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to wake up she fucks the pain, she wears make-up to hide the shame <3 bliss, by Aiden

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Etcetera


22 / Female / neverland :3, United States
Pansexual / Single
Member since: May 20, 2015
Last online: Jul 28, 2015

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Name :Amnesia
Nick Name :Bunny . idek why
Birthdate :March 10
Birthplace :usa
Current Location :in your closetc :3
Eye Color :Brown
Hair Color :Dark & Light Brown
Height :5'3 ?
Weight :101.8 ( hoping for less soon)
Piercings :2 earlobe , and a cartlidge
Tatoos :i want some
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :nah bruh
Vehicle :nah
Overused Phrase :nah , and adorable
Food :shrimp alfredo
Pub/Disc/Restaurant :friday's
Candy :milk chocolate
Number :16
Color :blue & black
Animal :horse / lion
Drink :sprite
Body Part on Opposite sex :idc really
Perfume :velvet sugar mist ( idk )
TV Show :The Walking Dead & Doctor Wjp
Music Album :why do i have to pick just one >.<
Movie :Cyberbully
Actor/Actress :shit
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing :McDonalds
Chocolate or VanillaChocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug :Hug
Dog or Cat :Dogiee
Rap or Punk :Punk , I actually can growl a little bit
Summer or Winter :Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :Both
Love or Money :Love , money doesnt last forever and if your love is true it will
Bedtime :10PM & 2AM
Most Missed Memory :not having to worry about what people said about me
Best phyiscal feature :Lips
First Thought Waking Up :' can i beg mom to let me stay home today'
Ambition :Actress
Best Friends :lmao friends?? who has friends??
Weakness :idk im unstoppable
Fears :being backstabbed by friends ,
Longest relationship :Me & Some British Kid ( forgot his name shame on me lol) 9 months
Cheated Your Partner :nah
Ever been beaten up :nah
Ever beaten someone up :nah
Ever Shoplifted :yah
Ever Skinny Dipped :nah
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :yah
Been Dumped Lately :kinda
Favorite Eye Color :Blue with a brown outline ( oh my gosh )
Favorite Hair Color :brown or blonde
Short or Long :what are we talking about here (wink wink)
Height :really tall for guys . a bit taller than me for girls
Style :who cares
Looks or Personality :cute and nice/crazy like meeee
Hot or Cutecute
Muscular or Really Skinny :skinny
What country do you want to Visit :England
How do you want to Die :jumping off a plane or fighting my predator
Been to the Mall Lately :ive been to a store
Get along with your Parents :kinda
Health Freak :nah
Do you think your Attractive :kinda
Believe in Yourself :sometimes
Want to go to College :maybe
Do you Smoke :nah
Do you Drink :nah
Shower Daily :nah just kidding of course
Been in Love :idk
Do you Sing :yah
Want to get Married :yah
Do you want Children :yah
Age you wanna lose your Virginity :idk
Hate anyone :yaaaaaahhhh
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Favourite Music

The Vamps

Black Veil Brides

Brace For Carnage

Favourite Films / TV / Books


The Walking Dead

Big Bang Theory

Rasing Hope

CyberBully *Movie*

shit imma update this when i get my lazy booty up and go get it.

Education / Occupation

who needs school

jk i need school , middle school

Who I'd Like To Meet

Everyone ! So friend me , ill accept it!

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