1000's of emo guys & girls!
The sun don't shine But it never did And when it rains it f*cking pours And I think I like it Doomed, by Bring Me The Horizon
Is there anything you'd like to see added to this site or changed?
Do you want to help promote the site?
I have more spare time at the moment so have time to work on this site.
I've already started some recent changes to speed it up a bit (using memcached for the technical people)
Just some functional stuff really. Some of the buttons are blank on Safari and it would be a good feature to be able to collapse the tabs in peoples profiles by clicking the header again instead of scrolling down to open another tab
Please could you send a screenshot of the blank buttons if possible sometime?
Tabs thing is already on my list thanks for mentioning it though :)
Thanks that is odd but will look at sorting it tomorrow!
It happens sometimes with web design. Some browsers just wanna do their own thing instead of what the script tells them to do
^The button issue for you should be sorted now if you refresh.
Yup it’s sorted now 😁 thanks Matt
Also added a "x" to close the tabs on the user profiles without clicking another one (on mobile devices only)
You're so smart ^-^
Could you bring back the happy birthday messages please? I missed getting one yesterday :(
Thanks and I didn't think I'd removed them but must have!
I think you may have...or it just hates me. Either way, I didn't get one
Revert chat to old chat :) I miss it, and I'm sure others do too maybe even if it's even just a option
Also a Official Discord for Supporting the Site/Scene with the Ability to chat to people on the site sort of like a IRC chat
^ I spend a lot of time on Discord and have extensive experience with setting up, managing and moderating servers as well as bots so I could help with it if it’s a popular idea here and Matt’s okay with it
Can we have a non-binary option for the gender selection on our profiles?
Lots of spam on the forums, getting that fixed would be nice, although probably time consuming
Thanks and do try to keep on top of it!
I wish photo pages had a "like" or rating button.
What about if you misclicked a rating, or you want to change what rating you gave to some other profile for another reason?
Thanks for the suggestion relating to the ratings