to be told, lost to the distance of old. I realise butterflys are following from the sky--y-y, dropping dead right before my eyes. Butterfly Maze, by Crestillion

Emo Forums » Help And Advice (Reply)

Posts: 17
Don't understand May 18 2018, 04:23 PM
I'm going off on a little bit of a rant but bear with me. I don't understand how humans can be so cruel to each other. The whole fabric of civilization is made up of lies, decite, and darkness while people like us are forced to hide ourselves in this discusting mass of slime every day. Why? Because humans break trust and show their true colors eventually. There is no reason anyone should be broken to the point they want to kill themselves or slit their skin every night as they lay awake stifling silent screams for help. No wonder we're judged when we have to hide our true forms and put on this happy go lucky facade all the time. I recently went through all this and I cannot believe how quickly a friend can become a foe. I'm not over it and I probably won't be. I just want people to be true and honest. Yet they aren't going to be. Ever. I have to hide my true colors and I can't speak my mind because I'm too young. I hate it and I want to know who else does too.


Emo Pictures - holy
Posts: 78
May 18 2018, 08:44 PM
At the end of the day, it all comes back to survival. The number one goal, of every species, is to survive. And in most cases, people will do whatever it takes to survive, even if that includes hurting another human being. Cruelty towards others is also often a learned behavior - that's what they've known their entire life. They don't know how to behave any differently. A lot of people also view anything different from what they consider normal to be a threat. You're threatening their way of thinking, their beliefs, etc. The people who break trust the most are the ones who are incapable of trusting themselves due to hefty damage in that department. You're absolutely right, there's zero reason why anyone should be broken to that point, but you also have to take into consideration that pain, even psychological, is relative, and nobody reacts the same way to certain situations. Something that may make you want to die might not make me want to die, and vice versa. Everyone is judgmental to some degree. To say you're not judgmental is to try to convince yourself that you're not human - judging others is a human quality. And it's okay to silently judge. What isn't okay is to vocalize your judgement, especially when the individual in question is unable to do anything about it or it doesn't affect you in any way. Nobody is true and honest, some are just more honest than others. We all tell lies. We all pretend, especially if we can benefit from it. And that can't be helped, it's just human nature. What we can help, is the extent to which we go. We can have friendships with trust and white lies where both people are benefiting. Being young does not invalidate your thoughts, despite what many adults think. You still deserve to have your voice be heard, especially in situations that will affect you, directly or indirectly. If you're having to hide your true self, there's actually a few things that can be at play: - The person you think you are is not really who you are. - The person you're hiding is the person you want to be, not the person you are. - You're embarrassed, ashamed, shy, etc of the person you really are. - The person you really are goes against your beliefs. You're still young, the real you is still in development. You're learning who you are. And you will continue to do so until your mid-twenties (at which point your brain development stops and the person who is shaped will be who you are).
Emo Pictures - Emotaku40
Posts: 14
May 19 2018, 12:50 AM
Yeah, there's no point in life if all you going to get is hurt. Sadly, we aren't in the other's mind to know what's wrong with 'em and whytf they're doing this to us, and you might not be the only to suffer because of them. Do you know what makes me feel like a strong minded person? No xd, ok I'll tell you anyways. My self esteem went to shit when I was bullied, and it lasted for three years. But then I realized why can't I be the cruel one? If it's self-defense, anything counts. Then I slowly and forcibly build my ego and personality all over again, as if I never had one before. I build I strong shell of isolation against others, even though I can't still make one fuckng friend, I feel better to know I achieved something so great, that values more than putting up with all the bullsht people have to say. But the most important for me is to belong to at least one group that accepts you, if people see you alone, they'll probably bully you. I still remember those days when I woke up and I prayed God crying to not let me go to school. He never listened and I went to hell everyday, so alone. I remember my "friends" not doing a thing when I was bullied, I felt like wanting to take revenge some how. If you try to find a non-fake friend, you will, you may know right now who he is or you don't have him yet, don't force yourself into someone. If he/she keeps coming back to you, even when you don't pay him attention, that's a good friend. Hope my experience helps.

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